Suzanne’s Naughty Pee In The Archives

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Although it was winter and there was not much light filtering through the skylights, the company archive area was well lit as Suzanne made her way along the main walkway, looking this way and that for inspiration as to a place to stop off for her end-of-day pee. Needless to say, she was bursting, having filled her bladder over the course of the last hour. The attic smelled faintly of roses, the cleaning spray that the girls used to hide the evidence of their naughty misdeeds. The fact that the company didn’t have much life left in it due to economic factors in the region only spurring them on to use the opportunity for toilet mischief whilst the time remained.

Suzanne recalled many of the places that she had already used to answer the call of culture. Many of the company suppliers had left cases containing sample products that in-turn had become excellent urinals. Suzanne had peed into several herself and knew that several others had done so as well, the stains inside evidence enough of the fun her work colleagues had enjoyed as they had sprayed their pussy streams inside.

The shelves on either side were bulging with boxes of old paper orders, receipts, invoices and the like. Suzanne loved peeing into these, watching as their paper contents soaked up her piss until passing the point of absorption. The sound of her toilet fountain flowing over their surface always turned her on, the soft pattering of her playing pee fountain changing as she adjusted her aim to pee into the void space between the box edge and the paper stack. She was tempted to find a fresh box and use it to empty her much needed relief into but she wanted to be naughtier than normal.

Stopping to have a pee over the wooden floor was always an option and there were certainly several versions of that theme that she had undertaken. One option was to clamber over the assorted dross and find a secluded corner in which to slide down her trousers and panties before squatting with her bare bum cheeks poised over the floor. That way, when she started to pee, it felt like being back at school in one of the classrooms whilst the teacher was away. It was an especially wonderful sensation to watch as her pussy fountain sprayed the small amount of wooden floor, listening to the splattering sound of her toilet as her pee puddle grew in size. That was definitely a great way to have a leak but there again, there was the more brazen way of doing the same thing.

Suzanne had once discovered a glistening damp stain in the main thoroughfare whose shape had indicated that the culprit behind its creation had squatted in one of the offshoot holding areas before spraying her piss stream outwards and over the floor. Suzanne had deeply enjoyed a slash in the same manner, disrobing before going to squat on her haunches, hands supporting her from behind, creamy legs spread, and with her pussy slit aimed towards the wooden floor out in the main corridor.

She had been especially desperate on this occasion and when she had started to pee, her pussy spray had shot from her open pee hole and flown through the air before arching downwards to splatter messily across the floor. In her mind, she had fantasied about one of the other girls coming up the attic stairs and discovering her in the act of her naughty toilet, not being able to see the perpetrator but rather just witnessing the sight of her spraying pussy fountain flowing from a dark alcove and into the bright light.

Suzanne must have peed for over a minute, given that she had been so full of piss, her resulting puddle significantly large as it began to seep into the wooden floor. She had wiped herself dry with an old invoice before throwing it into her piddle puddle. It had been at this stage that she had realised that she had not been fully empty and had decided that it would be good fun to park her bare buttocks over the invoice before treating it to a hot shower issuing from her pussy lips.

It had been a quick pee but enough to thoroughly drench the paperwork and add to her stain on the wood. She had been trembling as she had pulled her panties back on, hormones racing as a result of her naughty deed. Back home, she had fingered herself to a rousing climax on the memories of her toilet, a treasured memory until the next week when she had returned to do exactly the same but from another spot along the way.

Back in the present Suzanne decided that she wanted to try something else but if she did not find a spot soon for her toilet then she would have rather wet panties! Whilst peeing into her underwear was good fun it was not the best of ideas to do it whilst on the company premises. She passed a set of filing cabinets. One drawer, at the bottom, was mysteriously slightly ajar which had not been the case when Suzanne had been here before. Even as she stopped to investigate, she already knew what she would find. Sure enough one of her co-workers had used the drawer as a receptacle for her pee, no doubt squatting over the opening before pissing into the metal confines and showering it with the hot stream issuing from her cunt. Suzanne gave a moment to visualise herself in the same position. However, rather than just take a piss into the drawer, she would much rather place something inside to urinate over, adding to the thrill of “going to the potty” as Stella, a girl from Customer Care, liked to say as she squatted and peed (normally over the office carpet in a spot next to her desk).

Suzanne was too bursting with the time to hunt down any suitable to spray with her pee so she kept on going. By now she had almost reached the end of the corridor between the various alcoves. It looked like she might be having a standing toilet up to the brickwork in the very far corner, showering the wall with her hot flowing pee. She had just decided on this course of action when she discovered an old office chair that had been abandoned in the final storage area of the long stretching archives.

Suzanne knew straight away that she just had to have piss over it. Without waiting a moment, she started to undress from the waist downwards, her long mane of straight brown hair falling around her shoulders as she bent to remove her work trousers and then her blank panties. Now she was naked from the waist down, her perfectly curved bare bum cheeks on full show as was the small shaved triangle of brown wiry pubic hairs nestled around her pussy slit that very soon would be releasing her shower of piss over the chair.

She was bursting to get started so without a moment’s hesitation, she went to sit on her appointed piss throne. Her creamy legs spread wide apart and the base of her muff poised over the cushion she was about to drench with her hot urine. She could feel her desperate need flowing down to pussy, the moment almost on hand when she would begin her naughty toilet. Butterflies were dancing in her belly – she was being so very, very naughty!

A squirt of hot piss escaped her pussy flaps, spraying over the cushion creating a small glistening puddle that immediately began to soak into the fabric. After a moment, there was just a damp stain to reflect her deed. Suzanne giggled as she let load with her full need. Her pee hole opened, a fast flowing stream of clear urine flowing through the short distance to the cushion, droplets of spent pee dancing in the air as she pissed at full strength, hosing down the cushion with her much needed relief. The dark stain spread quickly as it was subjected to her downpour, streams and tracers of hot piss running off away from her main impact point. The small enclosure where the chair had been abandoned filled with the continuing hiss of her toilet, Suzanne’s bare buttocks pushed against the backrest as she moved her pussy upwards, extending her legs to see her piss fountain splattering over even more of the chair.

She was mesmerised by the sight of her flowing toilet stream and the mess she was making, the thrill of her naughty deed heightening by the moment. She couldn’t help herself. A little more height and her flowing piss stream crested over the chair’s edge where a loud patter from the attic wooden floor announced that she was indeed now urinating in a new spot. Although she couldn’t her piss splattering over the floor, there was no question as to what she was doing. Her bladder need was halfway spent, the force behind her flowing piss fountain beginning to diminish. As the flowing stream exiting her pussy flaps began to droop, its termination point returned to the already sodden chair cushion, a new raining shower pattering over the material. Suzanne watched with growing disappointment as her urine fountain dropped further. There was an ecstatic sensation of relief inside her but yet she desperately wanted to keep on going.

After stopping for the briefest of moments, she clambered from her straddled mount over the piss-soaked material and about faced. This time the wonderful curve of her bare buttocks was on display whilst her pussy flaps were rubbing against the cushioned back rest. She started to pee again. This time it was just a controlled trickled, seeing her urinating directly into the material rubbing up against her lower lips. It was an absolutely amazing experience, the hot wetness of her exiting piss filling into the fabric allowing her to savour the incredible warmth against the skin of her exposed muff. Her curly pubes were covered with droplets of spent urine, something she would dry off afterwards with a convenient invoice slip. For the meantime she intended to continue enjoying her naughty wee, allowing the last of her stored hoard to seep into the chair cushion.

All good things must come to an end and so it was with Suzanne’s naughty toilet in the dark enclosure of the office attic. As she clambered off her piss throne she marvelled at the extent of her naughtiness, the chair thoroughly soaked with her pee. It had been a most exhilarating toilet and she couldn’t but help wonder if any of the other office girls who shared her naughty fetish had experimented in the same way.

In her mind’s eye, she pictured each one of them in turn, imaging their bare posteriors on full displays whilst their hairy (or shaved) twats let loose with a dousing shower of hot piss. Blond haired Stella with her brown trimmed bush, or petite Gabriella with her wide round bum cheeks and shaved pussy, or the big-breasted Zabrina with her mass of wiry pubic hairs and a stream of hot piss flowing through them as she sprayed the chair cushion with her toilet fountain. Brown skinned Selena was another girl who didn’t shave and who could pee an amazing distance or the slim and sexy Emma who had long since managed the art of pissing whilst standing, sending a hot wet stream of her flowing pee to spray up and down the cushion which was currently sodden from Suzanne’s long and invigorating pee.

She wiped herself dry, purposely unfolding the paper sheet afterwards to place its stained cover back in the box in which she had found it. For a long moment, she stared at it, fantasying about having enough piss left inside her to move her muff up to the edge and have a wee inside. She moved into position staring wistfully at the sight of her fleshly love lips poised over the edge.

Suzanne was still fantasying about her next naughty toilet when sounds from the distant stairs alerted her to the fact that she was about to be joined by another. Panic filled her as she retreated from her fantasy pee spot and grabbed at her clothes. There was always the chance that the new arrival would not be one of her fellow naughty-pee colleagues and that she would be literally caught with her pants down. Behind her, the chair she had so greatly enjoyed peeing over, was a sodden mess and clear evidence to her recent crime not to mention the damp floor when she had purposely urinated over the edge.

Will Suzanne be caught and sacked for her misdemeanours and if so, will she reveal the secret of all those who have shared her dirty deeds in the archives? Alternatively, will it be another who enjoys a secret slash in the attic with Suzanne on-hand to witness their toilet as they spray their hot piss fountain over their chosen target?

To be continued…

Published 6 years ago

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