Dog Gone

"Met a man at the dog park. My clumsiness gets me into trouble once again."

Dog Gone By Miss AnonnaI had been looking to get a dog for quite some time now and still was undecided so I thought I’d head down to a local Dog Park and chat with some people who had dogs....

Chakras Rock

"A Simple re-alignment of energy turns sexy"

Chakras Rock by Miss Anonna I got an email from someone who claimed an acquaintance had told him he needed an energy realignment. He mentioned that his friend had recommended that he contact me and make an appointment so I...

Oils For Sale

"Craigslist is a great place to sell things."

Oils For Sale By Miss Anonna So I had just received my new line of massage oils and put my old ones up for cheap on CraigsList . In less than an hour I received an email from someone wanting...

Snowy Night

"A short story of two strangers in the evening getting freaky"

Snowy NightBy Miss AnonnaIt was snowing fairly hard now and I knew from the way the storm was going that I was going to be stuck in my house for quite sometime and I had nothing exciting to read. Lucky...