Bacon sizzled in the cast iron skillet as Neil sat, bare-chested, on a bar stool in the kitchen, reading the Sunday morning Herald-Telegraph.
“Toast and jam?” Sylvia asked her son. Yesterday, she was fucking her brains out with Bobbie. Today, she was back to being a doting mother, albeit one with impure thoughts regarding her son.
“Yes, Mom.” Neil didn’t look up from the paper. “Thanks.”
As Sylvia placed crispy bacon strips on the folded paper towel, her mind wandered back to Bobbie’s kitchen and the meal they shared.
“How does tuna casserole sound to you, baby?” she asked.
“Mmmm, yes!” He turned a newspaper page.
She placed two slices of bread in the chrome toaster and pushed the lever down.
In her mind, Sylvia wandered through Bobbie’s home. She admired the Japanese art on the wall, the well-stocked bookcase in the living room, and the open, airy, spotless kitchen, much like hers, but not as modern.
Out came a half-empty jar of jam from the fridge. Strawberry again. She pulled a dish of margarine from aside the breadbox. She never understood why some people refrigerated their margarine. It hardened in the fridge and made it too difficult to spread across the toast. Her mind couldn’t stop thinking of the previous day’s activities.
Bobbie’s bedroom was so inviting, and the bed so soft, a cocoon for both of them, hiding, protecting their forbidden love and their lovemaking, sheltering them from the outside world and harsh, mundane reality.
She placed the jam and margarine on the flowered Formica countertop, next to Neil, then poured a small tumbler of orange juice and glanced over to the glistening mass of scrambled eggs cooking in the skillet. A whiff of natural gas emanated from the hissing range.
Thinking of the copious, tongue-sucking kisses she and Bobbie exchanged, it occurred to Sylvia that her new amour kissed a lot like a man, but she loved it. She also loved Bobbie referring to herself as “Mama”. It added a little extra kink to things, not that their lesbian relationship needed any more of a taboo element.
Sylvia divided the mass of scrambled eggs between her son and herself. A few strips of bacon lie on the other side of the bright orange Melamine plate. The butter knife scraped across burnished toast.
In their new relationship, Bobbie had christened her the girl. She thought about it, and yes, she wanted to be the little girl, perhaps even the daughter, if Bobbie wanted it, having her naked Mama love her and take care of her, nursing her with those big, thick-nippled breasts.
Yes, Mama. Take your little girl and do with her what you wish. Eat my pussy like you’re starving for it. Fuck me over and over. Rub our pussies together as I whimper through countless orgasms. Tell me what you want…what you need…and I will obey and serve you.
The erotic mental tableau forced a shiver through her body as her teeth closed on a bacon strip. Neil rustled the newspaper and snapped her back to the present.
“Damn, what is Johnson doing now?” he muttered to himself. “He just keeps escalating, sending in more troops!”
For a second, Sylvia thought he sounded like ol’ Dan-O back in the day, griping about everything President Truman did, as if Dan could do better. She looked at her son’s furrowed brow and smiled, knowing his grades were good enough to get him into college and avoid the draft. Still, he wasn’t completely out of the woods. It was up to her to keep him focused on his studies. She glanced down to linger on his well-formed chest sporting two red points.
What handsome nipples my boy has. My young man. Makes my mouth water, wanting to suck them.
All of the fantasies caught up with her. Blood rushed into Sylvia’s neck and face as her pussy began to throb. She averted her gaze to look at the bright yellow electric clock on the wall. Ten-fifteen as the second hand swooped past the numeral twelve.
Fuck, what a pervert I am! Naughty, horny lesbian incest mother. And these eggs are getting cold.
The coffee was strong and black and opened her eyes. The moment she started thinking of what laundry needed to be done, the wall phone rang. Neil looked up as his mother slipped off the barstool. With coffee mug still in hand, she picked up the phone.
There was a long silence, then she heard Bobbie’s voice.
“Goddammit, Sylvia.”
She sounded close to tears. With her son watching, she had to choose her words carefully.
“Why, yes.” She started a pretend conversation. “Neil and I are having breakfast right now.” Steam rose from her mug.
“I’m so sorry to call you. Is there any way he can hear me?”
“No, it’s all right. No trouble.”
“Thank God.”
“Oh, he’s right here, reading the newspaper. We haven’t been up for long.”
“Sylvia, I’m so embarrassed. I…honey…”
“Oh, I understand.” Sylvia furrowed her brow. “Dammit, our work is never done, is it?”
“Just a little more. I’m so sorry.”
“Honey, don’t be sorry and don’t worry. They can afford the overtime, especially with what they’re charging the client.”
“Anytime. I’ll be waiting. I don’t know how to deal with what I’m feeling.”
“Let me grab a shower and I’ll be over in, say, an hour and a half?”
“Yes, my love.”
“Okay, then.”
“I’m so happy.”
“Me, too, honey. We’ll take care of this.”
Sylvia placed the handset back on its clear plastic hook. She took a sip from the mug, glancing over to her son, who had returned to reading the newspaper.
“Go, Mom!” he shot her a smirking glance. “I just don’t want you working yourself to the bone.”
“It’s this special case we have. A real bear.”
“Do you want me to do the laundry?”
Sylvia envisioned her son washing everything together in hot water, mixing colors with whites. His red tee shirts and her new, expensive white blouse would result in faded reds and shrunken pinks.
And where the fuck are my special bra and panties?
“No, son, but thank you.” She slipped back onto the stool and placed a heaping fork load of eggs in her mouth. Time was of the essence as she chewed and talked. “You know I have a system worked out.” She took another sip of coffee, delighted that Bobbie had literally made her dreams come true.
God, I think my hands are shaking, I’m so happy. Keep cool, girl. You’re both getting what you need.
Thankfully, Sunday morning traffic was light. Most people were still in church or merely enjoying their day of rest as Sylvia gunned her Falcon across town to Bobbie’s house. The tires screeched as she pulled up to the curb. Sylvia slammed the car door and paused.
Slow down, dammit! Walk, don’t run.
She slung her purse over her shoulder and took slow, deliberate steps toward the front porch. The moment she reached the wooden stairs, the front door opened an inch. Sylvia lost her resolve and ran across the porch, pushing the door open, and disappearing into the darkness.
“Jesus Christ!” Sylvia gasped, dropping her purse to the floor as the door slammed behind her. Bobbie stood there, naked as a jaybird, tears streaming down her cheeks. Then she held out her arms.
“Yes! Yes!” Sylvia gasped, so tight was their embrace.
“Oh, thank you, thank you!” Bobbie sobbed.
“I’m so glad you called, my love.” Sylvia tried to control her emotions but to no avail. Tears started welling in her eyes. “I had a dream…a premonition.”
Sylvia didn’t remember her clothes being removed, but in the next moment, they were in the bedroom, writhing in soft, freshly-laundered bedclothes, nude bodies clinging together. Bobbie literally grunted as they kissed and probed each other’s mouths, tongues aflame. Sylvia didn’t even realize she was humping against Bobbie until she felt the moisture between her thighs and heat radiating up through her body.
“Goddamn…GODDAMN!!!” she wailed, gazing into Bobbie’s eyes, almost out of her mind with lust, love, and need.
“Yes, my love, YES!” Bobbie’s eyes had a crazed look in them as she bared her teeth.
The bedframe groaned, springs squeaking violently as their bodies battled against each other. Bobbie rasped, “We have to fuck. Now!”
“Yes, yes,” Sylvia responded breathlessly.
But Bobbie had something different in mind. Instead of the missionary position, like yesterday, she crawled to the foot of the bed, turning opposite her lover.
“Let’s try this, honey.”
“What are we doing, my love?”
“Humor me.”
Sylvia, so aroused she was about to attack her lover’s ample thigh, obeyed. With her head at the foot of the bed, Bobbie slid her legs alongside Sylvia’s until they scissor-legged each other, their pussies pressing together. The moment Mama started rubbing herself against her little girl, Sylvia gasped.
“Fuck, Bobbie,” she panted. “I never would’ve thought of this. I love it!”
“Uh huh…” Bobbie was already getting into the swing of things, her eyes wild with delight. “Uh-huh!”
It didn’t take long for Sylvia to start reciprocating, rubbing her wet, matted fur against Bobbie’s, her enflamed clit tingling with delicious sensations.
“That’s it, my love, yes!” Bobbie smiled, pleased that Sylvia picked up on the new position so fast. Soon, they hit their stride as their pussies rubbed furiously together. Sylvia gripped the headboard for leverage as Bobbie clutched at the bedclothes.
“Goddamn!” Sylvia growled as their juicy bits collided. “Fucking perfect!”
“You said it, girlfriend.”
Not long passed until the tension started building. Both of them felt orgasms on the way.
“Honey,” Bobbie grunted, breathing heavily, a glistening sheen of perspiration forming on her naked flesh. “Grab my hands and pull.”
Sylvia released the headboard as Bobbie reached toward her. They held hands, fingers intertwining, holding on for dear life, melding their pussies even tighter together.
“Oh, yes…YES!!!” Sylvia wailed as new waves of pleasure surged through her body.
“Uh-huh!” Bobbie smiled, nodding her head. “Damn it, Mama’s gonna come soon.”
“Oh, fuck, Mama,” Sylvia’s mouth hung open. “Me, too.”
“That’s it. Fuck Mama…FUCK MAMA!!!”
“Yes, Mama…YES! Fuck your girl! FUCK!!!”
“Ohhhh….” Bobbie’s eyes rolled back in her head as frantic thrusts turned into sharp, steady jabs against Sylvia’s matted fur.
“Dammit, here it comes!” Sylvia, white-knuckled, held onto Bobbie as she, too, was seized by a juicy climax.
“Oh, yes!” Bobbie was sweating profusely by now. “Fuck Mama’s pussy! Fuck my pussy!”
“Yes, Mama…YES!” Sylvia whimpered like a little girl, her throbbing womanhood melting into Bobbie’s as she came and came. “Come with me, Mama, come with me now!”
It sounded like feeding time at the zoo, what with the animal noises they made. Somewhere in Sylvia’s mind, she wondered if Bobbie’s neighbors could hear their sounds of passion.
In due time, they both fell limp against the bedclothes, their bodies still locked together. After a minute or two, Bobbie caught enough of her breath to speak.
“Oh, fuck…ohhh, my god!” she grunted. “That was so fucking good.”
“Yes, honey, yes,” was all Sylvia could say.
“But I need to shed some pounds if we’re going to keep doing this. I’m not the svelte, athletic girl I was in nineteen thirty-seven!”
Sylvia laughed. “Jesus, I wouldn’t have known.” Bobbie’s passion matched Dan’s at his best and far exceeded anything anyone else had ever done with her.
The next moment, Bobbie slid up near her lover as they exchanged more kisses and caresses. Wordlessly, they clung to each other as their bodies returned to normal. Sylvia was the first one to speak.
“Is this something you learned with Sarah? Am I naughty for asking?”
Bobbie hesitated. “Well, I guess it’s no secret. Not now. Do you mind?”
“No, no, my love.” Sylvia passed her hand over Bobbie’s warm, supple skin repeatedly, squeezing, caressing. “It was mindblowing.”
“An old trick from an old bitch dog.” Bobbie made fun of herself, but her lover was having none of it.
“Oh, stop debasing yourself!” Sylvia’s forehead creased as she admonished her plump, sexy lover. “And don’t you dare say anything like that again, at least around me!” She slapped Bobbie’s round, ample rump. “I won’t have it!” Then her face relaxed and she kissed Bobbie’s mouth. “As for what we did, whatever you call it if it brings back fond memories, I’m all in, sweetheart. Goddamn, that was hot!”
Bobbie nodded. “Okay, I just don’t feel very sexy or attractive, honey. You’re probably the third person in all my life I’ve been naked around.” She returned the kiss, this time letting it linger a bit. “And I’m not pretending you’re Sarah. That was so far in the past, it doesn’t seem real anymore. This is you and me, here and now.”
“Of course, my love, of course.” Sylvia kissed Bobbie’s forehead, nose, and lips. “Don’t for a moment think of me as jealous or envious. What we’re doing now is just you and me.”
“Okay, then.” Bobbie’s reticence subsided and they returned to the moment, luxuriating in each other’s bodies and the aftermath of lovemaking. Bobbie continued.
“Does that boy of yours think we’re up to something?”
“Nah. He just thinks we’re working overtime.”
“Okay. That would be a shocker, him knowing his mother was getting hot and heavy with another woman.”
“Oh, no doubt.” Sylvia smiled. “But he’s been surprising me somewhat as of late.”
“How so?”
“Well, he’s been making comments about my well-being, showing concern. He surprised me this morning by offering to do the laundry.”
“Really, now?” Bobbie’s nose found the valley between her lover’s breasts. “Hell, there are a lot of grown men who never get that far.”
“That’s exactly it. He’s sixteen and almost a man now, at least technically. Almost old enough to go fight and die in Vietnam, for chrissake!”
“Yeah, and it’s an…” Bobbie paused a few beats, “…interesting feeling when you realize you have a grown man in the house.”
Sylvia paused, not sure of how to interpret Bobbie’s comment. It made her think about the developments with her son in the past few days and her new feelings for him.
“He’s almost an adult, but he’ll never stop being my little boy.”
“No argument there, love.”
“Living in the house with a grown-up child.”
“An oxymoron, yes? Confusing at times.”
Sylvia rubbed her feet against Bobbie’s.
“Let’s get under the blankets, eh?”
“Of course.”
As their naked bodies slid beneath the bedclothes, Sylvia continued.
“But they also get adult habits.”
Bobbie chuckled. “Like what? Jerking off?”
Sylvia nodded vigorously, poking Bobbie’s shoulder. “Exactly!”
“Oh, there was plenty of evidence of my boy doing that, and then I found his stash of adult magazines.”
“Sweet mercy!”
“Quite a shock for a mother, but then you think about it.” The lovers returned to intertwining their bodies, soft blankets cocooning them. “You want your boy to be curious about women, right?”
“Yes, when you think of it that way.” Sylvia wriggled her way into a comfortable position, her head resting against Bobbie’s massive breasts. “I haven’t found evidence of any racy magazines, but he has no problem leaving evidence of jerking off.”
“What, that tell-tale crust on his old socks and underwear?” Bobbie smiled, placing her hand on Sylvia’s head, pulling her face against her breasts. “He’s certainly not blowing his nose in them.”
Sylvia took a deep breath and sighed. She loved the soft, supportive feel of her lover’s bounty.
“No, he jerks off in the shower.”
“Ohhh, a special gift for you, eh?”
“Jesus, he’s such a bad boy. He hogs the shower in the morning until I have to run him out, and the past week he’s been leaving a big glop of semen in the drain.”
“Yeah, and it keeps the tub from draining, so I have to dig it out!”
“Jesus, girlfriend, that must be a lot of jizz to clog it up!”
“Damn right, it is. It gets caught in the screen over the drain.”
“So you just toss it away?” Bobbie sighed.
Sylvia was about to reply ‘yes’ but paused. Intrigued, Bobbie’s eyebrows raised.
“What do you do with it?”
Now Sylvia wanted to lie to her Mama, to hide her shame, but couldn’t.
“Have you ever tasted semen?” Sylvia looked up at Bobbie’s face.
Bobbie gasped. “Of course!” She slapped Sylvia’s butt. “Oh, my god! You don’t mean…”
Sylvia nodded. Even in the dim light, Bobbie could tell her lover’s face had flushed crimson.
“Oh, naughty mother! God, I don’t know if that’s incest or not!”
Sylvia thought Bobbie would disapprove and admonish her, but no. By all indicators, Bobbie was enthralled.
“Well? How did it taste?”
“Like a man’s cum, that’s all.” Sylvia felt her body glowing with arousal and shame. “Only this time it was my boy’s cum.” She surprised herself by confessing to what was most likely incest, but in the past twenty-four hours with Bobbie, her new lover had shared so many secrets, Sylvia was compelled to return the kindness.
“Oh, my word.” Bobbie sighed again, shaking her head, but smiling broadly. “I must admit, that’s so fucking hot. What possessed you?”
“Jesus, Bobbie.” Sylvia knelt at the confessional, with her priestess/lover on the other side of the screen, listening intently. “Not having a man or any sign of a man in my bed for so many years can get to a woman.”
“You don’t have to tell me, honey. I totally understand. It almost drove me crazy.”
“And when there’s a big glop of fresh semen, all slick and sticky between your fingers, the stuff of life! You want to remember times when you had a real, live man in your bed, pumping endless seed into every hole!”
“Oh, god, yes.” Bobbie paused. Sylvia’s frankness was getting her aroused again. “I’m ashamed to say that when my darling William started soiling his laundry, I just shook my head and smiled. He was fully sixteen and acting as a man should. I couldn’t help but think of him masturbating.”
“Sometimes, you take what you can get,” Sylvia replied, eyeing Bobbie’s breast like a hill to be conquered, her thick, erect nipple a succulent, red apex. “I wonder if Neil’s fucking yet. I wonder if he’s a virgin, or if he’s fooling around with his schoolmates.”
“All mothers wonder when their boys will lose their cherries, and hopefully they don’t suffer any consequences.”
“Yes. This is when I wish a man was around to give him the ‘birds and bees’ talk.”
“Hell, I gave it to Billy myself.”
“Yes, I forced myself to. It was tough. I was nervous as hell, but it needed to be done.”
“How did he respond?”
Bobbie laughed, imitating her son. “Okay, Mom. Thanks!” He didn’t bat an eye when I gave him a pack of rubbers.
They kissed some more,…