Woodstock Cuckold Pt. 01

"In 1969, Emily gets her hands on tickets to Woodstock, and invites her innocent boyfriend, Jesse. He struggles with his submissive feelings when Emily is attracting attention from other men."

Chapter 01: Emily and Jesse meet each other at a Vietnam War protestA bunch of hippies and young people march down the street, hoisting signs that declare their position against the war, like "Make Love Not War" and "End the War Now." Among them, there...

Girls Love Alphas Pt. 02

"Brian meets the girls. Carl submits to him."

Chapter 01: All Eyes On Him"He's here!" says Scottie, with a big smile on her face.The moment Brian steps into the party, he instantly captures everyone's attention. Brian is tall, has wide shoulders, and a very commanding presence. His black hair is styled in a somewhat disheveled style, emphasizing his handsome formed face and...

Party Manimal

"Scott's sexy werewolf costume turns out to be more literal than expected."

Scott Macintire stood outside of the house at the end of Nettlewood Drive, hesitating only a few moments before pressing the doorbell. It was one of those McMansions that had started springing up everywhere before the housing market tanked: somehow...

I can’t stop what I feel The need is so greatYou pull me closer Each and every day I see your words Across my screenEvery promise Heightens the need Your kisses melt me Leaving me weakYour touches Bring me to my knees  I love your teasesYour humor a bonus You...

Dark Angel Part 10

"Ashriel tries to prove himself worthy of Anniel"

Anniel blinked at the darkness around her. Most reapers could open portals, like Devon. She wondered if Amaranth could open one to Alpha 7. She really needed Remi’s healing fire. She was tired of not being able to see. “I...

Dark Angel Part 11

"Falling again..."

Devon had moved Alpha 7 and, as a result, they were not very far from Rhylos now. Hide in plain sight—he’d said—though not really. They were in a dead solar system, orbiting a large gaseous planet that glowed deep red....