Whoops, I Fucked My Boss’s Son

"Trans girl flirting in the office leads to after work rendezvous. Don't worry, I won't tell HR."

Normally I never would have entertained the idea of sleeping with a co-worker but when I saw my boss’s son for the first time, that idea quickly went out the window. It wasn't like I didn't think about fucking my...

Sweet Strawberry

"Strawberry lip-gloss, mixed with silliness, makes for a powerful aphrodisiac."

Amanda had the most infectious smile I’d seen on a girl. Her smile thrust dimples into each cheek and tweaked the tip of her nose to one side. Her teeth seemed to be smiling, too, as the delightful curve of her bite...

Badge Bunnies I Have Known – Episode Three

"Wonderful sexual experiences with a super Badge Bunny"

This is story number three of my Badge Bunny episodes.  Bethany enjoyed having sex with law enforcement officers.  Several of her family members were law enforcement officers.  I met Bethany on a call regarding a loud and unruly party of sixteen to twenty-five-year-old participants. ...

Fantasy Fuck

"After a tough day of work, she wanted to unwind..."

It had been a shit day to end a shit week. The corporate heads from the home office back east had been breathing down her neck all week and now they had decided that some people needed to be replaced....