Big City Blues

"A friendly face appears when it is needed more than ever."

The constant stream of people seeking information was something she had come to expect. Their questions had changed little over the years. While the number of customers remained fairly stable, their expectations and lack of manners had become increasingly challenging.The...

Strange Days

"Susan goes on a date with the guy her daughter set her up with and gives in to her carnal lusts"

THE DATE - INTROChuck was a handsome man, of that there was no doubt. Six feet tall and trim with a head of gray hair combed back into a pompadour, he was obviously a lady's man. And now he was...

Come In For Coffee – The Stamina Of The Young

"After pursuing a young woman for months, Mark finally gets her to bed and finds her inexhaustible"

It had finally happened. It was Tuesday morning and he was in bed with Ursula. He wouldn't be going to work today after a night like that. Seven times! God, these young people had some stamina. But, then, so did...

Sage Silver: Broken On Break Chapter Three : Bruised And Used

"In which Sage smears her makeup, leaves her mark upon the Shears, and is paid for her efforts."

‘Sage’ smiled proudly as Maxwell shot his sixth load of the evening across her back. She felt the hot mess all the way up to the back of her neck, an impressive distance at this juncture. Her fingers danced about...

Two Cougars Ch. 05

"I'm oddly okay with sorority college girls wanting to use me for my money. Is that wrong?"

Chapter OneThe door opened, and Taylor sprinted inside Tabitha’s bathroom to pee.“Damn, girl, slow down,” Stephanie laughed, falling on me as we went inside. Tabitha guided us to the modest living room where, in my drunken stupor, I had to...

After The Plague: A Mother And Her Son

"A mother and her son live alone for years as the only survivors of a plague. She assesses their relationship when he turns eighteen."

My son Robert and I may be the only surviving humans among all the billions of people in the world.The plague came suddenly to the island where I lived with my husband and Robert. My husband died, as did all...

Visions of Dolores – Part 3

"With her lesbian lover away, horny mother resorts to incest"

Saturday, June 8.Taking an unmarked side road that wound through grassy hillocks for almost a mile, Linda arrived at her destination, parking the Mercury behind a row of dilapidated huts. At one time, they served as tiny guest cabins to...