Swapping Daddies with a Girlfriend

"Heather shares her stepdaddy with her girlfriend Lisa"

“Daddy, daddy, come meet my sexy bestie,” nineteen-year-old Heather said to her stepdad as he climbed the cement steps of her friend’s house.Caledon checked his watch and said, “No, no, no, I just came to pick you up.”Heather groaned.“No hissy...

Irreversible Reaction

"Mark decides to carry out an experiment. The test subject: Tag."

Tag had seen Mark quite a few times in the lab and had already made up his mind that Mark was strictly straight, no doubt about it. He’d even heard him brag about his hot girlfriend on several occasions. Besides,...

Was it a Dream? Ch 1

"“Did you ever have a dream that was so real you could swear it actually happened?”"

"My name is, Kandikiss51, I’m a writer here on Lush. I do it for the joy of writing, plus the fact it makes people feel good and by feel good I mean masturbate. I had just posted a story about...