Sirena Calling – Part Two

"Kevin gets a surprise invite from his stunning blonde neighbor and is humiliated and used as Her sex-toy."

Mz. Sirena casually struts away, then turns gracefully at the gate.  She gives Kevin’s budding boner a sidewards glance.  Smiling mischievously, She calls out, “I’ve decided I’m not through with you, k-boi.”His breath catches and he dreads what may come...

Woodstock Cuckold Pt. 01

"In 1969, Emily gets her hands on tickets to Woodstock, and invites her innocent boyfriend, Jesse. He struggles with his submissive feelings when Emily is attracting attention from other men."

Chapter 01: Emily and Jesse meet each other at a Vietnam War protestA bunch of hippies and young people march down the street, hoisting signs that declare their position against the war, like "Make Love Not War" and "End the War Now." Among them, there...

She Takes

"The Power Of A Sexually Confident Woman"

It's late at night. Thus far, it has been a truly boring and irritable affair at the gala. He has had to retreat from the madness in order to gain a sense of sanity. He sits on the sofa in...