Rising Like The Tide

"The second in a series of stories told from the point of view of my older friend Gary..."

The summer of 1966 rolled around like any other year in sleepy, small town Pennsylvania. While most of the town’s residents may not have even noticed, things were actually going pretty good for me. I had graduated high school, I...

Just Two Lovers On The Beach

"Just a poem about two lovers on a beach...originally posted under 67Goat..."

The stars above dot the midnight sky,As the full moon castes a watchful eye,As we walk along the deserted sand,Our arms swing gently, hand in hand,I cannot help but stop and stare,As the moonlight shines in your hair,As the stars...

To My Wife

"A love poem...third post from the point of view of my older friend Gary (aka 67Goat)"

To My Wife:Looking back at the time we shared,Nothing else in my life has compared,Ever since that day we walked down the aisle,We have walked together for many a mile,Joined together hand in hand,Part of some much larger plan,You have...