April 1926, Part 1

"After Daphne and Tommy clear the air, he offers to give her the first orgasm of her life."

“Daphne, how many drinks have you had tonight?”“Ugh, Mother, who the hell’s counting?”Delilah slapped her daughter on the cheek, hard.“Ow, what the hell!” Daphne rubbed her stinging cheek and glared at her mother, her hazel eyes flashing. The two of...

Lola’s Easy Cash

"Her nipples were raw and puffy from being constantly toyed with."

The ecology major couldn't help but rearrange her breasts for the tenth time that hour. It overwhelmed her with anxiety and struggled to stay put on her bed. The room was decorated with led lights and she had her phone...

Ellie’s Alone Time – Part One

"Ellie finally gets some much needed alone time while her roommates are out."

She had to. She just had to check one more time. Fingers gripping the curtain and carefully pulling it back, Ellie peeked out the window, emerald green eyes darting to the driveway and then the road before she was just...

From Cleaning Lady to Escort

"Ashley's hard times gets better."

Ashley fumbled through the stack of sealed envelopes she had retrieved from her mailbox. Tears began to whale up in her eyes as each one had “Past Due” stamped in big red letters. She stuffed the envelopes into her bag,...

Her Unusual Prom

"Pretty girl not asked to her prom goes anyway and teacher picks her up and they go home together"

She sat back, the night of the prom and felt like the only one she knew of who didn’t get herself a date that night. Now 19 and one of the prettiest girls in her class she never could figure...


"Girl comes upon cabin, finds man, gets to know him, and they have sex, and so do others too."

It was about 1890 or 1891 approximately but I’m not sure to be exact. I was holed up in this shack when she came by and out of nowhere too. My leg was “damaged” somewhat and seeing as I was...