Unremarkable Skip was eyeing round Greta, who returned his gaze with batted lashes, fibbing shy eyes, and a knowing smile. He has potential, she thought. Many women settle for men with potential, no matter what her angle might be. Settling comes easier the hungrier she is.
“Hey,” Skip said with all the suavity he could muster. “Wanna dance?”
“No, thanks.” She let his shoulders slump before delicately yanking on his shirt. “Hey,” she drawled, “Wanna make out?”
He did.
Greta wasn’t interested in any kind of kissing foreplay. The two found an unoccupied wall where she pinned his back, draped her arms up and around his neck, and fished his tongue out with hers. Skip appreciated her eagerness and gripped his hands behind her waist to keep her pressed against him.
She tugged at his tongue with her lips and teeth until Skip caught on that she wanted it as far down her throat as they could get it. Copious drool drenched their chins as she struggled to swallow it farther, farther more, and just a little more until…
Skip jerked away from a sting at the very tip of his tongue.
“No, don’t stop,” Greta panted as she gulped him back in. The next sting was more of a pinch that Skip felt all the way down to the tip of his swelling cock.
“What the fuck was that?” he called out after she released him.
The beginning, she answered to herself. “I have a scar down my throat. It’s nothing.” She kissed him less fervently and rubbed his cock over his pants until his cum was wasted into the fabric of his underwear. Greta reached under his belt and recovered a fingerful which she lingeringly licked clean.
She called her phone with his and glided away into the crowd with a grace that belied her plumpness.
Greta needed to feed but patience was her friend. She ignored his first few texts before agreeing to meet him again at the same place. Skip smelled less desperate and more anxious while they chatted at the bar. He wound his fingers through her jet-black ringlets and she rubbed the inside of his thigh.
When they kissed, his tongue more easily reached the back of her throat. He hadn’t noticed that it was just that much longer, but she did. He ignored the prick while she squeezed his.
“I liked how your cum tasted the other night. I’ll bet your balls are filling up with lots more, right now, aren’t they?”
She wasn’t wrong. His balls ached more than he would have expected after jerking off earlier to prepare for their date. “It’s all yours if you want it.” Greta took him into the men’s room past some guy peeing.
“Fuck off!” Greta scolded, her words reverberating more than they should have. She chose the far stall.
Skip couldn’t get his pants down fast enough for either of them. Greta pursed her lips on just his tip and sucked so hard that he swore he felt strings of his pre-cum being pulled out.
“Sweet,” she said to him, looking up with her smoldering black eyes. So very sweet. “Do you like deep-throat?”
Greta took her time licking and sucking her way down his (for the time being) modest cock.
Skip groaned as she traced her tongue along its pulsating veins. His cock felt stuffed to him, overfull like a water balloon stuck on the faucet. At long last, she took him in so deep that he could feel her throat constrict around it.
Exactly when the stinger pinched his cock the way it had his tongue, his balloon burst and she thirstily lapped every glop. Greta smiled around his shaft as it gradually, noticeably refilled. Skip was as impressed with himself as he was with her inspirational head bobbing. He rarely came twice in a night and never within minutes but this prompt, second orgasm was more intense and fruitful that the first. None of it went to waste.
Greta gave up on another rapid resuscitation. She retrieved a slip of paper from her bosom and shoved it into his pants pocket. “This is where I live. Come there, any time.” She exited the stall to a round of applause.
Skip thought that he should hesitate but knew that he wouldn’t. He thought that he should question the stinging but knew that he wouldn’t. He couldn’t tell how much he had come but it almost felt like he was peeing when he did. He was sure that he shouldn’t see her again but knew that he would.
The next night, Greta was disrobing before Skip had the chance to close her front door. He couldn’t believe her curves. The undersides of her hefty breasts barely touched her chest and her richly colored dead straight nipples readily offered themselves. She had no belly to speak of, and her narrow waist complemented the opulence of her smooth, firm, apple-ass cheeks.
“I had prayed for you to be here.”
“I don’t know what it is that you do for me but I’ve never cum so hard before.”
“I don’t believe that’s true, but it’s so sexy of you to say it.” Greta danced around Skip, removing pieces of his clothing with every pass until he was as naked as she. She pulled his face to hers and this time he rolled his tongue into her throat without her begging. The spring of his attentive cock was pulled back as soon as she stung his tongue far down her throat and she quickly moved her mouth to his shaft before its tension was released.
Skip might have fallen had his legs not become locked. Steady spurts of sperm bounced off the back of Greta’s throat, and she bit gently to make sure he didn’t pull out until he was done.
He dropped to his knees out of breath and she cradled his head against her cunt. “I’m sorry, I always have more control than that.”
“It isn’t your control that I want. My bedroom is over here.” Greta’s bedroom, like her entire place, was Spartan; functional. The bed was covered with a sheet and a single blanket was crumpled at the foot. She opened one of several bottles of water and gave it to Skip, who finished it in only a few swallows.
“I didn’t realize I was so thirsty,” he said.
“It’s important to keep your fluids up.”
She pushed him onto the bed and took his cock back into her mouth.
“No, it’s my turn to get you off, Greta.”
“In time. This is what I do. You’ll let a girl do what she does, won’t you?”
Skip’s moan was answer enough. He couldn’t believe that he was getting hard again so soon and wasn’t about to argue. When she took him down her throat, he felt the pin-prick again, the little sting like before. He found that he welcomed it, like a love bite. He didn’t have much time to dwell as his balls and cock swelled. “Oh, God, I’m going to cum again!”
Greta knew that he was going to cum before he did and shifted their positions to get her cunt to swallow his cock before his first stream poured out. She tipped her head back with a satisfied smile and drank it all in. When he was finally done, she bore down, trying to scratch an itch.
She continued to gently ride him, rolling their crotches together. Skip’s moment passed and it was clear that he was still hard as a rock. He debated whether he should ask if she came as well when Greta handed him another water.
“Greta, you…you’re…I’ve never been with a woman like you. I can only hope…”
“Aren’t you sweet?” She squeezed his embedded cock and told him that he gave her what she wanted.
“Are you sure? I mean I honestly last a lot longer but I can’t with you.”
She silenced him with a nipple and cooed for him as she continued to grind. “Do you have more for me?” Then she climbed off and lay on her back with her open cunt on display. “I see your cock nodding. It’s saying ‘yes’ isn’t it?”
Skip wasn’t going to ignore his body. Three times for him had never been possible before, much less under an hour. He mounted his beauty and assumed control, feeling mostly like himself—fucking her with peculiarly long strokes.
Greta enjoyed it enough but it wasn’t until he came that she came alive, soaking it all in. Afterward, she remained nude while Skip dressed, puzzling why he was being asked to leave so soon.
“Come back to me. Be with other women, you should, but come back.”
Skip faced the closing door holding another bottle of water.
Skip developed a lisp, just a little one, but was quickly able to get it under control. He could see the tip of his tongue when he stuck it out, something that he couldn’t ever do before.
His tighty-whities had shrunk, every pair, which was strange but not as strange as the other possibility. His dick seemed to him to be a little thicker and hang a little lower, as did his nuts. He rubbed himself hard and measured. He knew what the length should have been—the same as it had been since he first measured himself at sixteen.
Proud and uneasy, he found it to be almost an inch longer.
Be with other women, she had said. Skip wanted to go back to Greta, he knew that he would, but the idea of testing his junk with someone else beat down his compulsion. He found Lilly, an old hook-up, and followed her back to her place.
Lilly admonished him to go easy on the tongue as they kissed.
“I’ll have you eating those words in a minute, Babe.” Skip long-licked her pussy a couple of times before wiggling and waggling it up farther than any tongue had reached before.
Lilly writhed under the influence of Skip’s enhanced tongue. “Right there!” she shouted when she climaxed. “Where the hell did you learn that?”
“Just something I picked up.” Skip rubbed his dick where his mouth had vacated and stuffed it in.
“Go easy!” she yelled. Lily was surprised when she couldn’t take in Skip’s once-familiar dick as readily as before. “My God, have you been taking vitamins?” she said between huffs and puffs. Long pulls and pushes brought Lilly to another orgasm and then one more.
When he couldn’t hold back, Skip withdrew and experienced a mildly adequate orgasm with very little cum to drip onto her belly. He expected personal fireworks and volumes of spunk as he got with Greta but this time he got neither. His dick withered to almost nothing when he was done; there would be no repeat performances.
As they cuddled, Lilly asked Skip about his self-improvement. “That wasn’t just some blue pill.” She became worried as he told her about Greta. “As nice as your new package is, I wouldn’t go back to her if I were you. Something doesn’t seem right.”
Skip agreed out loud but got dressed to leave with the intent to go straight to Greta’s. Lilly, curious and concerned, threw on a top and jeans and covertly followed him.
Greta gestured for Skip to come in, and they were already naked and kissing by the time Lilly was peeking through the corner of the window. His arms dropped by his sides and he shivered when they broke the kiss. When he turned, Lilly gasped at his drawn-out drooling tongue dangling over his chin and his upright downright astonishing dick drooling down its length.
The couple headed for the bedroom and Lilly looked for another window. When she couldn’t find one, she scurried back to the door and was able to sneak in. Staying low, Lilly spied Greta’s nose buried in Skip’s pubes. She knew Skip’s O-face but had never seen it frozen like that before.
His balls expanded and contracted and expanded and contracted. Is he really cumming that much? Lilly wondered until she saw some of it leak from the corner of Greta’s mouth.
Greta pushed the overflow back in and kept swallowing until Skip’s balls stopped pushing. She lifted her head and lifted it more until all of Skip’s flaccid dick was eventually withdrawn. She twisted the cap off of a water bottle and poured it and another down Skip’s throat.
“Ready for more, Lover?”
Skip smiled and nodded, “God, yes, more.” His dick concurred, straightening out more than a foot in length.
“If you say so…” She tested his rod in her cunt, reeling him in as she lowered herself onto his lap and ground down, wriggling for effect and a fit. “Not yet, Lover.” Greta changed positions and took his dick back into her gullet, inch by inch, sting, twitch, sting, twitch as his tongue squirmed against her thigh and he drooled over her cunt.
Lilly saw his eyes roll back and heard a moan choke out of his dry mouth. She had never seen such a long dick or such an incredible sword-swallowing feat. Skip convulsed through another climax as Lilly searched for any sparks in his dead eyes. Greta extricated his dick which, to Lilly’s revulsion, had grown even larger.
“Leave him alone!” she shouted and rushed toward them but Greta backhanded her across the room once she was within reach.
“I wondered if you were going to act or just watch. Have you enjoyed us so far? By your smell, I suspect that you have. Now, stay down! You may save him if you can when I’m through!” With both hands, Greta crammed Skip’s abominable dick back into her cunt.
“We made it, Lover, you’re there!” Greta crooned as she lifted and dropped him into place. Her body flushed red then, a darker red than a blush would be. She leered at Lilly with a vicious grin, opened her mouth, and coughed like a cat to bring up the wiggling tip of Skip’s inhuman penis.
Greta swallowed and laughed. “Surprised, girl? You shouldn’t be. We don’t have guts as humans do. We have wombs to be fed!”
A raspy gurgle bubbled out of Skip as he ejaculated yet again. When he stopped, he winced at stings, pricks, and pinches down the entire length of his shaft. Greta’s cunt opened up and scooped up his inert nut sack.
Skip felt it and didn’t care; Lilly heard it and was scared. The muffled sounds of chewing filled the air.
Finally, finally what might have been an orgasm in a human rang through the demon and she let loose with a joyous, dreadful howl. She easily shed her nearly dead victim and kicked him onto the floor. Lilly bravely dragged him back to her corner and Greta tossed her a bottle of water. “He might live. So few make it this far.”
Lilly cried for her friend whose hellishly gnawed penis lay past his knees. She slowly fed him water, wary of his shrinking tongue. She was fixated on Greta’s midsection as it audibly stretched out with sounds like a boiling cauldron.
Greta’s belly had expanded beyond a woman’s capability and she growled when it was her time. The demon dislocated her hips to spread her legs with a wail, enough to pass a massive gelatinous blood-red and black bulb. The thing inside made it wobble and fall to the floor before it tore itself free, releasing a gush of putrid fluids.
It skittered on all of its legs toward Skip, who impotently winced as it gobbled up his fallen manhood and attached itself between his legs.
Skip was partially conscious and weakly pried at the exoskeleton. Lilly tried to keep his hands away for fear of injuring himself even more but he became insistent and tugged at the edges until the gorged thing let go and escaped out the door.
With a pitiful whine, he peeled away a mucousy membrane to uncover a raw, pale pink vagina.
“Stick around, Skip’s friend. I found their growing tits to be quite entertaining the first few times.” As Skip shivered in Lilly’s arms, Greta dressed and brought a bag out from her closet. “I hope you survive, I really do, sister.”
Lilly wrapped Skip in a blanket on the bed, fascinated by how quickly her tits were growing. “Are you okay? Can you understand me? I don’t know what to do. Tell me what you need!”
“I’m hungry…”