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"JD seduces Kim with the help of the sultry Marie."

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(I wrote this story with Odink. This is a 50/50 collaboration. Thank you, Odink. Your input was sensational!)

Kim’s phone rang early that morning. She looked at the caller ID and noticed it was JD. With a groan, she picked up the receiver.

“I know that you are my best friend, but prepare for an ass whipping. Do you realize it is 7 am?” she grumbled.

“Yes, and you need to get your lazy ass out of bed. I reserved us a spot at the lake, but we need to get there early. So, get up and get to it,” JD laughed.

Sticking her tongue at the phone, she hung up the phone and stretched. JD had been her cheating, but deceased husband’s best friend. He had been there for her when she found out that Tom had died in that car accident with his floozy. He stayed by her side when all the neighbors talked about the scandal behind her back. He was now her best friend.

She got out of bed and packed a quick knapsack. Knowing JD, this trip would probably be in the other end of nowhere, but he always made these trips worthwhile. He was a fun guy with a thirst for adventure.

In the 3 years since Tom died, Kim remained alone. The fact that her husband, who she thought was faithful, cheated on her hit her self esteem hard. She was a beautiful woman, with red hair and brilliant blue eyes. Only 5’4”, her body was curvy, with ivory skin.

It was not that she didn’t have offers, because they came in frequently. She just wasn’t interested in them. Kim noticed that lately she had been getting urges and found herself watching her friend more and more.

Little things JD would do caught her eye. She would catch herself watching him when he would come over to help her with yard work. Unable to tear her eyes from him, she would watch while he stripped off his shirt. Her eyes followed the trail of a single drop of sweat, as it ran down his chest, until it disappeared from sight.

She hoped that he didn’t notice her watching him. It would be so embarrassing to be busted by her best friend, as she fantasized about him. Kim knew that she was not the type of woman JD normally frequented, but damn, it didn’t hurt to dream. Closing her door, she waited outside for him to pick her up.

JD pulls up in his vintage International Scout, used but worthy, and steps out. Kim is waiting outside on the lawn. JD opens the back end and shoves some gear towards the back seat clearing space for Kim’s knapsack.

Kim watches JD lean into the back end, and the sight immediately stirs the urges that recently have been playing havoc on her libido. JD is wearing an old pair of softened blue jeans, no belt and the jeans simply cling to the top of his ass falling slightly off his hips. From all appearances, he is not wearing anything under those jeans. Kim’s mind drifts away for a second.

“Kim….Kim!!! What in the world are you thinking about?” he asked.

“Oh, sorry. I was just floating in air for moment there. What a goof I am,” she laughed.

“OK, ya got everything?” JD asked Kim.

“Yup, good to go. Let’s hit the bricks,” she answered.

They climbed in and took off weaving and winding through the neighborhood Kim lives in.
It’s a nice area, lots of trees and a nice creek that runs through the valley. Both had an interest in the outdoors and were familiar with the adjacent mountains. JD worked up there as a teenager and as a young man guiding trips. Some of his stories about pretty city girls going in the outdoors always made Kim laugh.

“So, where are we going again?” Kim inquired.

“To a secret spot,” JD teased.

“OK, you mean Copper Lake down Arrowhead Canyon, don’t you? The place where all those big tittied city girls go to swim? You’re such a pervert!” Kim teased.

“Nope, not there. We’re going someplace more private than that.” JD struck back.

This comment caught Kim off guard somehow. JD is her best friend, but they’ve never gone adventuring together in ways other than clubbing or hiking. It was clear Kim’s state of mind was riddled with sexual tensions. The lack of physical contact since her husband’s death had played out its debt, and her mind was constantly preoccupied with thoughts of lust, tastes, and moisture. Perhaps she finally was relieved of her grieving process and was looking ahead and feeling life again on a different level. Or, was she completely misreading JD’s comment about a private place?

“More private? What the heck does that mean, JD?” Kim laughed.

“You haven’t been up Arrowhead for some time now. It’s changed. You need to go in a little further to get away from the crowds. I secured a permit for Madden’s Point. It’s all the way down the lake through the channel and on the south facing side of the peninsula. We can land the boat right on shore, and if you choose too, you can swim and sunbath in privacy,” he said, as he turned and looked directly at Kim, “I thought you’d like this spot.”

Unfortunately, for Kim, she was now more confused than ever.

“He mentions things like swimming and sunbathing on a private beach. Is he expecting me to go nude? Is he planning on being naked?” Kim wondered in her head.

“Don’t you want to be around all those pretty buxom girls, JD? Why so private?” Kim asked, as seductively as she could without being overtly obvious.

“No, I found this spot once, when I got lost on the Mackinac Trail. It’s the only hiking trail leading to Madden’s Point. But, hardly anyone uses it because it’s several miles in. Serious backpackers won’t go here, because of the crowds. Day hikes won’t go there, because they want to be near the docks and swimming areas. It’s the perfect spot,” JD explained to Kim.

They rode in silence, until they reached their destination. Unpacking the Jeep, she helped JD erect the tents, and pretty soon, the camp site was molded. By this time, the sun was high in the sky, and with record temperatures, the day was very hot.

Kim was sweaty and uncomfortable. Although only dressed in a pair of shorts and tank top, her clothes felt too constricting. JD looked as if the heat didn’t bother him. He had stripped off his shirt and was parading around in those haunting jeans. She could see his hip bones clearly.

“Dammit. It is like he knows that is my favorite part of a man’s body,” she thought to herself.

To take her mind off his body, she went into her tent. It was hot and muggy in there. Stripping down to her panties, she laid back on her air mattress.

“I need relief,” she sighed, “Maybe I am so horny that I am completely getting this whole situation wrong.”

Kim’s hands idly roamed her body. Cupping her full breasts in her hands, she explored the texture of her silky skin. Wondering if JD thought about her as he touched his other women, she gently rolled her dark pink nipples between her fingers.

She fantasized about JD watching her, as she lay there touching herself. Would his hand be on his crotch? Would he be turned off? Would he join?

“God! When did I develop such a crush on my best friend?” she wondered.

The heat was oppressive. Sweat ran down her body in rivers. Her skin was so slick. Her hands ran down her belly with ease. Bringing her knees up and out wide, she let her legs open. The crotch of her panties was wet, but not with sweat.

Kim’s nimble fingers traced the elastic band on her panties. She knew he was just outside. Did she dare?

She slipped her fingers inside the leg of her panties to touch her moist flesh. Feeling her lightly furred lips, Kim found them to be swollen and thick. Tracing her finger up the middle of her slit, she parted her lips.

The heat of her body scorched her fingers. Drowning in her juice, those same fingers worked their way up to the throbbing bud at the very top of her pussy. It was peeking from it’s hood. Groaning softly, she circled it with her middle finger.

Pretty soon, she was lost in sensation. Oblivious to the men standing at the entrance of the tent, watching.

Very quietly, two backpackers had strolled into camp and spotted JD down by the lake and announced their arrival so as not to spook him. The trail lead right by the tent, and Kim was inside deep in a mode of self-pleasure.

She couldn’t stop. Her fingers found her love button, and her mindset was in a state of euphoria. The risk of getting caught, being seen, or even joined, smothered her thinking. If there were any consequences, she would deal with them later. Right now, the time was for Kim’s hands to explore her warm moistness. She needed to cum real bad.

The hikers introduced themselves as Steve and Gary. Kim heard them talking and moving about camp. She could see their feet and legs move down the slope towards the water. Gary continued on down towards JD, and Steve stopped near the fire grate to tie his boots. Kim’s hands were holding her pussy, and her fingers darting in and out of her slippery tunnel, as her knees were up in the air. She glanced between her legs to see outside the tent and caught Steve’s eyes watching her, as he bent over to tie his boots.

She couldn’t stop massaging herself with more rapid motions, and Steve couldn’t stop watching. Kim worked her hands over her folds and brought her fingers all the way down to flick her ass, then back up. She used one hand to spread her lips, so the other hand could work her clit. Kim sped up and looked directly into Steve’s eyes. Her eyes watered up and her vision compromised. She knew it wasn’t JD, but it didn’t matter anymore. She was getting close.

“God! I am so close,” she thought.

Her fingers rubbed harder…faster. Unable to stop, her eyes were locked with Steve’s. Kim’s head dropped back onto the mattress, as her back arched. She felt wave after wave of pleasure spasm through her body.

Gulping air, her mouth was open in a silent scream. With soaking wet fingers, she felt her pussy contract and ripple. Still caught in the magic of the moment, she brought her fingers up to her mouth to suck her sweet juices off.

Her frustration was dimmed for the moment, and reality was crashing back to the forefront. There was a strange man watching her. A little fearful, Kim pulled her clothes back on. Coming out of the tent, she saw JD and went to him.

“Hey! I didn’t know we had guests,” she said.

“Yeah,” he said, with a gleam in his eye, “They stopped by to say hello.”

“Thought you said this place was private?” Kim said, a little upset.

“Why? Doing something naughty?” he joked.

“Whatever,” she replied, stomping off in a snit.

JD wondered what the hell was eating her ass. He returned to the other men, in time to overhear Steve’s story of what had just happened. From the sound of it, he nailed Kim. JD knew that was wrong. He knew of Kim’s growing fascination for him, and her having sex with this stranger was not only out of character, but would ruin the plans he had. He just hoped Marie would not get lost. JD would worry about Marie’s arrival later. It was time to take care of some assholes first, then calm an angry redhead.

JD had guided enough trips over the years to sense when things were falling apart inside groups. The group dynamic here was neither requested or appreciated.

“Just behind that clipped off pine tree, you’ll find the trail guys,” JD barked out to the two dudes in camp.

JD left little to be misinterpreted in the tone of his voice. He wanted these guys out of camp. For some reason, Kim was pissed off, and JD had carefully laid out plans that he wanted to unfold without complications or confusing surprises. Gary and Steve put their packs back on and left camp without any issues.

Kim wandered off to an adjacent hill overlooking camp. JD spotted her and hiked up to sit down with her.

“That was weird, huh? In all the years I’ve come here, I’ve never seen anyone come by this spot. You doing OK, Kim?” he gently asked.

“JD, I was in tent changing into something cooler, and, well, I felt the urge to touch myself. I took my panties off and was laying in the tent with the door wide open,…….next thing I know I saw four legs standing in front of the tent. I’ve been so horny lately, and it felt so nice that I didn’t want to stop. At first, they didn’t see me, and I didn’t stop touching myself. But, the tall guy did see me, when he stopped to tie his boots. I kept going. I was so close. He just stared at me for a minute or two. I guess, once I was done, I was a little freaked,” Kim blurted out.

“So, that’s what they were talking about! I overheard them saying something about you…and it kinda pissed me off,” JD told Kim.

“What were they saying?” she asked, cringing.

“I thought he said he wanted to fuck you, or he did fuck you. I wasn’t sure. I knew it couldn’t be true, and if it was, we had a situation on our hands. I quickly looked over camp and saw you coming towards me and figured they were full of shit,” JD explained to Kim.

“I wished it was you watching me,” Kim said softly.

“Really?” JD fired back.

“I dunno. I’m either flipping out or really confused. You bring me to this private place, set up camp, take your shirt off, and I know you’ve caught me looking at you, and my mind has been wandering all over the fucking place. I’m really starting to get horny again, maybe I’m finally ready to move past Tom’s death. When I crawled into the tent, it was very hot in there. I was fantasizing about you and well, pleasured myself. You can see how one might think that JD!” Kim barked out.

“I’m glad your mind is wandering. And, I did bring you here for a reason. I have a little surprise for you, and maybe in hindsight, this little bizzaro experience can be seen in a positive light,” JD told her.

“What the heck are you talking about JD?” Kim said, all confused again.

JD just smiled and headed back to the camp site. She watched him descend the hill. Damn! He had a cute butt! Kim got up and followed him to the fire. Wondering if the 2 hikers would return and JD’s admission of anger about what they implied, she was lost in thought when the first clap of thunder sounded.

JD looked up at the dark clouds swirling. He hoped that Kim’s tent would collapse as planned, forcing her to seek shelter in his. Marie was due to arrive some time in the night. Posing as a lost hiker, the coming storm would work perfectly into his plan.

Having met Marie some time back and then losing touch with her, JD could safely say that she was his heart. Marie professed her love for him, too, but expressly told him that if they were to have a future together, he would have to get over her need to be with a woman.

JD’s quick mind got a plan together, and with Marie’s help and approval, their target would become their third. He had always had a thing for his best friend’s wife, also. He grinned at the saying of having your cake and eating it, too popped up in his mind.

He would have his love, Marie, and his lust, Kim. They would have each other. On the occasions that Marie had seen Kim, she expressed her desire to get to know her better. JD was glad, but hoped that he would be able to fuck her first.

He needed to get that out of the way before he brought Kim out of her shell. She could be such a prude at times, and that was gonna stop. JD was about to open her eyes to a new world.

She had professed her desire to be with him. Well, she wasn’t the only one to have that need. He watched her just as much as she did him. The only difference was that he was better at hiding it. JD would claim this shy woman, as one of his own.

The rest of the evening progressed normally. They cooked a simple dinner over the camp fire and ate in silence. The clouds continued to gather, and pretty soon, the sounds of thunder filled the air. The air had a definite feel of electricity.

Large drops of rain began to fall, and the two friend’s raced for their tents. Gusts of wind blasted their tiny camp site, as claps of thunder actually shook the ground.

The was a fierce storm that fed the desire raging in one woman.

Kim thought her tent was sturdy enough to withstand the weather. The clerk at the store assured her it would, but low and behold, the damn thing was leaking. Burying her face in her hands, she sighed deeply. Startled, as the next clap of thunder sounded, she looked up and noticed that the hole in the seam of the roof had split even more.

Quickly covering her stuff as best as she could, she exited the tent and raced to JD’s. Hollering for him to open up, she jumped in the blessed dryness it offered.

“I need to kick that clerk’s ass up around his neck,” she grumbled.

JD laughed, as he threw her a towel. Noting her soaked body, he was just able to make out her brown nipples. Her white tee shirt was clinging to her, literally defining her. Although it was a hot day, the rain was cold, and her nipples were hard. With his mouth watering, he was unable to tear his eyes away from the innocently seductive sight.

“You need to get out of those clothes,” he remarked.

“Huh?” Kim asked, dumbfounded.

“You are gonna catch a nasty cold,” JD said, nonchalantly, “Take them off.”

The look in his eyes explained exactly what was on his mind. He was taking it a step further. She knew in her mind that he was going to fuck her. A thrill went down her spine, and she was immediately wet. Her pussy swelling and beginning to throb. She had never been naked in front of him.

Kim wondered how does she change inside the tent? These are close quarters and there’s no way JD won’t be a participant of her stripping down out of her wet clothes. She made a decision. The moment, albeit awkward, was an opportunity to test the waters. Maybe JD will make a move and she would finally feel the pleasure of a warm cock inside her once again.

Kim slowly pulled off her shots, revealing her red panties. Next, her shirt came off, but kept sticking to her wet skin. JD reached to help her and the touch of his hand on her skin sent electricity through her body, She felt flushed at the glancing touch. Kim briefly closed her eyes, as JD’s hands helped her off with the wet shirt.

“Thanks, JD, it was clinging to me,” Kim said.

“Wow, listen to that rain? Its really coming down now,” JD says, as he glanced up to check the seams.

Kim sat there in the tent in just her red panties and shear bra, as pushed her wet clothes to a corner of the tent with her foot. Goose bumps riddled her body, and JD took due notice. Her nipples now protruding through her wet bra; JD was in heaven.

“You need to take those off, too. You are shivering and getting goose bumps everywhere. My god, look at your nipples. You’d think it was winter out here!” JD laughed, trying to lighten the moment.

“My dry clothes are in my tent, and I’m not running over there to get them JD,” Kim said with a smart ass reply.

“Here, I have a dry t-shirt in my bag you can wear. You need to get dried off and warmed up,” JD insisted.

Kim sat up on her knees, so her head is just below the roof of the tent. She faces JD and reaches around her back to unhook her bra. The tension released, the garment relaxed and simple rests, clinging to her tits. She reached to pull one of the should straps off, when JD made his move. His hands went to remove the other strap and pull the bra off. His eyes were fixed on her hardened nipples. Kim watched JD stare at her plump titties. She didn’t move. She didn’t want the moment to end, but was unsure what to do next. Should she just sit there and let JD stare with hopes he’ll put his warm hands over her breasts?

That moment, which seemed like hours, passed. She sat down in front of JD and pulled off her panties. Her tits jiggled, as she moved about the tent. He was fixated on her body, and he caught a glimpse of her finely shaved pussy, as she tugged off the wet panties. Leaning over, he pitched the oversized t-shirt to her.

The rain was relentless, with crackling thunder and bright flashes of lightning that lit up the tent like disco lights. Kim went back to her knees to pull on the t-shirt, when all of a sudden they could both hear a voice from outside the tent.

“JD, you in there?” A voice yelled out in desperation.

“Yes. Get in here, Marie,” JD yelled out.

“What?” Kim says, as she moved naked away from the tent door.

The tent door zipper ripped open. It was Marie. She had made it. She was dripping wet and a little flustered from hiking in the storm. Kim sat in the tent, naked, holding a t-shirt to her chest, like a life line. JD sat there with a grin on his face, as wide as the Grand Canyon.

Kim was unsure. Wondering if she totally misread this whole situation, she made the move to leave the tent, so to give them some privacy. She was stopped by his warm hand, encircling her wrist.

“Where ya going, love?” he asked, gently.

“I didn’t…uh…need,” Kim stammered.

“She is adorable, JD. Where have you been hiding her?” Marie piped in.

“Been trying to break her out of her shell. Finally came up with this plan,” he remarked, idly.

Kim looked back and forth, between the two other people. She felt like she was in the middle of a secret, in which she was. Here she stood completely naked between two fully clothed people. They were staring at her, like a science experiment.

Marie sensing the awkwardness of the moment, stepped forward. Stripping her wet clothes off, she evened the playing field. Frozen in time, everyone just stood there. The naked redhead looking confused. The naked brunette looking seductive, and the man looked like the cat who ate the canary.

Gently taking the shirt from Kim’s hands, Marie dropped it to the floor. Rubbing her hands up and down Kim’s arms, she went about warming the shivering girl. The air filled with a blue light, as lightening sizzled the air.

“There is nothing more beautiful than a woman, enhanced by the flickering light of a storm,” she murmured. “You are so beautiful.”

Kim, caught in the moment, could only stare. Her mind focused only on the olive skinned beauty, standing in front of her. The previous year of no sex had wiped her mind of all inhibitions. She wrapped her arms around the woman in front of her.

Their breasts pressed together, as Marie nuzzled Kim’s neck. Nibbling the slightly salty skin, Marie loved how soft her neck was. Tracing her tongue along Kim’s throbbing neck vein, Marie made herself a path down her neck to her collar bone.

Kim shivered, as the delicious sensations raced through her body. Her neck had always been so sensitive. It felt so different, having a woman kiss her there. A man’s face was rougher, with all the whiskers. Marie’s face was soft and smooth.

Marie was astounded by the silkiness of Kim’s skin. She ran her hands over her taut belly and around her to Kim’ rounded ass. She hugged her body close, as she licked and sucked her way to the younger woman’s firm breasts.

“My God! You’re tits are like firm melons…taste just as sweet. JD, she is perfect. I could just eat her up,” Marie said, with a muffled voice.

Marie’s tongue traced the brown part of Kim’s nipple, causing it to pucker. Flicking it over the stiffening bud of her nipple, Marie’s licks sent electric shivers down Kim’s spine. It was then she decided to put the other girl out of her misery and take the entire nipple into her hot, wet mouth.

Kim’s back arched, trying to get more of her breast into Marie’s mouth. She tangled her fingers into Marie’s long, silky hair, holding her head close. Marie teased the other breast with her fingers. Pinching and pulling that brown nipple, she was working Kim into a fine frenzy.

“Here, baby…I want you to rub your tits for me. Keep them nipples nice and hard,” Marie purred, “I want to taste your sweet pussy. Does it excite you to know that I am gonna stick my tongue into your wet cunt?”

All Kim could do was nod her head. She was overwhelmed with sensation. Marie hands lifted her leg up and had her brace on the mattress. Kim could feel Marie’s breath warming her skin all the way down to her bellybutton.

Stopping to probe her tongue inside that tight hole, Marie stroked the soft, firm skin of Kim’s inner thighs. Stopping at the junction where her thigh met her hip, she used her finger to rub in a circular motion, which opened Kim’s pussy slightly.

With buckling legs, Kim tried to catch herself. Marie helped the beautiful redhead onto the mattress. Pushing Kim’s legs back and up, she was able to open that succulent pussy wide.

“There, my sweet. I like that better,” said Marie.

Marie grabbed Kim’s arms and hooked them under her knees. Without a word, she enlisted the other girl’s help by making her hold her own legs. Then, she used her thumbs to open Kim’s pussy wider. It was dark pink and very wet.

She licked the beads of moisture that were beginning to pool right at the opening. Darting her tongue in and out, like a tiny cock, she tongue fucked Kim. Hearing the younger woman gasping, she doubled her efforts.

Marie sucked Kim’s now huge clit into her mouth. She licked under her hood, directly on the super sensitive clit. Kim screamed out in pleasure and began to hump Marie’s face. Sensing her need to be filled, Marie crossed her fingers and worked two inside the ultra heated cunt.

Rotating her wrist, she worked her fingers in and out of the slick hole. Between the powerful suction and finger fucking, Kim was in a heaven of her own. Her pussy was contracting. Her ass flinching.

JD watched his two beauties, feeling a bit left out. He had stripped off his own clothing, as the temperature of the tent had increased. With his hand wrapped around his stiff cock, he tried to imagine what Kim felt like. He watched her pussy contract around Marie’s fingers. It was like watching a small mouth suck a cock. The sounds of her wet pussy were mesmerizing.

Apparently over her shock, Kim was now an active participant. Having maneuvered Marie around and over her face, she was licking Marie from clit to asshole. Every so often, she would dart her tongue inside a wet pussy, then later a tight ass.

Holding on tightly to each other, the two women were inseparable. JD was so fucking hard that he was almost in pain. He wanted to fuck someone. He WAS going to fuck someone and soon.

He had planned this trip to break his best friend out of her shell. That was he main objective. He decide then that he would fuck them both. But who would be first?

The normally fiery redhead was enjoying the role of submissiveness, as Marie took control right from the start. Kim loved being told what to do by Marie. The stream of pleasure Marie was providing was all the verification Kim needed to simply lay back and obey. Kim sensed a quality in Marie that she yearned for,
confident, sensuous, soft, and fucking so damn hot.

Marie looked over at JD with his enormous hard on and continued directing the scene. Kim was laying down on the mattress. Her hands cupping Marie’s ass, as her tongue darted all over Marie’s pussy. Marie’s body was wet with sweat and shining, as she knelt over Kim.

“Stay there, doll. I’m going to switch around,” Marie instructed Kim.

Marie turned around on Kim’s mouth, so she would be facing her long body with a clear view of the moistened red landing strip.

“JD, please bring that lovely dick over behind me and rub it all over my back and along my ass crack,” Marie softly told him.

“Ooh, that’s perfect. I love feeling the weight of your cock against my skin,” she purred.

“Grab my hips, put your cock in between my slippery cheeks, and pull in tight, so I can feel your balls against me, JD. Kim, can you see his balls now?” Marie requested.

“Mmm, that feels so nice JD. You feel so hard and thick. Push that meat down between my legs, and let me feel you.”

Marie, reached between her legs and tugged on JD’s hardness, as Kim watched from below, continuing to work her tongue over JD’s cock. JD reached around and helds on to Marie’s beautiful titties, as she massaged her pussy with his cock.

Marie asked Kim “Can you taste his cock down there?”

Kim squirmed, as she licked the base of JD’s cock, sliding along Marie’s pussy lips. Her legs gyrated up and down before Marie’s eyes. Marie bent over to plant a kiss on Kim’s belly, then kissed Kim’s pussy to try and calm her.

Kim relaxed, as Marie ran her mouth along the pink lips of her wet cunt. Marie’s ass was now pointed up in the air, and Kim closed her eyes once again to focus on the pleasures of being eaten.

JD saw his opportunity. That stunningly beautiful pussy begging to be filled. He pulled his cock up to Marie’s gorgeous opening and gently placed his head against her folds. She was so wet that the weight of his cock opened the door, and he slid in.

“Mmm, all the way in, doll,” Marie mummered, while she licks away at Kim.

Kim opens her eyes and saw JD’s cock gliding in and out of Marie. She reached up to pull Marie’s cheeks further apart for a better view.

“Kim, that’s nice. Massage JD’s balls, as he slides in me. He likes that,” she told the other woman.

Marie pulled up for a moment from Kim’s snatch to allow her to focus on JD’s balls and cock.

“Wrap a finger around his cock, as he pushed in me. You’ll drive him crazy. He teared up once with pleasure last time I teased his slick cock that way,” Marie told Kim.

“How’s that feel, JD.? Kim giggles as she teased him.

“Marie knows what she’s talking about, sweetie. And damn, your touch is making me even harder, Kim. You feel really, really good,” JD tells her, with an air of experience.

JD was in equisite agony. With a soft tongue teasing his balls and his stiff pole deep inside Marie’s scalding hot cunt, he couldn’t think straight. His sac felt so heavy. He needed to cum.

Grabbing Marie’s hips, he slammed in hard and fast, making his dark haired beauty scream out in pleasure. Kim could see and feel the power behind his thrusts. Her own pussy being sucked dry by Marie’s talented mouth still felt empty.

“JD, love, I want to cum all over your face. Lay down for me,” Maried cooed.

JD, reluctantly, pulled out of that warm hole and laid down on his back. Marie pulled Kim up from her place and guided her over to the waiting man. Instructing her to straddle his lap, she rubbed his cock head all over Kim’s sopping cunt.

Not having felt a man between her thighs in so long, Kim’s pussy spasmed rhythmically. Marie pushed that thick meat further into the redhead, watching it sink slowly into her. When JD grabbed Kim’s hips to move her the way he wanted, Marie climbed onto his face and began to grind her pussy all over his mouth and tongue.

When he sucked her clit into his mouth and used his tongue in that special way of his, Marie groaned and started pinching her nipples. She twisted and turned the caramel peaks, until they stood hard and pointy. JD, with his hands tight on Kim’s hips, was jackhammered his hips roughly into her.

All Kim could do was brace her hands on his hard chest. Wave after wave of pleasure ripped through her, as her cunt rippled and milked his cock. Caught in a silent scream, she came hard, as multiple orgasms tore through her body, causing it to convulse.

Feeling Kim’s pussy work his cock, like a warm mouth, sent JD into a frenzy. He sucked Marie hard and deep, shoving his tongue deep inside her pussy, as if to scoop all her sweet nectar out with his tongue. Marie bucked his face, as her own peak crested.

Having temporarily satisified his two beauties, he lost his control and felt jets of cum rushing to erupt from his cock. With rapid and erractic movements, he felt his balls contract and his cock harded. Pulling Kim off his cock, he grabbed it with his hand and squeezed and stroked, trying to milk the cum out. Both women appeared at his groin, and when his sperm burst out of him, they were there to share the bounty.

JD’s chest rose and fell with his rapid breathing. Marie was cuddled up on his left side with her head on his abdomen. Kim, cuddled on the right, nestled her head on his thigh. Content and satisfied, JD drifted off to sleep, unaware that his women were plotting the next adventure.

Published 15 years ago

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