As the weekend approached, my wife and I were both filled with anticipation. This was to be the weekend where I let her spend Friday and Saturday night with Chad at his vacation home. I was excited because this was...

The Afterparty

"My girl was the life of the party"

It was almost midnight, Lisa and I had been out clubbing for the first time in God knew how long. I had been flooded with paperwork from the office and she had been begging me to go out and have...

Adventures in Open Marriage Part 6: Planning for a Weekend Takes and Interesting Turn

"The hotwifing journey continues with a bold new player and an escalation in hotness"

In the couple of weeks after the decision to let my wife stay with Chad, on the condition that we could take things to the wife-watching level, our sex life was as passionate as ever. It was just the two...

The Strip Club

"The worst thing you can do is invite your wife to a strip club, and then ignore her."

I can’t really say that strip clubs are my thing. I mean, I like looking at beautiful women almost as much as looking at hot men. It’s just that when it comes to sex, I’m much more of a doer...

Adventures in Open Marriage – Part 4, Happy New Year!

"Things get wild in a car, and get hotter and mysterious in an old hotel"

By late autumn, my wife's little sessions had become a fairly regular thing, with Pete, and then of course myself getting sloppy seconds (or thirds or fourths depending on Pete's stamina). However, as we approached Thanksgiving here in the states,...