Chapter 1
It was cold and snowflakes were slowly drifting to the ground around me where I sat on a thin piece of cardboard. The people around me hardly gave me a look as they entered or left the bus station.
“Could you spare some change, please?” I said to an older woman.
She ignored me and hurried off.
“Change, please?” this to a man in his forties.
“Get a fucking job.”
“Can you help me with one?”
“Yeah, you can give me a blowjob,” he laughed as he walked past.
“Fucking asshole!” I screamed at him, bringing more attention to myself which was a bad idea.
I had seen a squad car roll by a few minutes earlier and I still didn’t have enough coins to buy something to eat. I pulled my filthy jacket closer and changed position. My legs were falling asleep under me.
“Hi, what’s your name?”
I looked up and there was a woman standing in front of me. She wore a black fur coat that reached to her feet which were inside a pair of boots.
“Why do you want to know?” I asked and began to get up. I didn’t need some religious freak trying to save me.
“I’m just being friendly.” Her voice was soft, calm and soothing. I couldn’t see her eyes which were covered by large sunglasses. I thought it strange considering it was now snowing heavily.
“Maxine,” I said and got up.
“Hi Maxine, I’m Supergirl.”
Okay, I thought, that’s it, time to run for it before this crazy bitch attacks me.
“Nice meeting you but I got to go.”
She grabbed my arm and held me back. “Don’t be afraid, I am not crazy, all I want is to talk to you and invite you for a coffee.”
“Let go!” I tried to pull away but she held tight. I kicked her but she blocked it with her foot.
“Maxine, I am not going to hurt you, please, have a coffee with me. I can change your life.”
I was too cold, too tired to have an argument so I sighed and relaxed. “Fine, there is a diner around the corner.”
The diner was warm and the smell of eggs, bacon, waffles and coffee made my stomach growl. I hadn’t had a decent meal in weeks, just bread and cheese.
The woman in the fur coat led the way and sat down in the last booth. A few of the other customers gave her approving looks until they noticed me.
Ragged jacket, dirty and ripped jeans, one black boot on one foot and a sneaker that used to be white on the other, and wearing only one sock. My black hair was tussled and dirty. My face grimy and my hands had cuts and broken nails. I was a mess.
“What do you want? Pick anything,” she said when I had sat down.
The waitress came up and gave me a hateful glare. “What can I get you?”
“A cup of black coffee, no sugar and a plain muffin,” said the woman.
“The Belly buster,” I said.
“Coffee or tea?”
“Coffee, light on the milk, plenty of sugar.”
When the waitress was gone I turned to the woman sitting in front of me. She had taken off her sunglasses and her eyes; they were the strangest eyes I had ever seen. They reminded me of ice with a hint of blue in them. Her skin was flawless and so was her makeup.
“Who are you and what do you want?” I said.
“I want to help you, I was once like you and someone took me under her wing so to say and now it’s my turn.”
I didn’t believe a word she said.
“You were never like me.”
She smiled showing perfect white teeth and a pink tongue that gently licked her upper lip. It was something sensual about the gesture. She lifted her right hand and began to tick off items.
“Broken home, abused, foster care, escape, back to foster care, more abuse, drugs, alcohol, rape, new foster home, more abuse, more escapes. Sound about right to you?”
“So, lots of street kids have that background.”
“How old are you?”
I looked down at the table. “Eighteen.”
“How long were you in the system?”
“Fourteen years.”
“I was since I was born but got out at sixteen.”
I looked back up at her and asked, “How old are you.”?
When the food arrived I dug in. The Belly buster included bacon, waffles, eggs, grits, coffee in my case and juice.
“Eat slowly or you might get cramps,” she said.
The woman was tearing her muffin apart with delicate fingers and popping small pieces in her mouth.
I went back to my food and finished it in no time. I needed to get going if I wanted to find a safe place to sleep that night.
“Well, thanks for everything, but I got to go,” I said and began to slide out of the booth.
“Wait, where are you going?”
“To find a place for the night.”
She put her hand on mine. “Maxine, why don’t you come back to my hotel room?”
All kinds of warning lights went off in my head. Maybe she was a serial killer, child molester, or she had some dude in the hotel waiting for her to bring back a victim he could rape and later kill.
“No, I don’t think so.”
“Maxine, listen to me, nothing will happen to you. There is a warm bed, a shower and then we can order room service, please, trust me.”
Her soft voice and kind strange eyes got the better of me. I hadn’t slept in a real bed for months, ever since I had escaped my last foster home.
“Fine, but if you try any shit I will fuck you up.”
She smiled. “Sure, I’ll remember that.”
Chapter 2
The hotel was three blocks away and very swanky. When we crossed the lobby one of the receptionists looked up and was about to say something but Supergirl waved him off and we continued to the elevators.
She opened the door to the hotel room with a key card and let me step in. It was huge. From the hallway, I could see the living room with floor to ceiling windows.
“Go on, have a look around,” she said and closed the door behind us.
I walked further inside and opened the first door to my right which turned out to be a bathroom the size of a small apartment with a Jacuzzi and a shower. The next room was a bedroom, with a king-size bed, a dresser and a walk in closet. When I walked into the last room which was on the opposite side I stopped in my tracks.
“What the fuck, who is he?” I said and pointed at the naked man sleeping on the bed.
Supergirl came up behind me and said, “Oh, him. I think his name is Rod, or Tod, something like that.”
“Is he your husband or boyfriend?”
She left me in the doorway and went to the living room where she took off her coat.
“Hey, I asked you a question,” I called.
“No, he is just a guy I picked up, but don’t worry he is deep asleep and will be for the next forty-eight hours.”
I closed the door and walked up to her. “What’s going on here?”
She sighed and went over to the bar which she opened and then said, “Would you like a drink?” I always have a whiskey neat at this time.”
“It’s only eleven in the morning.”
She turned and smiled. “So?”
“No, thanks, I’m fine.”
She finished making her drink and then sat down on the sofa, looking up at me she said, “How would you like to be able to travel the world, and have enough money that you would never need to have a regular job?”
I sat down on the chair opposite her. “What, being a hooker or an escort?”
She sipped her drink and then gently put it down on the glass table next to the sofa. “Not exactly, but kind off, yes.”
“I’m not following you, but just so you know, I have never and will never sell my body to a man or a woman.”
“Look, why don’t you take a shower and we can talk some more, you do kind of smell a bit.”
“Fuck you,” I said and got up.
She was right, though, when I took off my clothes in the bathroom I almost gagged. It had been weeks since my last shower and as I peeled off the layers of clothing I felt horrible.
There was a packet with disposable razors provided by the hotel on a shelf. I took one, stepped into the shower and turned on the hot water. Almost scalding myself I left it as hot as I could manage and then began to scrub my body. The water turned light brown and when I began to shave my armpits little tufts of hair clogged up the drain. When I started on my pubic hair it got worse, so I had to stop, clean the drain before I could continue shaving.
When I finally stepped out of the shower and looked at myself in the mirror a completely different Maxine stared back at me. This one had clean wet hair, rosy cheeks, full sensual lips, round firm C-cups and an ass most women would die for. The 70’s style bush was gone and a landing strip about half an inch wide grew above my clit. Using the hair dryer I brushed my hair and then put on a robe provided by the hotel before stepping out to face Supergirl.
“Who are you?” she said with a smile when she saw me.
“Very funny. Could you please tell me what this is all about and who the guy sleeping in there is,” I said and pointed at the bedroom door.
She came up to me and slowly began to undo the belt. “Hey, stop it,” I said.
“Let me see you, and I will tell you everything,” her voice barely a whisper close to my lips.
Suddenly the robe was at my feet and I stood naked before her. She stepped back and then walked around me. When she had completed the circle she took my face in her hands and gently kissed my mouth.
“You are perfect, and I knew it,” she said when we came apart.
I was shocked by the kiss and wasn’t sure how to react. I put on the robe again and for a second the thought of legging it out of the room crossed my mind, but I realized the only clothes I had were in a heap in the bathroom.
Instead, I sat down on the chair where I had been before. Supergirl went back to the sofa and after sipping on an apparently new drink she said, “I am a hustler, and I need a partner. There is Supergirl, and she has a sidekick, which in this case would be you.”
“Eh, I don’t get it?”
“The man sleeping in the bedroom, he was Supergirl’s mark. We came here a few days ago because there is a diamond convention in town. That man was here to buy diamonds, with cash. We simply followed him around and when the time was right Supergirl introduced herself and me to him.”
“I thought you were Supergirl?” This made no sense at all.
“I am, as of this morning, but last night I wasn’t.”
“So, what happened to her?”
“Have you heard about Murphy’s law?”
“Well, at the convention there was a man who she had hustled in New York a few months earlier, he recognized her and called the cops.
“Oh, and what happens when he wakes up?”
“We won’t be here, so don’t worry about it.”
After taking a sip from her drink she said. “Open that briefcase?”
I looked where she was pointing and standing by the door to the bedroom where the man was sleeping stood a black briefcase. I got up and brought it back to the chair where I opened it.
“Holy, shit!”
“That’s around a hundred grand in there, and it’s now ours.”
I looked up at her and said, “Why me?”
“I took a walk this morning, to clear my mind and figure out what to do. When I saw you sitting at the bus station I watched you for almost an hour. Behind the grime and dirt, I saw the beautiful young woman that you are and I also saw how you interacted with the people around you.”
“Okay, and if I decide to do this with you, what do I actually do?”
She smiled and licked her lip. “Have you ever been with another girl?”
“Like what, like sex?”
“Mm, and don’t lie.”
I thought back to the second to last foster home I had been at and the daughter. She had been kind to me, not like her parents who screamed and hit me. She would cuddle with me at night when I cried and one thing led to another. We had made love and it was the most beautiful thing that had ever happened to me. She would sneak in at night and we would just lie in each other’s arms gently kissing and caressing each other. In those moments I felt kind of safe, and I embraced it all. Sadly we were caught and after getting a beating the parents called the social services and I was moved out yet again.
“Yeah, I have,” I said.
“Good, the entire hustle is based on that we are bisexual and love to be with a man. We offer the mark a chance to fuck us as both, or simply watch us, no strings attached and no money up front, we just do it for fun we tell him. Most men would cut off their arm for an opportunity to have a threesome with two hot women.”
“Okay, that makes sense.”
She got up and began to undress. When she stood naked in front of me I couldn’t take my eyes off her, she was perfect.
“Let’s have some fun,” she said and took my hand in hers and lead me to the second bedroom.
Chapter 3
Where the daughter I had been with was just a girl, Supergirl was a woman. She sat me down on the bed and then knelt in front of me. Her warm hands moved up my thighs under the robe and I shivered.
“Let’s get this off you,” she said and began to untie the bathrobe with her teeth.
Her hair smelt of shampoo and as she worked at the knot, her fingers reached my sex. She slid a finger along my slit and a moan began deep inside her. As the knot was untied she used one hand to slide it off me.
“Close your eyes and lie back,” she purred.
I was in a trance and did what she said. When her tongue touched my clit, I gasped and closed my eyes. The daughter and I had never gone this far, we only caressed and kissed each other.
When Supergirl began to gently suck on my clit, she let go of a long moan and I dug my fingers into the sheets. Her tongue then penetrated me a little and she continued to lick and suck me by now wet pussy.
Her hands moved up and massaged my boobs and I put my hands on top of hers.
“This is amazing,” I whispered.
Instead of answering she moved up so she laid on top of me, her pussy against mine, her boobs pressed against mine and her lips close to mine. When they met and her tongue found mine, I let go and hugged her close. It felt good to be this close to another human being again, someone who didn’t beat me or abuse me.
We rolled so I was on top and she pushed down my head and I knew what she wanted. Kissing my way down her flat tummy to her sex was the hottest thing I had ever done in my life. She was wet and ready as my lips reached their goal.
I could smell her pussy and it was intoxicating, so sweet yet a bit tangy. When my tongue ran along her slit she moaned and pushed my head against herself. My nose rubbed against her clit while my tongue explored her folds.
“Ah, you are good, baby girl, so good,” she moaned.
After a while, she pulled me up and helped me turn so we were in a sixty-nine position with my pussy above her face.
As I lowered myself she slid two fingers inside me while sucking on my clit. I did the same to her and while moaning and groaning loudly we both climaxed and then rolled off each other. I crawled up close to her and she put an arm around me. Resting my head on her large firm boobs, I whispered, “That was amazing?”
She giggled and stroked my hair, “I am glad you liked it because we will be doing a lot more of it.”
“When do we leave?”She lifted up my face and looked into my eyes. “Tonight, I need to make a few calls and then we have dinner before leaving.”
She got up and left the room but was back in no time with her phone in her hand.
“Sit up and smile for the camera,” she said.
I did what she asked and after taking three photos, she said, “Great, your new driver’s license and passport should be in Vegas by the time we get there.”
“Las Vegas?”
She leaned in and kissed me. “Las Vegas, baby, there are always horny men with a lot of cash there and it’s a great place to bust your hustling cherry.”
She left and by the time I had followed her to the living room she was getting dressed.
“Where are you going?” I asked, a bit worried.
“Shopping, you need new clothes. Watch TV, take another shower, I’ll be back soon. Don’t worry about sleeping beauty in there, he won’t wake up.”
When the door closed after her I stared at it and wondered what the fuck had just happened.
Four hours earlier I had been one of the thousands of street kids trying to survive; now I was in a swanky hotel with a briefcase full of cash and a woman who called herself Supergirl. I needed a drink.
Chapter 4
She was gone three hours and when she walked in, bags were hanging from her arms and hands. After dumping them on the floor she went back out and came back a second later pulling a large suitcase behind her.
“Put on some of these clothes and then pack. I will call room service and order us dinner.”
While I went through the bags I marveled at her taste and wondered how much she had spent on them. Everything was designer clothes, from jeans, dresses, skirts, blouses, and shoes. Even the underwear was expensive. There wasn’t a cotton panty in sight, everything was lace and the colors were white, red, and black.
I chose a pair of tight fitting blue jeans, a black blouse, and black leather jacket. I quickly got dressed and had just put the last item in the bag when there was a knock on the door.
I gave Supergirl a quick look and she nodded. Before opening the door I looked through the security hole and saw a waiter outside with a cart.
“Hi, dinner for two,” he said when I opened for him
He rolled the cart inside and left it in the living room. Supergirl signed the bill and gave him a large tip.
“Let’s eat,” she said.
While we ate I asked her. “How are we going to Vegas?”
“By plane.”
“But I don’t have any kind of ID.”
She put down her fork and dabbed her mouth before answering. “Not a problem, you will see soon.”
I wolfed down the food and when I was done I asked, “What about the guy in the room?”
She shrugged her shoulders. “He will wake up in a couple of hours and not remember a thing after he had the drink when we arrived here.”
“But he will remember what you looked like?”
“Not likely, and what will he say, that he took home a woman to have sex with and all he remembers is a tall brunette in a fur coat?”
“I guess you know what you are doing.”
She smiled and finished her food. “Okay, let’s go.”
Outside she got into a taxi and I followed. She gave him an address that I didn’t recognize. As soon as the car began to move she put her well-manicured finger over her mouth, telling me not to speak.
We drove for a while and then entered a private airstrip. A sleek white jet stood to one side and the taxi drove up to it.
I just stared at the plane and the two men standing next to the steps leading up to it. Supergirl opened the door and paid the taxi driver who drove off as soon as I got out with my bag.
The two men walked forward and the one not wearing a captain’s hat took my bag and nodded to Supergirl. The other shook my hand and then turned to her.
“Supergirl is gone, long live Supergirl.”
What the fuck, I thought?
She just smiled at him and then took my arm in hers and we walked up the steps and into the private jet.
Black overstuffed chairs met me and there was a bar at the back. The two men went into the flight cabin and closed the door.
“Drink?” asked Supergirl when I had sat down,
“Yeah, something strong. Whose plane is this?”
“It’s mine, well, it’s Supergirl’s actually.”
I was completely confused by now. “I’m sorry I don’t understand.”
Before sitting down opposite me she gave me a soft kiss on my lips. Her lipstick tasted like cherry and her tongue like mint. I had no idea how she had managed to change makeup, maybe she did it while shopping for me.
“Maxine, Supergirl is not one person, she is a concept. There have been many over the years and I am the latest. Before me was a woman named Josephine, who I told you got busted yesterday. She had been the Supergirl for over five years. I had been with her for just over a year.”
“Okay, so who pays for all this?” I asked.
“Part of the money we steal we invest and as you can see it grows.”
“So, you fly around the country swindling men and that’s it?”
She laughed, a deep soft sound. “No, my dear, we fly around the world.”
“Oh, I see.”
“No, you don’t, but you will soon. Anyway, I need to take a shower and get changed. We are landing in a couple of hours so I suggest you rest a bit.”
I watched her walk to the aft of the cabin where she opened a wood door and disappeared from view. I turned back to my drink and sipped on it. This was getting weirder and weirder, I thought.
To be continued