Taboo Holidays: Easter Part 2

"A mysterious invite leads Kendall to a Swingers' party, and a face-off with her bully brother"

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The Golden Egg

Part 2

“You’ve been nice to me in the past. It never ends well for me,” Kendall said. “I won’t let you put me through that again.”

He tilted his head, studying her. “You could’ve stopped, you know?” he pointed out. “Seeking me out, trying so hard to get me to like you. You should’ve stopped.”

Indignation rose to heat her cheeks again. “You’re going to blame me for all of your cruelties? I was a kid, Bryce.”

“So was I,” he reminded her. “I was a kid trying to figure out how to deal with this anomaly called my little sister because I didn’t see you the way other boys saw their sisters. I’m sure at first, it was a typical response to having my life as an only child disrupted, but I can’t say. I was barely four years old when you were born, so I don’t remember. All I know is that one day you were too… present.”

“Present?” she questioned.

“Always there, smiling and laughing sweetly, flinging your arms around me, hugging me, and wanting me to do everything with you,” he elaborated. “I saw you as a girl, not a sister, and girls were the enemy, infected with cooties and just as bossy as our mothers.”

Kendall laughed, unable to stop herself.

“Okay, I’m not talking about that far back, Bryce,” she said with slight exasperation. “You know exactly what I’m referring to. The practical jokes, tormenting me for your own kicks, treating me like a leper when all I wanted to do was spend time with you.”

“It should’ve worked, too, but it didn’t,” he said sincerely. “You kept coming back for more. And in some perverse, twisted way, I couldn’t resist that. It gave me a portion of what I wanted, your attention, a way to be in the same room as you without anyone knowing.”

Her brows furrowed. “What?”

“I couldn’t be nice to you, Kendall,” Bryce said soberly. “Had I tried, everyone would’ve known how I really felt: Mom, Dad, the staff, my friends. If I’d allowed myself to smile at you, it wouldn’t have been the smile of a brother. They all would’ve known that I saw you as a girl, not as a sister, and they would’ve separated us. Locked me away with shrinks in some remote place where I couldn’t infect you with my depravity.”

Kendall’s breathing increased, along with her heart rate. “That’s why you were so mean to me? Because you were afraid to like me?”

“No, Kendall, because I did like you. Too much. The way a boy likes a girl at school, but you weren’t one of those girls. You were completely off-limits, the only girl on the planet I was never supposed to want to kiss or hold hands with. And as you got older, I got older, and the things I wanted to do with girls then were definitely not the kind of things you’re supposed to do with your sister.”

“You humiliated me in front of all of your friends,” she said on a tight breath.

Her heart was aching because she wanted so much to believe he was telling the truth, but she’d been burned by him too many times.

“I made a complete ass out of myself in front of those friends,” he debated. “They never once laughed at you, Kendall. They felt bad for you because they thought I was an overprotective asshole. But that served two purposes, and I will never apologize for the second one because I’d seen the way they all looked at you. Every last one of them wanted to fuck you. Why do you think that asshole, Heath invited you to hang out with us by the pool?”

Kendall blanched. It was too much of a coincidence he would bring that up after Cody had.

“Yeah, I overheard your conversation,” Bryce said, answering the apprehensive look on her face. “You and Cody were so far down memory lane you didn’t even notice me walking right passed you. But let me fill you in on everything Ives left out. That fucker, Heath was hoping to convince you to go swimming with them that day, so they could all see you in your bikini. He didn’t think I heard that part of his plan, but I did. He’s lucky I didn’t bash his fucking teeth in, right there on the spot.”

Some of the blood drained from Kendall’s face to know that she’d been so naïvely unaware of the teenage boy’s true intentions. She could see it clearly now that she was older, but at the time, no. She would’ve blindly changed into her bikini and joined them in the pool, too happy to hang out with them to know anything dirty and perverted was going on.

Bryce hadn’t bashed the guy’s teeth in, but what he’d done was arguably worse. Even if Heath had made new friends at his new school, it wouldn’t have been the same. It hadn’t been the most elite prep school in the city with kids of the one percent. His school transcripts wouldn’t have looked as prestigious or opened the same kind of doors.

“You weren’t defending my honor, though, Bryce,” she said, looking him in the eye. “You were beating your chest over something you thought should only belong to you.”

“You did belong only to me,” he confirmed. “I couldn’t have you, but I sure the fuck wasn’t going to let any of those assholes touch you. I knew what they would do. It wasn’t the same.”

“How?” she pressed.

“Because they wouldn’t have wanted to keep you,” he said more gently, his gaze skimming over her mouth and making her breath hitch. “They wouldn’t have savored you or taken the time to learn all the things that make your cheeks blush, or your breath catch. They would’ve used you and tossed you aside for the next girl.”

He was probably right, but Kendall couldn’t help wondering if he wouldn’t do the same even now. What if the only thing driving him was that she was off-limits, something everyone in the world had told him that he wasn’t allowed to have? If he finally had her, proving them wrong, claiming his prize, would he honestly still want her afterward? Or would it be his ultimate rejection yet?

“And you won’t?” she challenged. “I saw the woman on your arm tonight, Bryce. You just hosted a Swingers’ party, for crying out loud.”

His mouth quirked up in the corner. “I didn’t think you’d even know what a Swinger was. Somehow, I doubt you learned that from any of your boarding school teachers.”

“You’re evading the question,” she said.

“Move in with me,” he said.

Kendall’s head jerked back. “Excuse me?” she laughed in surprise.

“You just graduated high school. It would be normal for you to want some independence from our parents at your age, and it would be more socially acceptable for you to live with me where I can watch over you. A young woman of your social standing needs someone to protect her from all the sharks who will soon be circling, the scent of fresh heiress blood in the water.”

She wished he was exaggerating, but Kendall knew he wasn’t. In high society, girls her age almost always remained living at home or moving in with an older sibling until they got engaged. It protected their reputations and their family’s assets simultaneously.

Kendall narrowed her eyes at him. “Are you asking me to move in because you want me here or because you want to keep beating your chest?”

“Both,” he said, humor dancing in his eyes, even though he wasn’t kidding. “You can’t stop me from the last part, Kendall. You are and have always been mine. It’s just that now, I actually get to have you the way I want. And if you lived here, we wouldn’t risk that becoming obvious as I visited you entirely way too much to be considered proper for a brother.”


“Cody knows,” he said.

She sighed. “That’s obvious.”

“I don’t know how he found out. He’s just always known,” he continued. “I owe that fucker an ass-kicking.”

Kendall scowled at him. “You’re going to keep talking in circles until I agree, just to shut you up. Aren’t you?”

He grinned. It was the first time he’d ever given Kendall a genuine grin that had absolutely nothing to do with her torment, and it dazzled her for a moment. She quickly shook it off and frowned at him again.

“You’ve hurt me so many times, Bryce,” she said firmly.

“And I’ll pleasure you twice as many times to make up for it,” he countered, just as serious.

“What about your girlfriend?” Kendall asked, but it felt more like grasping at straws.

She could feel herself caving, her body yearning to yield to his desires, her heart wanting to believe everything he said. Even the nagging voice in the back of her mind calling her a fool was growing weaker.

“Briana isn’t my girlfriend. She heads the charity for the event, so she was my necessary date,” he answered. “Her husband’s here with their unicorn.”

“Their what?” she stammered.

Bryce chuckled and leaned down enough to run the length of his nose over her cheek. “A unicorn is a single woman—or man—who gets shared by a Swinger couple. They’re known as such because they’re extremely hard to find and even harder to keep.”

Kendall’s face heated, and she couldn’t stop it. She was still too sheltered to ever conceive of things like that on her own. She knew about Swingers and people who were into S&M, but that was only thanks to pop culture and social media. She had no clue about anything below the surface of their existence.

“But you’re still one of them,” she pointed out softly.

He shrugged a shoulder. “It was something Cody talked me into trying,” he said. “It’s been fun, I won’t lie. But it’s not something I need to feel like my life is complete, Kendall. All I’ve ever wanted is you.”

She opened her mouth to respond, but Bryce moved in, stealing a kiss and her breath.

“I know you want me, too,” he said huskily. “You’ve always wanted me. You never saw me as a brother any more than I saw you as a sister. Let me show you everything I’ve always dreamed of happening between us. All of the things I’ve wanted to do with you.”

Kendall knew she was giving in, unable to fight against her desires just as much as his.

“Don’t hurt me,” she whispered, her eyes stinging with tears from that very real concern.

His lips slid into another sultry smirk. “Only if you ask me to,” he vowed.

Bryce didn’t hold back on his kiss then. She’d conceded her answer, and he wasn’t going to give her the chance to retract it. Kendall lost herself to the sensations of his skilled mouth as he backed her to the edge of the bed at last. His hands roamed over her, finding zippers and removing clothing faster than she could keep up. In all honesty, she didn’t even try.

Her dress fell to pool around her heels as he removed her slip. Then, he paused for a moment, his eyes devouring the sight of her cleavage in the lace cups of her bra.

“I never thought you could grow more tempting,” he said quietly. “But the moment I saw you standing there on Cody’s arm, it was like being hit by a truck. I’d never felt such intense desire before. It made all of my previous memories of wanting you pale in comparison because those had been the longings of a boy, and I am not that boy anymore.”

No, he wasn’t. It had been one of the first things Kendall had noticed about both him and Cody. They’d all grown up, even if they were still considered young. But Bryce was nearly four years older than her. Four years he hadn’t spent trapped in a boarding school, being watched like a hawk, the way she had. He’d obviously explored his wild oats rather well to wind up in a Swingers community by the age of twenty-two.

With deft fingers, he released the clasp of her bra, and Kendall fought a shiver. It was the first time she’d ever been naked in front of a man. That it was the only man she’d ever desired; made her nervous and excited at the same time.

Bryce pulled the bra from her arms slowly, his dilated pupils locked on the sight of her naked breasts. He licked his bottom lip before scraping his teeth over it slowly, and Kendall couldn’t believe how sexy it was. He dropped her bra to the floor, and his gaze wandered down her body to her panties next.

“Can you do something other than just look?” she asked, unable to handle the anxiety.

“No,” he said without looking up. “I’ve waited too long to see you this way. I’m going to fucking look.”

Kendall started to sigh with exasperation, but it stopped short when her brother traced his fingers above the thin straps holding her panties up. Goosebumps broke out across the skin of her hips, and the heat rose higher through her system. Primarily between her legs, which was the very thing Bryce uncovered next. He peeled her panties down slowly, revealing her pussy one centimeter at a time.

Then, he did the last thing she’d expected and lowered to his knees. Kendall would’ve been prepared for anything else but that. Her nerves scattered in every direction, and she twisted her fingers together, unsure of what else to do. With his thumbs still tucked under the straps of her panties, Bryce leaned forward and stuck his tongue between her legs. She gasped from the wild sensation, and his green eyes lifted to peer up at her as he did it again.

Blood rushed to her face, along with her hands. “No, Bryce. You can’t look at me while you’re doing that.”

His deep voice vibrated right into her pussy when he chuckled, and she moaned involuntarily.

“Why not?” he asked.

“Because it’s too embarrassing,” she insisted.

“Mmm, not from where I’m kneeling,” he argued. “All I can see is that I’m making your nipples hard, your cheeks flush, and your eyes dilate with pleasure. And that, dear sister, is hot as fuck.”

It is? Kendall moaned again when he dove back in, her hand falling to his head for balance when her knees threatened to buckle. She quickly added her other hand, her fingers curling into the natural waves of his hair because he’d stopped pretending to be gentle.

Bryce slid his hands to the back of her thighs and crammed his mouth between her legs so forcefully it pushed her off balance, and she plopped down on the bed. He yanked her panties out of his way and forced her thighs so far apart that Kendall felt the burn of inappropriateness stinging in her cheeks.

By her next breath, she forgot all about it. His mouth was all over her pussy, sucking and licking. She fell back on the bed the rest of the way, no longer capable of sitting upright. His fingers slicked through her folds, parting them so he could start probing his tongue right into her entrance.

Kendall had never felt anything so deliriously pleasurable before in her life. It was nothing at all like the kind of pleasure she was able to bring to herself while fantasizing about having a man’s mouth on her pussy. Okay, not just any man’s but the one who’s was there at that very moment.

It felt foolish not to admit that now, given her current position. Bryce had been the only man she’d ever dreamed about being with so intimately. That was why his cruelties had hurt her so much and stayed with her for so long.

When Kendall felt her brother’s tongue touch her clit, she gasped loudly, and her eyes snapped open.

“Oh, oh!” she yelped.

Her panting escalated as Bryce sucked her clit between his lips and started flicking his tongue over it. The familiar stirrings of an impending orgasm registered inside her pussy almost instantly, the pressure building right under the bundle of nerves he continued to lick and suck. Kendall tossed her head back and forth, all of her muscles tightening with the need to come.

“Oh, please,” she begged, right on the verge of experiencing paradise.

Bryce seemed to know exactly what her body needed. He kept up the same pace of sucking and licking but added the extra sensation of his finger sliding into her pussy, and Kendall’s pleasure erupted.

“Oh, God!” she cried out as the swells of ecstasy plummeted through her.

Bryce lifted his head and placed a kiss on her inner thigh. It had her muscles dancing, that whole area of her body far too sensitive now. When he added a second finger, Kendall whimpered more from the sensitivity than anything else… at first. The more she came down from her climax, the more it started feeling uncomfortably tight.

“Bryce—” she pleaded.

“I need to try and stretch you a little, Kendall,” he said. “It will only be more painful for you if I don’t.”

She tried to stifle her embarrassment, but it was difficult. “How do you know I haven’t already had sex?”

He gave her a slight smirk. “There’s a reason rich men send their daughters to Swiss boarding schools,” he said. “Everyone knows it’s more to protect their virtue than provide them with higher education. They still suffer under the archaic belief that virgin brides fetch more suitable husbands than not.”

“You don’t think so?” she asked, more to distract herself from the discomfort of his fingers than out of curiosity.

Bryce slowed his movements, circling his fingers wider,…

Published 2 years ago

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