Angel Or Demon

"I suppose it depends upon perspective"

“Come here, angel,” I whisperIt's been a long timethose twelve hours,feels like forever since I've smelled anything as divineYour beauty leaves me breathlessThat sparkle in your eyesThe way you always make me laughYour determination to never give up.Forever aiming to crest...

My Muse Opens Her Heart

"a glimpse of paradise"

You are my elusive blue moonand I amyour twinkling starGuiding each otherthrough life's ups and downsNo matter the distancewe are never really that farWe wrap one anotherin gentle blanketsand kiss in the twilight hoursHe soothes my soulwhile quieting my mindwithin...

The Veil Of The Night

"a simple and gentle beauty that is so very powerful"

Under thegentle shineof the starsHis eyes ignitea gaze that piercesthe veil of my nightWith secretsthat danceand fires flameHe callsHe beckonsHe speaksmy nameIn his armsin spellbound blissI'm lostbewitchedby his tender kiss~Scintillatedwith myevery caressas my fascinatedfingers slide downfirm planes of fleshMy eyes...

An Artists Muse

"she is the perfect one"

I paint her in colourfor she is my faithful museCapturing her curvesand recording her beautyShe is a rarityI willingly pursuedensnaring her interest Her deep blue eyes hypnotisegetting lost in her dreamy gazedrowning in her ethereal delightsHer body is my never-ending playgroundI...

Breathe Me In

"When the power of devotion dawns"

Breathe me inmy wantsmy lustful desiresExhale negativity Allowing us to climb higherI know you've never met anyone like mewho is kind and generousA real personwithout some kind of expectancyI like you for youI can feel it in my soulYou turn me...

The Fallen Star

"“Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, never let it fade away”"

The light in yourheart guides melike a fallen starthrough desireddarknessTo be cherishedand adored in anuntamed caressA sweetpossessionheld like no otherby your kissBecause thescattered chanceschanging our mindsnever againleads to true lustunraveled ~I wrap youin my armsand pull-out wordswith the tip of myfingersmix...

Variety Is The Spice

"She is a whole rack of spices and flavours"

Variety is the spiceand slice of lifeNot for allbut for somewilling to play on the edge of a knifeWith a taste refined and divineNo judgementNo shamePain and pleasure entwinedActions to satisfy everyone's achingSelfish yet selflessGiving it alland all for the...

Her Worship

"The treasure of her worship"

Come worship meat the altar of my essenceBow down and lose yourselfand feel your heavens tremble.~Give yourself to my desiresthen your time shall stand stillI shall touch all your secret placesFeel my smooth glideThe hard and deepThe ebb and flowTight...

My Hushed Soft Melody

"how to make her sing"

She is thehushed soft melodybetween thelines of my heartSilhouettes movingin a cadenceThe symphony ofour minds in syncHeart strokesgently pluckedFeeling the tendernessof my stringspounding at thepercussion of her coreKilling her softlyin midnight sighswrapped in love~Whispering my fantasiesshadows submergepushing throughmy gentleman guiseto...

The Power Of My Pen

"when the depth of longing is powerful"

She can find mein my poems,When she cravesmy erect penduring her dayand in her nightsShe may look for mein the noir veil of the fog,But I am onsome foreign shoreShe isdominatedby a powerful lustThat she can’t controlWhile she weepsshe isWaitingPiningFor...