Faith Chapter 1

"Naive Faith grows up"

Faith Boman quickly dressed after cheerleader practice at the Rolle College locker room. She knew that she needed to get home and finish her Calculus homework. As she left the locker room, she saw a group of basketball players standing...

Sandi and Eric’s Night Out

"Sandi's plan goes wrong"

Standing in the alley, her back against the wall. “Right Darlin’, use a condom and no kissing on the mouth.”She hitched her skirt up while he struggled with the condom wrapper, so she took it from him and rolled it...


"A lecturer once told me: "Don't fuck with probability. It'll probably win." I shoulda believed him."

The nausea isn't as all-consuming as usual when I crawl in my underwear across the air-conditioned lock-up to lie gasping and perspiring at its edge. I must be acclimating to time jumps.Coherent thought's a luxury in these first few minutes...

Back Alley Blowjob

"The events leading him to her were fuzzy but he had his full attention when she got on her knees!"

Adam leaned back against the brick wall, steadying himself as he stood there. With his legs so wobbly they could barely hold up, eyes that he couldn’t get to focus completely clearly, and a pounding head full of angry bees,...