“Okay, m’ cunt, guys, are we all ready?” It was dawn, and outside the window a drear misty late-November morning was beginning to break, as Alison and her friends gathered in her room at Fuckers’ Hall.“Check!” they all chorused.“Okay, let’s...

Fem Dom With Wife’s Best Friend 3

"My wife and her friend now work in partnership to train and humiliate me, whilst discovering their L"

I had been away on a course for work for just over two weeks. This gave Julie, my wife's best friend who was blackmailing me, ample time to influence my wife, Sue, in the benefits of pursuing a female-led marriage. When...

Toxic Masculinity Has A Good Night

"In University getting laid was job one and Noelle and Laura gave me a night that was magna cum laude"

Back when I was in university, I optimistically looked upon any night out as a chance to meet girls.  I suppose this shouldn't be much of a revelation, since I was hardly alone in this objective.  Despite my best efforts...


"A friendship with many benefits..."

A three dimensional transparent cube, a house with the curly rings of smoke coming from the chimney, smiling daisy flowers in the sweeping meadow, and the continuous barn house with an “X” on the front of the barn door. I...

Fast Meat

"a quick meet at the fast food joint"

Daniel had always been lucky with women. He was a decent enough looking guy, six feet tall and fourteen stone with an athletic physique who spent a lot of time cycling. But for some reason, there was just something about...