Embrace the Dark, My Beloved: Part Two

"Jennifer persists with her desires to become a vampire, but she most prove her worth to Matthew."

Embrace the Dark, My Beloved: Part Two I leveled my gaze on Jennifer, purposely narrowing my eyes, and scrutinized her. Her shimmering emeralds met the cold black death in mine. She was very brave, or very confident that her decision...

My Ghost House, Ch 2

"I discover some of the house's secrets"

Over the next couple of weeks, my loan application was approved, and I was on my way to being a home owner. Trina tried to be happy for me, but after reading the articles, she was worried that I was...

Dear Diary Con’t April 9th

"Warm rain proves to be an aphrodisiac for two lovers after a picnic."

Dear Diary continued ……. April 9thOscar and I had just finished eating and packing up our picnic lunch when it started to rain.  Little drops started to spot our clothes.  Taking my hand he began to run for cover.  I...

Fantasy Fulfilled. Part 1.

"Mark plans a romantic getaway with Susan and Things heat up fast. And Susan may change his plans."

Fantasy Fulfilled. Part 1 Mark had planned this romantic getaway for some time now. He had been meticulous with every detail including the champagne and roses. He had called Susan and told her he would pick her up from work...

Alessa Lombardi: Free At Last

"Alessa kicks her cheating husband out of the house, and calls over a friend to give her a fix."

       My husband had finally packed all of his things, and was now standing at the front door, staring at me from behind dark sunglasses. His mouth was a straight line, tight, his eyebrows drawn together. I wasn't sure if...

RedTails : A Night Out, A Night In – Chapter 4

"While finishing up their bath, Hansen tells Karma and Thissle the tale of his and Shaasta's capture."

RedTails: AwakeningsA Night Out, A Night InByScarletdownChapter IV : Cinnamon and a Spicy TaleThissle bent over and felt around the tub's floor until her hand touched an iron ring. She gave it a tug and pulled out the cork stopper...

RedTails : A Night Out, A Night In – Chapter 9

"Frelic begins Hansen's Paddling. The girls earn their first bit of coin and make a new friend."

RedTails: AwakeningsA Night Out, A Night InByScarletdownChapter IX : Tails UpFrelic sat down on the couch in front of the fireplace. "Go fetch the training paddle from the bed chamber, young lady," he ordered.Hansen disappeared through the southeast door, returning...