Dark Angel Part 10

"Ashriel tries to prove himself worthy of Anniel"

Anniel blinked at the darkness around her. Most reapers could open portals, like Devon. She wondered if Amaranth could open one to Alpha 7. She really needed Remi’s healing fire. She was tired of not being able to see. “I...

Dark Angel Part 11

"Falling again..."

Devon had moved Alpha 7 and, as a result, they were not very far from Rhylos now. Hide in plain sight—he’d said—though not really. They were in a dead solar system, orbiting a large gaseous planet that glowed deep red....

Dark Angel Part 12

"Anniel gets her man-er-angel!"

Anniel’s wolf sense warned her of danger. The light link she had to Seth tightened and bloomed more powerful. What’s going on? I can feel your apprehension. Anniel looked around the claustrophobic elevator at the big Hazdraec and two Gorgundts....

The mood had definitely been broken. She felt sleepy when they re-entered the empty cabin. Ashriel held her close and kissed her languorously. “You look tired,” he said, his deep voice giving her chills. She smiled and murmured, “It’s been...