Santa Has A Special Package

"Santa gets nookies and cream when he comes down the chimney this year."

Santa was a bit behind this year.His ability to control time allowed him to circumnavigate the globe all in a single evening, bringing joy to all who believed and celebrated this wonderful joyous holiday.The sleigh touched down on a roof...

The Exposure

"A young woman accidentally puts herself on public display during a holiday shopping spree"

I had barely arrived home from my Christmas break at college when Mom started peppering me with questions about Christmas gifts. Eager to get her to drop the subject, and to make sure that I didn't get a bunch of...

Car Cruise With Kelly

"Hot cars turn Kelly on, big time."

It was August of 1988. I had owned a muscle car for a few years. Anyone who has ever had the joy of owning one knows that, aside from boats, there isn’t much that can suck up your money faster....

We had a favourite beachside destination for our well-earned rests. Over the years, I became aware of the unit that offered the best view of its balcony from the surrounding units and on many occasions, I would end up being...