A Light On The Horizon – Part 2

"At the clinic in town, Celeste proves to be a very strange patient."

Luke sat in his office at the clinic, studying a patient's chart. His eyes were tired, and he longed to put his head down on the desk for just a few minutes, but he knew the mid-morning lull wouldn't last....

Parallel Mirrors: Infintiy Mirrors

"Tumbling through worlds, her cunt on fire, Freya meets her fate"

Magick or madness? Lust or logic? None of that mattered at that precise moment. Freya’s agile hands, slick with cunt juices, plunged into her oozing pussy, furiously pounding into her sodden hole as the limousine, swerving at a perilous speed,...

Parallel Mirrors: Reflected Realities

"Is it real or delusion? Either way, Freya can orgasm herself into another realm"

What is real? Philosophy and science merely describe, never define, the fabric of reality, and one’s place in it left nebulous. Pondering the essence of existence, an exercise of mental academia, was, to Freya, a question of paramount import. While...

Parallel Mirrors: Shards And Fractures

"Are Freya's worlds a passionate blessing or a horny curse? Either way, she explodes in lusty desire"

Illusion or delusion? Insanity or reality? Perhaps a higher octave of existence or merely a fractured mind? The ordeals terrified her, at first, and it was a long journey back. No explanation, other than delusional schizophrenia, accounted for her unique...