Needs, Wants, Desires Ch 4

"Three people, two sisters, one twisted moment where needs, wants, and desires boil over"

For her twenty-first birthday, Jane wanted a complete blowout. The end of college. The ability to legally drink. The last time they might get to have fun like this before real life truly began and they all moved away for...

Needs, Wants, Desires Ch 3

"Three people, two sisters, one twisted moment where needs, wants, and desires boil over"

On any given day, Lynn centered her thoughts on obligations and responsibilities. Maintaining a schedule for the kids. Nap time. Feeding time. Freelance interior decorating. Responsibilities kept her thoughts focused. Responsibilities kept her mind elsewhere. Responsibilities kept her attention off...

She told me later, that she became addicted to me, that there was no cure for her desires.She said it was the earthquake rattling climaxes, where each scream became another landslide, when her earth moved. Her very core was buried...