“Bonding” – Chapter 17:- “Fully Bonded”

"This is the final chapter in the book Bonding..."

Fuelled with pizza, champagne and laughter, we left Brenda and Paula alone in the hot tub and retired to the coloured bedroom, the mutually agreed yellow one.All day, the three of us had been sexually worked up. We did not...

“Bonding” – Chapter 11:- “Girl’s Talk”

""It is 1987 and as the girl's further bond, while David's beginning to realise he may not be in charge!"

I phoned Clare on Sunday afternoon, the day after our safari, as I wanted to check that she was alright. I knew she was going to break up with Alan that very morning and if need be, I fully intended...

“Bonding” – Chapter 10:- “Shopping and Pussy Power”

"It is 1987 and David's, Clare's and Sarah's first three-way date comes to a surprising conclusion"

I parked a couple of minutes later in the large zoo car park. I was still laughing and rubbing my arm. Somehow, neither of the girls had seen the funny side of my, “I have not slept with any men,”...

“Bonding” – Chapter 9:- “On Safari Together”

"It's 1987 and David, Clare and Sarah continue their first three-way date..."

“Three tickets please,” I said as we arrived at the pay booth.The girls were still giggling behind me and then whispering to each other, though, unfortunately, each new message was unheard by me.Another round of giggles filled the car, which...