Topless Punch Line – Part 2

"With Dawn occupied elsewhere, Teri makes a startling discovery..."

Teri"Going over Dawn's today?" Aunt Denise asks without looking up from the newest Uncle Henry's classifieds. The overhead kitchen bulb shimmers in her teacup and burnishes her auburn topknot. Framed in the window is one of those typical maritime days when cotton...

Can’t Stop Reading About Chicks Cheating

"Sometimes giving up that which torments us is worse than the pain we hold on to..."

“I don’t know why I do it,” he says. “I tell myself I won’t anymore, and I keep doing it anyway.”“You poor thing,” I tease. “You really can’t help yourself.”“The sex in these stories is always so hot, but it...

Lost in the Mist

"Sometimes its easy to get lost..."

I sit alone, staring into the clear, cool water, so calm and stillThe reflection of the trees makes the world look upside downGod knows it can feel that way sometimes, especially latelyThe mist hovers as it dances over the lake...

She put on a robe and walked on, into the balcony, her moonlit face a mask of secrets.As images from the past few hours flashed in front of her eyes, her face contorted in anguish. Unconsciously, she rubbed her upper arm, wincing...