Mike and Susan struggled over their budget, and things were pretty obvious. They looked at each other. Susan smiled and did her best to put a good face on things. “I know, Mike, I’ll find a job.”
She beamed at him. “Maybe the factory will open back up soon, and our folks will help with the kids while I work.”
They sat down and reviewed things like they always did. Mike worked during the day, they thought it would be best if Susan could find a night job. And they wanted it to be a safe night job, and that took convenience stores out of the picture. With the old factory closed, the small town wasn’t as safe as it used to be.
Susan scoured the want ads every day. Not much revealed itself. Not many folks were hiring. In fact, nobody was hiring. The finances got increasingly tighter, and they fell behind one more month of mortgage payments. One more slip and the bank would take the house. Susan started to become desperate.
One job ad kept appearing with regularity. “Dancers Wanted” with a great money figure mentioned. Susan and Mike had grown up with each other, they were high school sweethearts and had never been with anybody else sexually. In fact, Susan was pretty naive, what could be called small town naive. But not so naive that she didn’t know what the ad meant by dancers.
She talked to her next door neighbor, an attractive blonde (whose roots were suspiciously dark) who was a little more “experienced” in the ways of the world. Her neighbor laughed and told her that the women in these clubs stripped their clothes off and danced naked for men and got tips from them, but that there was no sex allowed in the places and that the Police kept a pretty tight eye on them. Now Susan had a better idea what “dancers” meant and really didn’t want to get involved, but after another alarming telephone communications from the bank, she picked up the phone and dialed.
The man who picked up the telephone sounded very professional, not sleazy or smooth as she had expected. Yes, the job was semi-nude dancing at a local gentleman’s club (Susan didn’t know what “semi-nude” meant, but she guessed that not many clothes were going to be involved). The pay was variable, but most girls earned $2,000 or more a week. That sounded like a lot of money to Susan. When Susan stammered out a question about sex, the man assured her that this was not a prostitution or massage job, that such activities were strictly prohibited by law and were not condoned by his business. All she had to do was dance and smile at the men and be nice to them. She set up an appointment for an audition.
Susan was dreadfully nervous when she talked to Mike that night after the kids were asleep. He was quiet, but, finally, he said, “Well, Susan, going to the audition can’t hurt. If there is any funny business you can just leave. You were a cheerleader all through high school and didn’t wear that many clothes and you were always a good dancer. Finding out what the job is can’t hurt and we really need the money. Just don’t commit to anything until we talk.”
Susan and he made passionate love that night. She practiced an audition dance routine with the next door neighbor’s help for the rest of the week.
The audition was six days later. That morning, before her shower, Susan neatly trimmed her pubic hair and then cautiously shaved like her neighbor had suggested, so that only a thin strip of short hair pointed the way to her pussy. Susan had her nails and hair done that morning, and was particularly careful with her make-up. She put on a clinging sweater dress that Mike bought her from a catalogue and always liked, along with some new lingerie from the same catalogue that her friend had recommended, a red lacy bra and panties, with a matching red lace garter belt and seamed black fishnet stockings with lace tops. She went to a discount shoe store and bought a bright red pair of high heels with sexy straps.
Then she read through the directions again, checked the map on the front seat of her battered used car (the GPS had been pawned for months now), took the iPod with her dance music on it, and left in plenty of time so that she wouldn’t be late. She was so nervous she hadn’t eaten the night before and all day.
Susan was now 25 years old. She had worked out hard after she had given birth to her two children, and was slender and in good shape. Her body was tight and toned. She had long muscular legs, a shapely full round ass, a slender waist (not so slender as she had in High School days, but still slender), a flat smooth stomach (and she winced remembering how much work that stomach had required so that she would look nice for Mike), and proud prominent breasts.
Breasts changed after women had children. Susan had discovered that her breasts became larger and heavier, and her nipples became much more prominent. Before her children, her breasts were comparatively small and very firm and tight. Mike had liked them a lot. As she worked out after the babies, Susan discovered that her breasts had grown at least one breast cup size. She had tried one of those herbal treatments advertised on TV, because her new larger breasts were sagging somewhat and she didn’t think that Mike liked them quite so much (even though he was nice and never said anything), and discovered that that the formula really worked for her.
Susan was now a solid “C” cup with very little sagging. In fact, she considered her breasts to be full and firm and Mike loved to play with them in bed. Susan had long natural dirty blonde hair with a tangle of natural curls, worn what she considered to be a little ragged and wild after this morning’s cut (her hairdresser assured her that was the current style).
She was an attractive woman, but she never had understood why highway construction workers whistled and ogled when she drove past.
She was terribly apprehensive, but the club proved to be in a nice part of Chattanooga, the parking lot was meticulously clean with numerous lights, and the building looked new and well-maintained. She went to a back entrance (with a neat sign that said “performers and staff only”), monitored by a large polite man clearly security, and was admitted to a well lit, orderly office with fresh carpeting and well polished wood furniture. It was not at all what she had expected.
She was introduced to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, the owners of the clubs. Mr. Smith was a well-dressed powerful looking man in his late 40s. Mrs. Smith was a stunningly attractive young brunette. Susan observed hopefully that she had all her clothes on.
Mr. Smith told her, after the usual introductions, “Our girls work a two-week shift. Our clubs are open six nights a week, Monday through Saturday, 2:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. One week our girls work six six-hour shifts, Monday through Saturday. The second week our girls work three six-hour shifts, Thursday through Saturday. You can always work more, but this is the minimum that we expect. Justine (Mrs. Smith) sets up the schedules. You take a week off, and then start the two-week schedule again. Monday through Wednesday night are low money days, you can expect to earn only a few hundred dollars a night. Thursday, Friday and Saturday are big money nights, some of our more popular girls easily earn $1,000 a night depending upon how pay days fall. You work two weeks in one of our clubs, then transfer to another club and rotate. We own two clubs in Nashville, one in Chattanooga, two in Atlanta, one in Birmingham, and one in Huntsville. Any questions so far, Susan?”
She replied with a nice smile and a nervous toss of her hair, “None.”
Then he asked, “Now, as we discussed on the telephone, we are going to ask you to disrobe for us, Susan.”
She smiled again, stood up, and slowly undressed. Her neighbor had told her to undress slowly, and had made her practice, and she went very slowly and even though she was nervous she just pretended it was a strange cheerleader try-out. Finally she stood before them in only her panties, and Mrs. Smith smiled at her and said softly, “Entirely….”
Susan smiled back and rolled her panties down to her ankles and stepped carefully out of them.
She stood in front of these two strangers completely naked except for her heels, stockings and jewelry. The building had seemed nice and warm before, but now she felt a bit cold and she noticed that her nipples were getting erect and rigid.
Mrs. Smith told her, “Hands at your side, Susan” and they looked at her and then told her to turn around, and Susan turned slowly around. She was very smooth even in her high heels, she was glad that she had been a cheerleader in high school. “Bend over and hold your position.”
She did so and stuck her ass out, and felt obscene and perverted.
Mr. Smith instructed, “Now turn around, bend over again and hold your position.”
Susan felt her breasts hanging down and forward, her hard nipples protruding.
Justine instructed, “Now get on your hands and knees, Susan.”
She knelt down carefully until she was on all fours.
Mike’s favorite sexual position, she thought.
Susan obediently arched her back, stuck her ass in the air and held her head up proudly. They walked all around her, talking quietly between themselves. Then Justine asked if she had brought a dance costume.
Susan said, “Yes, I did.”
The couple told her to step behind the screen and to get dressed. Susan gathered up her clothes, stepped behind the screen, hung up her clothes carefully, and got dressed in the dancing clothes that her neighbor had told her to buy. She thought they were slutty, but her neighbor seemed to know what she was doing.
When Susan stepped out from behind the screen she wore a very tight schoolgirl’s plaid skirt and white cotton shirt with a layer of white lingerie (camisole and tap pants) underneath, her new bright red low cut lacy brassiere, garter belt and thong underneath that. She handed them her special dance iPod, and they asked if she was ready. She nodded, the music started, and she started gyrating. She concentrated on her dance steps so that she didn’t think what she was doing. She remembered to smile and look at them and shake her hair and wiggle her ass a lot and undress slowly. She danced until she was on all fours shaking her head back and forth, swirling her blonde tresses around, in only her bright red garter belt, heels and seamed fishnets.
The song ended. Both of them said, nearly in unison, “Very nice.”
Mr. Smith asked her if she had ever danced with a pole, “No, Sir, I’ve never had a chance.”
Mrs. Smith picked up, “You’ve obviously had dance lessons, do you think you could learn to do some steps using a brass pole.”
Susan nodded affirmatively, tossing her long, curly hair sexily and smiling gorgeously.
All the time wondering to herself, A pole?
Mr. Smith said, “Susan, we would be thrilled to hire you. Justine will talk to you about the financial arrangements while I step out of the room so that you can get dressed in privacy.”
He left the room and Justine talked to Susan while Susan put what she was already thinking of as her “street clothes” back on (Mike’s tight sweater dress).
Justine said, “The club pays minimum wage for every hour that you are here, mainly so that you are a legal employee, we provide the minimum health care required by Obamacare, and the minimum benefits required by the state of Tennessee.
Susan nodded and Justine continued, “We also have private rooms available for the girls to use, if you are interested.”
Susan must have looked confused, wondering Private Rooms?
Justine giggled, “If you want to use the private rooms, you can do table dances, lap dances, private dances. We do permit our girls to give hand jobs and blow jobs in the private rooms, but sexual intercourse is absolutely forbidden and will get you fired immediately (Susan was soon to learn just how often this rule was broken). We have set rates for these services, the club collects the base rates, but you keep all the tips, which can be substantial. But only if you are interested. The men are allowed to touch you in these rooms with your permission and only with your permission. The rooms have alarms and bouncers are right outside if there is any trouble.”
Susan was really curious and she thought about how badly Mike and her needed the money, so she asked about the going rates. Susan was surprised when she discovered just how much men would shell out in these private rooms, but she tried not to show it, and she hesitantly told Justine that she would want to use a private room. Susan also decided not to tell Mike about what went on in them.
Justine told Susan that she would help her get organized and established, gave her a list of clothing items that she should bring with places to get them from without spending a lot of money, talked with her about musical selections, said that she would help give her dance instructions if Susan came early for her first few shifts. They discussed shifts and club locations and chose a starting date. Susan signed a contract and filled out a bunch of tax paperwork and they even gave her a signing bonus!
Susan practically skipped out the door. That night Mike looked at the signing bonus and whistled. Susan only told him about the dancing in the lounge, she decided that she didn’t need to mention the private rooms.
Mike reluctantly agreed that it sounded like a good deal, “I’m still not real thrilled about this, but we’ve got to have the money, honey, or we’re going to be out on the street.”
He didn’t tell Susan that the thought of her showing off her hot, sexy body in front of a room of horny men made him excited as a prize bull.
He grinned, “I guess I’m going to have a hot wife.”
Susan giggled, “You know, Mike, the kids are sound asleep.”
She stood up, still wearing the tight sweater dress that displayed her body to considerable benefit, standing in her red spiked heels.
Susan thought to herself, Now they’re my first pair of stripper heels!
She stood in front of Mike, “I guess I should practice right now. Let me know if I’m doing things right. Imagine you’re sitting in a room full of heavily muscled working men. You’re holding a cold beer, and have a pocket full of money since you just got paid.”
Susan started swaying her hips, “The music starts and the lights go down. The spotlight on the stage comes on, illuminating a curtain. I push it aside and step out on the stage, standing in the floodlight.”
Susan put her hands at the top button of her dress.
Susan undid the first button, “Look at me, I’m dressed as a hot wife. Do you like what you’re seeing, Mike?
Mike’s eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head, “Susan, you’re a MILF, a beautiful wife. A wife every man in the room would like to fuck.”
Susan undid the next button, “And what do you think, Mike?”
Mike gave her an approving wolf whistle.
Susan giggled, tossed her hair back, and undid the rest of the buttons down the front of her dress. She held it shut with her hands.
She was starting to get into this game she had started, “And what do you have to say to me, boys?”
Mike was staring at her, clearly excited, his cock throbbing hard, “Take it off, baby, take it off.”
Susan pushed her hands up underneath her dress, to her shoulders, and with a quick motion of her arms and shrugging of her shoulders, dropped it onto the floor. She stood in front of him in her lacy red lingerie, which Mike had never seen before.
Mike looked almost dazed, “Oh my God, Susan, you are absolutely beautiful. I love you.”
Susan chastised him, “Don’t break the scene. I’m stripping for you.”
Mike got back into it. “Catcalls and applause, every man in the room has his eyes on you. Even the female waitresses are watching you.”
Susan fondled her breasts, her hands underneath them, “Do they like my breasts?”
Mike answered, “They want to see your nipples, they’re telling you they want to see your tits.”
Susan started rotating her hips, “First I’m going to dance. They need to earn my boobs.”
Susan started doing the same dance she had done a few hours before for Mr. Smith and Justine.
Mike seemed to approve.
Susan undid the back of her brassiere, and with her hands covering her breasts, undid her straps, so only her hands held it up.
Susan continued moving her hips in sexy circles, “How much are my tits worth to you?”
Mike was entirely into the scene himself now, and he leaned forward and slipped a few dollar bills underneath her garter belt.
She smiled at him, leaned forward to kiss him gently and tell him, “Thanks.”
With that she stood up and dropped her hands. Her lace bra departed her breasts entirely on its own. Susan stood naked from the waist up before her husband.
She turned around, looked over her shoulder, spread her legs wide apart, and bent over.
Mike openly groaned this time, “Oh yes!”
Susan slowly, sensuously placed her fingertips underneath the sides of her thong, and still bent over, rolled it down her hips, millimeter by painful millimeter. Her shaved pussy emerged into view.
Mike whistled quietly, “Beautiful, beautiful, what a piece of ass.”
Susan laughed, “You like my pussy?”
Mike stood up, “I WANT your pussy.”
He scooped her up and carried Susan to their bed.
Susan mock protested, “Hey, they don’t have a bed in the club.”
Then they began kissing and Susan didn’t think of anything else except how turned on she was. Urgently, she unbuttoned his shirt, unfastened his belt buckled, and dropped his trousers out of the way. Mike kicked them off the bed. His cock was so hard that its blood engorged head was sticking out of the top of his boxers.
Susan pushed him down on the bed and straddled his chest, facing his feet, “Me, let me, let me lead. You’re going to love this.”
She yanked his boxers out of the way and bent over, “Enjoy the view while I suck the cum out of your balls.”
She bent over, and began stroking his cock.
Susan fantasized, This is what I’m going to do tomorrow night to my first customer in the private room.
Susan stroked Mike’s cock, while sucking his head with her mouth. When he was rock hard, she kept stroking him with her right hand while fondling his balls with her left hand.
Continuing her rhythmic stroking of his cock, Susan started asking in her sultry, bedroom voice, “Just imagine me, dancing in front of a room filled entirely with horny men, every man will be having a MILF fantasy just watching my hot body.”
Mike groaned, and she continued, “They’ll beg me to slowly remove my clothing, cheering on as I strip every piece away, one garment at a time, button by button.”
Mike was as large and hard as he had ever been in his life.
Susan thought to herself, He is really getting off on this. I think he WANTS me to be a hot wife.
Susan kept her story going, “I’ll work the entire room. Men will slip money underneath my garter belt just to get me to take something off for them. I’ll kiss them and thank them, then reveal more and more of my body for them.”
Mike was openly groaning now in heated passion.
Susan was entirely in control of his cock, and she wasn’t quite ready for him to erupt. She knew he was close, so she slowed down a bit. Mike had his hands upon the back of her stocking-clad thighs and was massaging her thighs underneath the lace tops of the stockings. He kept staring at her shaved pussy, entirely exposed to him for the first time in their marriage.
Susan whispered, “Soon, very soon, I’ll be entirely naked in front of them, just my garter and stockings, still in my stripper heels, every asset I have entirely exposed to their view. Just like I am for you. Men will be fantasizing about my tits, my ass, my pussy. They’ll want to fuck my bald pussy. They’ll cheer me on.”
Susan thought to herself, And they’ll pay me good money for me to do just this to them.
Susan kept her dialogue going, “I’ll move my body for them, shaking my booty for them. They will be throwing money on the stage for me.”
Susan thought, Those studs will empty their wallets for a chance at this hot pussy.
Susan teased Mike, “I’ll be in sexy lingerie, showing off my body, stripping my clothes off for them, just me alone in front of a room filled entirely with horny men, wiggling all of my assets while every one of them think about me doing this to them.”
Mike began arching his hips off the bed trying to fuck her hand, while she kept elaborating on her sexy story.
Susan fantasized, And I’ll be doing this to them. All those cocks, all that cum, all that money. All mine.
Susan decided to finish him off, she wanted to see how hard her now cuckold husband was going to come for her.
She thought as she stroked her husband, I can’t wait to cuckold him.
Susan resumed her story, “Imagine all those men ogling me, memorizing every square inch of my beautiful MILF body, wanting me, wanting me badly. An entire room of men wanting to have your hot wife. Show me how badly you want me, Mike.”
Susan kept her secret to herself, And I’ll let them fuck me, for a price. They’ll have their piece of hot wife pussy, but they’ll have to pay for every second of pleasure.
Susan sped up to finish him off. He didn’t last much longer after that.
Susan moaned, “All those men, wanting your hot MILF wife. They want my pussy.”
Susan thought, THAT did it!
In that instant, Mike revealed how enthusiastic he was about Susan stripping her clothes off in front of a room of horny men, based upon the massive amount of cum that exploded out of him, as Susan stroked his orgasm out of his cock. His first shot blasted out of him, landing on her bare breasts, and the rest of his shots were nearly as strong. It was the most cum he had ever shot in their marriage.
Susan thought to herself, He had never come so hard before.
Susan whispered, almost to herself, “I think you like the idea of me being a hot wife for other men.”
Mike rewarded her hands with another small spurt of cum.
Susan worked her first shift at her new profession the next night.