Sweet Sunsets

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The sun was beginning to set on a Thursday behind a sky full of bright pink and orange clouds. The tree line began to hide the direct rays. The tall and thick trees were like a forest, dark and forbidding. In this part of Australia, everything has a mystery to it…


My name is Vesi Jhori Shaeria. I know it’s not a name you often find. It is Elvin for Pure Life Warriors. I guess my parents had a sense of humor? I like my name though, it’s unique. It fits with my hazel eyes, long wavy brunette hair that glows red in the sunlight, my hourglass figure with very strong muscles from bailing hay for a living.

I typically wear leather work boots, a denim long sleeve shirt that happens to hide my figure quite well, but that doesn’t stop the ranch hands from staring every chance they get. I also wear thick blue jeans which is the norm here. I work at Holy Dog Ranch here in the country side. It is a large horse ranch that boards, breeds, and breaks horses.

I don’t deal with the horses often. I bail hay and stack the bails on a trailer following the tractor. I have noticed that a lot of the ranch hands tend to like what they see: a hot, sweaty brunette with thick gloves on her hands and her sleeves rolled up. When I look up, they all suddenly turn away and resume their work. It is quite amusing sometimes, but more often than not, annoying.

There is only one guy who doesn’t look at me, at least not when I’m paying attention. He is actually the only one on this big ranch I wish would look at me. His name is Bret. I’ve met him once or twice but never really got to talk to him. I about fell in love with him the moment I stepped foot on this ranch two years ago. He is one of the five boys who break the horses over in the corrals. To me, he is beautiful.

He wears a tannish- cream colored cowboy hat. It has a very pretty feather in the side of it that sets him apart from all the other guys. He has striking blue eyes under a shaggy head full of dark brown hair. It’s always wavy and almost curly when he takes his hat off to wipe a red bandana across his wet forehead. He has a very masculine face and a pointed chin and is always clean shaven. He wears denim shirts like me and worn out blue jeans, but he usually wears chaps and cowboy boots.

From what I’ve seen of him, he is nothing but muscle. He can man-handle a rowdy horse any day of the week. I think I come up to about his chest when I stand next to him.

I only wish he knew I loved him and wanted him to hold me.


I had just got done breaking a horse they rightfully named Buck. The sun was setting; it was almost time to go home.

I wiped my face with a cool, wet bandana to get some of the grime off of me. Then I saw her looking at me, that girl. I think her name is Vesi. It’s an odd name, but very beautiful. I know all the other guys ogle at her so I try not to, although when I’m alone on a break, I can sometimes find a spot to catch her bail that hay like a pro. Too bad I don’t get to talk to her, she is just beautiful.

I woke up from my fantasies and she was gone, obviously on her way home to her ranch that I know is the one adjacent to this one, but still a 3 miles walk from here. I know that gorgeous black stallion in the stables belongs to her; his name tag on the door says “Desperado.” Magnificent animal.

I have a mare, her name is Jhori, it’s Elvin for Life. It reminds me of Vesi.

I went to the stables and realized Vesi hadn’t left yet, she was brushing Desperado with long gentle strokes. She didn’t notice me come in but we were alone. All of the others have gone home for the day.

Twilight was fading through the windows of the stable onto Vesi’s pretty hair, it looked so beautiful. I walked up to her…

“Vesi?” I said.

“Jesus! You scared me!” she scolded.

I put my hands up as if I’d been caught in the act of mischief. “I’m sorry Miss, I didn’t mean to.”

She seemed to relax and started brushing the big horse again. She looked me in the eyes and I couldn’t move. I wish she knew how much I wanted her in that moment.


My heart was still racing from being spooked, but after I saw it was Bret, it sped even faster. He must be fixing to leave. Then I looked at him and this time he was looking at me. What I saw there I longed for. I never felt lonelier than I did right then. I forgot to make my hand brush Desperado and he snorted, bringing me back to reality. Bret shifted his feet but didn’t look away.

“You have a beautiful horse, Miss Vesi,” he said in a very seductive tone. Men like him shouldn’t be able to talk like that to girls who yearn for their companionship.

“Thank you, Bret. Your mare is beautiful too. What is her name?” I asked.

“Jhori,” he stated.

I dropped the brush. He looked frightened as my mouth stood open.

“Wha…what did I say?” he stammered out.

“Um, nothing, just that, Jhori is my middle name. Did you know that?”

His eyes wide, I guess he didn’t.

“My name is Vesi Jhori Shaeria. It means Pure Life Warriors in Elvin. My parents lived on the edge I guess you could say.

He just stood there looking at me. I think what I saw for the first time there was desire. I felt a jolt of energy bolt through my core as I smiled.

“I best be getting home,” I said

“I’ll see ya around?” he asked hopefully.

“I hope,” was all I said as I winked at him and swung up into my saddle. It was time and Desperado knew it so he trotted quickly out of the stable.


I just stood there staring after the ghost of her silhouette in the fading light. My horses name is the same as hers! What a coincidence because I had no idea.

I went to the next stable over and saddled Jhori. She was happy to see me and gratefully took the treat out of my hand as I scratched her ear.

If only Vesi knew how much I want her. I melt when she looks at me.

I rode home quietly. My small cabin was about 2 miles past Vesi’s. I usually take another short cut but this time I rode past her house.

She had a nice red brick and stone home. Smoke was coming out of the chimney and one of the lights was on. I saw through a window, to my astonishment and great pleasure, Vesi wasn’t wearing anything and in her vanity mirror, she was brushing her long fine hair. My horse had slowed to a stop and it looks like she saw me in her mirror because she swiftly turned around and gasped. She didn’t try to cover herself though, which surprised me. What surprised me even more is that she stood up and walked to her window. Her hips swayed through the air and she stretched out her arms to either side grasping the curtains, with her full bosom and womanhood open to view, she smiled at me in a way a woman should never be able to smile at a man who covets her the way I do. She then winked at me like she did earlier that day and drew the curtains slowly together.

I rode home not watching the road, I was in deep thought.


For the next several weeks, I found myself looking for Bret everywhere I went. He still broke the horses and all, but I also found that we bumped into each other quite often. It was usually after everybody left when he came to see me in the barn, and eventually he started putting Jhori in the stall next to Desperado’s. We often talked while on our ways home. We got to know each other but I couldn’t help the fact I felt he was hiding something. It was just the way he always looked at me. He was hard to read. I could lose myself in his winter cold eyes any time, but I felt like he would reach in and find me if I did.

Every time I first see him in the barn as the sun sets, fire shoots through my body longing to feel his touch, just like it did this time. Bret silently walked in. He was still wearing his leather chaps and it made me yearn for him all the more.

This time he wasn’t talkative like he’d grown to be, instead he was silent and graceful in his movements.

He walked up to me and stood only one pace from me and lifted up his right hand and brushed my cheek very tenderly. At that touch, I felt a tear slide down my face and he took his thumb and wiped it away like it never existed. He just looked at me, like he was looking into my very soul, searching for something. He stepped closer, and his other hand came to rest on the other side of my face pulling me closer to him. Being against the hardness of his toned muscles was almost too much for me as I thought of how long I had wanted to be here in his arms.

Just about then I saw a glimmer in his eyes too as a tear of his own fell, and I lifted my delicate, work worn hand to his smooth face and I wiped it away like it had never existed.

As soon as it was gone, he bent his head forward and took his hat off with a quick motion and his lips touched mine. It was a soft kiss but gradually became filled with passion and longing. His tongue entered my mouth and explored every crook and cranny as my tongue was invited into his.

We stood there in the fading twilight for a while, just content to hold and be held as we kissed, opening a portal to a new world full of awaiting passions.


For the next week, me and Vesi stood for long minutes in the barn holding each other in silence as the sun went down. But today it did nothing but rain.

It poured out its soul. Vesi had gotten there before dawn when it started raining to get the hay in before it was ruined.

When I got there, I knew I couldn’t break horses in the mud, so I made my way quickly out into the fields to help Vesi. All other ranch workers were either slow to arrive, or not show at all. It was basically up to me and Vesi to pick up the hay as the ranch owner drove the truck himself with the trailer attached. I stood on the trailer throwing the bails into a stack as fast as I could while Vesi was on the ground practically throwing the bails at me in a hurry. We couldn’t afford to take a break today, otherwise we were going to lose more hay than we could afford. The rain makes it rot.

Vesi grunted and groaned more and more as the day went on. I could tell she was tired and cold. We both were soaked and chilled to the bone. She had her hat on to keep the water out of her eyes, but with the rain seemingly falling sideways, it didn’t really help.

Water was pouring off my chin and face as I was following Vesi into the barn to saddle the horses. She could hardly walk.

“You sit down, now. I’ll saddle him.” I commanded.

“No,” she whimpered.

“He won’t let anyone but me saddle him,” she pleaded and took a step towards him. I put my hand out and stopped her and she looked at me.

“Fine, then you can ride with me and Jhori and I’ll pull Desperado behind. You can get the saddle tomorrow.” That’s if she goes to work tomorrow that is, I thought quietly to myself.

She complied and fell onto an upturned five gallon bucket.

I went over to Desperado’s stall and he laid his ears back in warning. “Man, she wasn’t kidding,” I mumbled to myself under my breath.

I hooked a lead rope to his halter after I saddled my mare and I went over to find Vesi with her drenched head in her hands.

“Come on, I’ll get you warmed up soon,” I told her and she slowly got to her feet. I jumped up onto Jhori and then she took my hand and I easily pulled her up behind me. Her head immediately rested on my shoulder and I pulled her arms around my waste and we rode out of the barn into the pouring rain.


The next thing I remember after being pulled up onto Jhori behind ret was finally being warm. I didn’t open my eyes but something seemed funny. Then I realized I wasn’t in my own bed. My eyes shot open and across the room was Bret sitting in a rocking chair asleep. The fire in the hearth had died down to embers but it was still warm in the room. I could hear the rain pelt on the roof with fury and I then felt the rumble of thunder nearby. At that, I saw Bret open one eye to check on me, noticing I was awake, he sped over to me and knelt by the bed. His fingers brushed my cheek.

“Bret,” I whispered.

He smiled and asked if I was okay and I said yeah. I began to sit up and he looked away and wondering why, I realized I wasn’t wearing any clothes. I blushed and lay back down.

“Bret, you undressed me?” I asked, a little embarrassed.

He turned bright red in the glow of the fire and candles and said, “Yes, you were soaking wet, you were going to get sick if I didn’t.” I thought about my body and that he would’ve seen all of me, and I had no idea. I started to get aroused thinking about it.

I just smiled at him. I took my hand and although still feeling weary, I wrapped my arm around his neck and he leaned in to hold me as I laid there in his bed.

“Thank you, Bret,” I whispered into his ear. Then I had the urge to nibble on his ear, so I did. When my tongue touched him, I heard him gasp but he didn’t move away. He actually put his hands under me and lifted me up a little and then pulled me up to his face and his lips met mine but it wasn’t a soft kiss, it was a kiss of passionate lust. A fire was in his eyes and a need burned within me.

Just then, I felt with my hands and now alert, I noticed he was only wearing dried jeans and nothing else, not even a shirt. My heart began to race faster as I felt his muscles along his back and shoulders.

He started breathing faster and kissing harder as his hands made their way under the blankets. He started working his way down my neck and he said amidst many little kisses, “since this *kiss* is the only *kiss* bed I have, *kiss* I think we get to *kiss* share unless you want me to take *kiss* the floor.”

To put up a protest to him on the floor, I held onto him tightly and pulled him up onto me. His breathing came in shallow wisps and he now lay on top of me, his elbows resting on either side of me. We stared into each other’s eyes for a long moment.

“Bret, did you know, I’ve practically loved you since I first saw you?” he raised an eyebrow.

“Vesi, did you know the feeling is mutual?” then it was my turn to raise an eyebrow.

“I didn’t know,” I whispered and looked away. He pulled my face back towards him with his calloused fingers.

“Don’t be afraid to look at me,” he pleaded in a soft voice.

At that I began to softly cry. He lay off to my side and just held me close, never letting go.


I laid there holding the woman of my dreams as she slept. In her sleep she smiled and whispered my name several times. It made my heart skip a beat when she did.

The rain never let up. But eventually I had to get up to put more logs on the fire to keep my beloved warm.

I thought about it, and silently took off my pants and slid in the bed beside her, her not stirring one bit as I lay naked next to her bare and yet wonderfully soft skin. I felt all of her womanly curves beside me as her chest rose and fell. Soon, my own breaths came in time with hers as she slept soundly.

I could not find it within me to sleep too.

A little later into the night, she stirred and opened her eyes and looked into mine. She didn’t move away for gasp or nothing. She just laid there next to my naked, weathered body. But I did know she could feel my erect member against her thigh. And I could tell she liked it too. I could smell her aroma, even above the blankets. It smelled oh so sweet and intoxicating. She turned red when she saw my nostrils flare. I couldn’t control myself after that; I had to show her just how much I love her.

Under the warm covers, I quickly put my body over hers again, making her jump just slightly. I noticed she was breathing faster. I stared into her deep, green eyes as I ground my member on top of her nicely trimmed mound. It took my breath away when I undressed her to get her warm.

She spread her knees apart to let me know she wanted me just as much as I wanted her. There was no need for foreplay, we knew what we wanted.

When I slid down a little, my eight inch cock slipped right into her slit past her clit right to the entrance to her sweet, hot cave.
he knows exactly what he wanted, “ I thought to myself.

“Bret, I love you,” she whispered softly. Her face just glowed gloriously in the firelight.

I started to slowly penetrate her, she was extremely tight. It was just beautiful. Then I was blocked by what I guessed as her hymen, and I paused. When she saw my hesitation, she slightly nodded and to make it as quick as possible, I thrust the other 4 inches in and she cried out in pain. I stopped cold and wrapped my arms around her and held her there while she cried.

After about five minutes I noticed she began to thrust her hips against me. With her tight pussy around me, I didn’t care about anything else in the world. I loved this woman with all my heart.

I began to thrust too and I picked up the pace a little bit. I didn’t ravage her sweet pussy like my dick wanted me to, but instead was considerate of the fact she is probably horribly sore from working in the rain the day before, so I was as gentle as I could be.

She was so wet, and her eyes glistened like a pair of diamonds before me in the glow of the fire light as we silently made love for several hours. She almost continually whimpered under her breath though making me feel like a man, a man that would do anything for her, a man that wanted to take care of her so she wouldn’t have to work in those God awful fields anymore. I would make her the happiest woman on this earth.

After a long while of sweet love making, our bodies were covered in a layer of sweat. The quilts fell back to the base of my back, and the muscles in my back rippled as I thrust in and out of her.

I slowed to a soft grind as I noticed she was half asleep with exhaustion and pleasure. She needed rest. Then I allowed myself to cum deep inside her, my white hot sperm coating her insides. She sighed loudly as I rolled over and we fell asleep in each other’s arms, dreaming of each other.


I woke the next morning alone, I wondered where Bret was and I smelled the bacon, so I slowly sat up and pulled the top quilt with me as I wrapped it around me and walked quietly into the kitchen. Bret was back in his pants, cooking a breakfast for me. He looked up and saw me. The smile on his face was to die for.

“Good morning, Beautiful,” he softly cooed as he took me in his arms to give me a good morning kiss.

The rain had stopped and the sun was shining.

“Ah! Bret, I have to work!” I shrieked and pulled away.

“Oh, no you don’t! The only thing you are doing today pretty lady is going with me to get your saddle.”

“But…” I started to complain.

“No, you’re still too weak to work. I want you back to your full strength before you do any labor.

“Fine,” I pouted and poked my bottom lip out like a little girl, and for that I received a nice long kiss. Now I didn’t feel so bad about not working, as long as I was with him.

Later, we both got dressed and rode in the sunshine on Jhori, and again pulled Desperado with us. He looked annoyed with his ears back and his eyes rolling in his head.

We got to the ranch and I went in to saddle my stallion and Bret disappeared. I don’t know where he went, but I quickly found out as I walked out of the barn to be greeted by a big circle of each and every person on the ranch.

There were about twenty men surrounding me, and the owner and his wife also. They all had smiles on their faces except for Bret who looked solemn. He was in the middle looking at me, and I saw he had something in his hand.

“Uhh, what’d I miss?” I asked. They were obviously up to something.

Next thing that happened I’ll never forget. Bret walked up to me slowly and knelt down on one knee and looked up at me with a tear in his eye. When I realized what was happening, I started to cry too.

“Vesi Jhori Shaeria, I have loved you since we first met. I love you with all my heart and I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” tears streamed down his face as he took my hand. “Vesi, will you accept this ring and be my wife?” He had a pleading look in his eyes.

I looked into his piercing blue eyes and simply whispered, “Yes.” The group of people I had forgotten that surrounded us hooted and a hollered throwing their hats into the air as Bret placed a beautiful diamond ring on my left hand.

Bret stood up and kissed me deeply.

Pulling back he says, “Everyone! I’m resigning my wife to be from further work in the fields!” Then he looked back to me, he said softly, “I simply won’t let my wife to be work out in the rain wrestling bales of hay anymore.” And with that, I was the happiest woman in the world.


Two months later, we were happily married and I was still working on the ranch while my new wife made my cabin a home.

I had just finished with a horse when the owner of the ranch came to me and handed me a piece of paper. I looked at him with a puzzled look on my face and he smiled and shrugged.

I unfolded the paper and my life changed forever. It read, “Bret, Dear, you are going to be a father.”

Published 15 years ago

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