Do I Have To, Mistress?

"He knows he'll eventually submit, but still he makes it worse with delays."

“You know you do. 40.”“But I really didn’t mean to …”“You know that doesn’t matter. Hairbrush.”“It was just a silly …”“60.”“Please listen? I …”“You’re not listening. Bathbrush.”I know I’m not listening. Why can’t I learn to give up control? With...

Anatomy of an Affair – Part 1 – The Seeds of Revenge

"Sometimes, rekindling a marriage backfires."

Have you ever done something totally random, and then a few months or years later realize that it incomprehensibly changed your life? I’ve always thought there should be a word for the feeling that encompasses this revelation. Maybe by the...

Apartment Seven and Eight Bid a Golden Adieu

"Reminiscing and saying good-bye prove to be a challenge for Carie and Vasily"

Tuesday EveningCarie made a beeline across the hallway to the opposite apartment with a small cardboard box, a plume of annoyance trailing behind her. Pulsating thrash-techno music had been erupting from inside Apartment Seven for the past hour with the...

Welcome to Canada Part 2

"Mark and Bethany try something new"

I tuck you back into your pants and give you another kiss. Resting my head on your shoulder, you pull out of the parking lot and onto the highway, heading for your family's home. I promptly fall sound asleep. It...

Take a Hike

"Zoe needs to find a way to get along with Evan."

“I’ve never known anyone so uncoordinated in all my life.” Evan laughed as he gripped the handle on the top of Zoe’s backpack. “You’re hopeless,” he said, dragging her none too gently up onto the granite boulder where he’d spent...