My Sculpture

"The artisan will always give of his best"

A sculpture you sayto shape the contoursof your mindTo coax the fragmentsof your soulleaving thebroken shards behindI'd be honored to assistin this delicate artTo help you crafta new narrativethat’s uniquely yoursA brand new startwith each carefullychosen wordI can help yourebuild...

Crystalline Droplets

"Love does strange things to a person"

You remind meof musicA renaissanceof whispering windsYour crystalline dropletsraining down fromwithin your sacred spaceLike those of afallen angels kissI am drowning~I see through my deeppools of blueMuddied by yourEnchanting riversOf hazelAnd gold flecksI lose myselfYet find my truthwithin your presenceAs...

My Deep Joy

"A glimpse of who she is"

I have the deep joyof commanding your bodyAn invisible holdif you willLevitating youmoving youas I desireYou willingly unfoldbefore meYou becomelost in my presenceYour words escape herA nod or a tip of my headbrings an immediatesurrenderYou are my soul'sdelectable ecstasyYou crave...

Body Worship

"Sometimes, just sometimes"

I worshiped her bodymy masterpiece of desirekissingcaressingevery curvestoking every fireHours dissolvedas I savoured her skinExploringpleasuringher depths withinHer hands roamed my chestmy absmy thighsWorshiping my strengthmy  masculine guiseShe kissed memy shouldersmy bicepsmy scarsAdoring my powermy beautymy starsI devoured her breasts,Her hipsher...

The Topography Of Skin

"To touch and to feel is so much"

Her hands exploredmy chestIts less than chiseled shrineWorshiping my strength,my devilish designShe kissed my thought processa passionate invitationClaiming every inchof my offeringSuch a persuasive dominationIn the topography of my skinshe finds a map to my hidden truthsA cartography of desirethat...

Deep Cravings

"When you just need"

When you dothat thing I craveI'm consumed bya burning waveSuch.... passionI'm helplesslyaddicted to your moansyour soft lipsand the eruptionthat happensHearing your throaty pleasurein varying tonesYour pulsing tonguea sensual bladethat cuts through my soulLeaving my senses frayedconvulsing fingertipsa wild caressDrives me...

Words Mean So Much

"Will it be Mr Google or Miss Dictionary you reach for ?"

The day I knelt before hergranting her apotheosiswas a culmination of so muchwithin me and what we shareSome say I am a masterwith words and emotionsYet she is beyondeven my knowledgeHer freedompurity and vivacityset her apart from the worldShe is...

Lost In Your Gaze

"To see such beauty and desire with her gaze"

Your soulA labyrinth of depth and lightYour touch heaven sentA burning delightAn aura of genuine lovePulses from your coreA magnetism that draws me inKeeps me safe and groundedForever moreYour handsA gentle breezeCaressing me in unseen waysStirring deep seeded desiresIn unexplored...

The Written Word

"“verba volant, littera scripta Manet “"

Sometimes wordscan bend one's mindeven by ones own handso whenthe inked painted strokesare spilled out on a pagewe'll forever remainindissoluble throughyears breakingthe shackles of timeSo lets put it in inkbefore we forget~So don’t blame the penfor spilling my inkacross the...

The Evening Ritual

"some actions form the bedrock of intimacy"

No words neededtheir evening ritualcommencesIn silencehe prepares himselffolds his clothesStanding tallRampantShe kneels andopens her mouthShe knows what he wantsand she's willingHer warmsoft lips encirclehis throbbing cockInch by inchshe devours himHer lipstick bleedstongue leadsswallowing glorythirst quencheda sinful serenadehe can tell by...