Sam had been kidding, of course, when, at the beach, she had referred to Gail and Jennie as her friends. The first time she saw the two cuties was as they strolled past our blanket. But the funny thing is that ever since that wonderful, lurid day at the beach, Sam and the girls had become great friends spending almost all their spare time in each other’s company. Naturally Josh also spends a good deal of time with the three girls and who can blame him for that?
Jeannie and Gail are both really sweet girls and a genuine pleasure to have around. Of course, the pleasure is enhanced by the fact that I can vividly remember exactly what they look like naked thanks to the video Sam took of them having sex with Josh.
Julie likes them too, immediately treating them as if they were her own daughters. I laughed as I wrote that sentence as you know now that in Julie’s case that might imply more than it usually would. But no, at least so far we haven’t included the girls in any of our special family activities. Well, I’m sure Sam and Josh have, but Julie and I haven’t. Julie and I watched the video together though and had great sex right after.
So far I haven’t implemented my plan for finding out what Julie thinks about us having casual sexual encounters with strangers. It’s clear that the kids haven’t mentioned anything about my encounter to her. And her attitude towards nudity and sex hasn’t changed since the two girls started spending so much time at our home.
A test of this came a few days ago when Sam asked if the girls could sleep over. Julie just asked Josh and me if we had any objections. Hearing none Julie readily consented. From what I saw and heard, the sleepover was a rather tame affair. Tamer than I had expected it to be.
Sam had banished Josh to the sofa for the night so Jeannie could have his bed while Gail got Sam’s bed and Sam slept in her usual place on the mattress between the beds. All I heard was girlish giggles from the kids’ room that evening. The exiled Josh spent the evening playing a video game downstairs. He seemed in good spirits despite his banishment, but he was just a good-natured kid anyway.
In the morning I donned my shorts to go to the washroom. The door to the kids’ room was closed but I did hear an intriguing snippet of conversation as I passed. I couldn’t tell for sure if it was Gail or Jeannie but one of them said, “Geeze Sam, is this what Josh gets to wake up to every morning? Lucky guy!”
That brought a smile to my lips as I imagined Sam, lying on her floor mattress with her charms on display for her new friends. The girls had all been wearing long Ts when I last saw them last evening. Thinking about what, if anything, they were wearing now made me quickly finish in the washroom and head back to wake up Julie for some fun.
Later that morning, a Saturday, Julie was lying outside getting some sun, topless of course. Sam and the girls approached her and I overheard Sam ask if Julie minded if she and Jeannie went to the beach. Apparently, Gail had to go to work at her part-time job and couldn’t join them. I don’t know where Josh had disappeared to. The plan was for the girls to take the bus to the beach but I interrupted and offered to give them a lift. They quickly darted off to get ready but Sam turned back and suggested that I take a blanket and come with them.
It turns out that my hanging with the girls wasn’t exactly what Sam had in mind. On the way, she explained that it might be fun if I pretended not to be with them and stayed close enough to watch for trouble but not too close as to discourage any of the right kind of attention if I knew what she meant. I did, and sure, I was up for playing the role of a protective voyeur in her little scheme. I knew it was likely to be another delightfully erotic encounter and planning to have me around to make sure they stayed safe was something I wanted to encourage.
The girls were dressed to kill, looking drop-dead gorgeous in their tiny bikinis and thin beach wraps. On the way, Sam relayed to Jeannie all the things I had told her that I had learned from my lawyer friend – stuff about it being perfectly legal for girls to go topless anywhere at all. Even full nudity on the beach wasn’t a problem unless someone complained and could prove that there was actual sexual activity going on in public.
“But who’s going to complain about seeing a little of this?” Sam concluded. She then opened her wrap, flasher style, and the girls fell together in a fit of laughter. How lucky could a guy be, I wondered. I was with two beautiful young women who knew they were beautiful but weren’t stuck-up snobs about it – just confident and fun.
I wondered what Jeannie was thinking about the sexy mischief Sam was obviously planning for them. Jeannie looked at me often as if to catch some clue as to what I was thinking but I just smiled back at her reassuringly. Jeannie and I had already seen each other naked and I was hoping she found the prospect of showing herself off to me again at least a little exciting. The prospect of seeing her again certainly excited me.
We got to the beach and found a spot, or rather two spots at least fifty feet apart. The girls had already picked out their spot and were lying out on their blanket before I caught up to them and plunked my stuff down a bit closer to the entrance. We were far enough up the beach that there was no one else close by – only the occasional shore-walker every fifteen minutes or so. It had the potential to be a slow and lazy day, spiced up every so often by whatever exhibitionist thrills Sam and Jeannie came up with.
I set up my sun shield so it protected me from the direct sun and also from the sight of anyone coming up the beach. I chucked off my suit and lay on my left side facing the girls. Looking at them I started slowly stroking and playing with my penis which quickly grew to full size. The girls noticed and nudged each other, tittering and then waving to me to make sure I knew they were watching me. Of course, I just smiled and waved back, with my free hand.
It only took the girls a few seconds to start their own antics, and I seemed to be their first lucky target. Jeannie was lying on her right side, facing me. Sam was sort of sitting up behind Jeannie, propped up by her straight right arm. She was turned towards Jeannie and me. Looking my way she slowly lowered her straps over her shoulders and slid them down her arms. Only the tiny friction between her top and her nipples kept her top from sliding right off. I was enjoying the eroticism of Sam’s tease, while also hoping a breeze or small movement would end my torture and show me the rest of what Sam was playfully keeping concealed.
I used my small field glasses to get a close-up view. Sam looked beautiful and as always her single most attractive feature was the sweet, warm smile on her lovely face. The tantalizing sight of her barely concealed orbs, hanging round and full beneath her exquisite face, was just the icing on the cake. It was hard to contain the urge to let her watch me spill my seed onto the sand right then as I looked at her. But I held back suspecting that this was just the beginning.
Sam leaned over Jeannie and gave her a peck on the cheek. Jeannie turned slightly toward her and brought her left hand up to Sam’s right cheek. As they looked into each other’s eyes Jeannie slid her hand down the side of Sam’s neck, over her shoulder, onto the gentle swell of her right breast and down. Down, slowly until she encountered the top of Sam’s suit, and then down some more. My field glasses made it seem like I was just a few feet away as I watched Sam’s top fall to her waist revealing her sensational tits in all their glory, to me and anyone else lucky enough to be watching.
Jeannie started cupping and caressing Sam’s tits. I watched her small, gentle hand follow the curve of Sam’s breast and then move to the center where she pinched Sam’s nipple between her finger and thumb. Slowly and gently she twisted and twirled the nipple. Sam’s head rolled backwards and her eyes closed. Then she raised her own hand to cover Jeannie’s and press it firmly into her breast. My expectation that this was going to be a hot, erotic afternoon had already proven correct and I had to stop touching myself to avoid cumming then and there.
Just then I was distracted by the sound of a group of young guys coming up the beach. There were 6 of them carrying a couple of balls, a Frisbee, towels, and some other stuff. They all looked to be the same age as the girls. They were far quieter than I would have thought 6 guys out for some fun at the beach would be. But their eyes were fixed on the girls and they were probably just struck dumb by what they had stumbled upon.
I hadn’t noticed the boys because of my sunshade but the girls had been facing their direction and couldn’t have helped notice them approaching. That means Jeannie had to have seen them coming and had deliberately stripped off Sam’s top, exposing her gorgeous tits to the boys and that Sam had let her.
I looked back at the girls. Jeannie had dropped her hand away from Sam’s tits and had turned to watch the boys. Sam was still mostly sitting up, propped up on her right arm, her left arm bent, left hand resting on her lap. She too watched the boys, clearly enjoying their lustful attention.
I looked back at the boys. They seemed nervous while trying to appear casual – talking and laughing but not loudly. A few jostled one another and then they stopped as a group. They started tossing a football back and forth, one by one casually ditching their other stuff on the nearby sand. The girls and I were about seventy to eighty feet back from the shoreline and, as I said earlier, we were at least fifty feet apart.
Most of the boys’ stuff was about twenty-five feet from the water and more to my front than the girls. But their play gradually took them closer to the girls. Sometimes a boy would get as close as about fifteen feet of the girls, usually when a throw had been fumbled. It was a wonder there weren’t more dropped balls given how often they were glancing at the girls. I didn’t hide the fact that I was naked and erect from the boys. They all noticed but gave me no further attention.
For their part, the girls didn’t hide the fact that they were watching the guys play ball. The boys seemed like nice, clean-cut guys. A little awkward, not too sure of themselves, which was good I thought. I mean, inexperienced guys could still be jerks but they would be easier for me to control than older more experienced guys if I needed to get involved. Right now they just seemed to be some nice guys out for some fun who happened to stumble onto two beautiful girls, one of whom was half-naked.
They knew they had stumbled into something good but didn’t yet know how good or what to do about it. I was pretty certain of one thing though: this was shaping up to be the “right kind of attention” that Sam had been hoping for.
It wasn’t long before an errantly thrown ball landed within about six feet of the girls. Sam quickly jumped up to retrieve it and threw it back. I almost lost it watching how deliciously her breasts jiggled with her every move.
“Hey, thanks. You want to play?” It was the guy Sam had thrown the ball back to.
“Sure,” Sam said, giving him one of her heart-melting smiles.
“C’mon Jeannie,” Sam said and held her hand down to help Jeannie up. Jeannie took Sam’s hand and rose to her feet. Then Sam scampered behind Jeannie and untied her top. Jeannie instinctively started to raise her arms to cover herself but quickly caught herself, smiled at the boy with the ball and lowered her arms while Sam pulled off her top and tossed it onto the blanket.
“We’re not here to get tan lines, right?” Sam asked while she exposed her new friend to the boys.
“Nope, guess not,” Jeannie answered, flapping her arms once and slapping the sides of her thighs with her open palms, causing a delicious ripple across the soft flesh of her own gorgeous tits.
“Damn,” one of the guys muttered a little louder than he probably intended. I think Jeannie heard too because she beamed a big smile his way.
A few seconds later the girls were taking their turns catching and throwing the ball with the guys. They looked absolutely delicious the way their bare breasts and mostly bare bums jiggled and swayed as they moved. I suspected that all the boys were hard and tenting and wondered whether it was obvious to the girls but I couldn’t quite see for sure, not wanting to use my field glasses just yet.
One throw sailed over Sam’s head. She jumped for it and collided with the smallest boy. Together they tumbled to the sand with Sam landing on top of the boy, chest to chest. I watched her raise herself up, supported by her arms, her breasts still touching the boy’s bare chest. Of course, I couldn’t hear what they said, if anything, but I watched Sam hold that position for a few seconds longer than she needed to and imagined what the feel of Sam’s breasts against his chest must be doing to the poor guy. Finally, they got up, smiling at each other, and rejoined the game.
After a while, they stopped playing and the boys picked up their gear and moved it over to the girls’ spot. Each boy had his own towel and soon they were arrayed on the sand with three on one side of the girls’ blanket and three on the other. I expected to see them lay out and catch some sun but no, as soon as their stuff was set up all eight headed for the water, jostling and teasing each other along the way.
When they got into the water they started to playfully splash each other. A few times a boy would grab a girl from behind by both arms and pretend like he was going to toss her into the water. The girl would squeal and hunch her shoulders while her breasts jiggled and swayed delightfully. The water was calm and warm and soon they were all ducked and swimming around each other. Occasionally they stood up in the waist-deep water, the girls’ breasts visible above the water line.
After a while, they appeared to enter a deep discussion about something amidst a lot of laughing and gesturing to each other. It must have been all about the rules of the game they had decided to play because two of the boys then squatted down in the water and each of the girls got on a boy’s shoulders. The two boys then stood up and the fight was on.
For the next few minutes, the girls pushed, pulled and shoved each other until one or the other would lose their balance and plunge into the water creating a big slash amidst a gale of laughter. The girl who fell would get onto a different boy’s shoulders and the fight would resume. The kids were having loads of fun from the game, the fun doubtless accentuated by the girls being topless and by whatever feels were being copped by the boys each time someone fell. But things were about to get even spicier.
After a while, someone evidently suggested a change in the rules which became apparent once the game resumed. Now, rather than trying to knock each other over, the girls’ hands darted towards the ties on the sides of the other’s bikini bottoms.
The boys didn’t take long to realize they had no incentive to help their girl win so they just stood next to each other so the girls could easily untie each other’s bottoms. It wasn’t too long before the ties were all undone and the thin pieces of fabric hung down the boy’s backs, still held in place between bare pussies and naked necks. But that didn’t last long before a couple of the boys watching pulled the bottoms out from under the girls.
The girls squealed in surprise but all the kids seemed delighted by this outcome which left the girls totally naked and still riding high on the shoulders of two boys who were doubtless experiencing for the first time what a bare pussy against the back of their necks felt like. No doubt they were also wishing they could spin their heads around 180 degrees.
The game of each girl trying to knock the other off her mount resumed. The boys seemed more intent than before on keeping their girl from falling off and the girls seemed to be squeezing their legs tighter to stay on. While he watched the girls’ naked joust, one of the boys tied the girls’ bikini bottoms around his neck. In another minute Sam and her steed crashed into the water. Rather than get back up Sam stayed in the water, floating on her back. I could see her breasts break the surface and knew her pussy was clearly viable just a few inches below the surface of the clear water.
I knew Sam was loving the attention as she floated on her back surrounded by the others. I was intimately acquainted with her pussy and I envied the boys the thrill of admiring it for the first time. Jeanie remained mounted and she was playfully straightening and then relaxing her legs over and over. So really she was humping her pussy against the back of the head of the boy she was riding. I guess his neck got sore from being head fucked by the beautiful naked girl perched on his shoulders. I’m sure it was with great reluctance that he finally ducked down and let Jeannie climb off.
A few minutes more and the kids were onto their next game. It looked like some kind of a race as suddenly all the boys were scrambling to take off their suits. The one who took the longest got jeered and laughed at by the others. His punishment for being the slowest was apparently having to put on one of the girls’ bottoms and walk to the shore and deposit the rest of their suits on the sand. He really did look funny as he walked from the deeper to the shallower water where everyone could see his erect cock only partially concealed by Sam’s tiny bikini bottom. When he got near the shore he tossed the suits onto the sand and then whipped off the bottoms and threw them on top of the pile before returning to the others, all eyes riveted to his fully erect penis standing nearly vertical to his body until it was again submerged.
The girls were clearly enjoying themselves, standing in the water, their beautiful naked bodies surrounded by six naked boys each sporting a powerful erection. After standing around in the waist-deep water for a little while Sam suddenly headed for shore. As I watched, my naked little goddess walked right out of the water and back to their stuff where she retrieved a ball and headed back to the group. What a sight she was – a sight not lost on the older couple who had strolled up the shoreline and briefly stopped and chatted with Sam on her way back to the group. The couple seemed very pleasant and even stood on the shore to watch the kids after Sam headed back into the water.
The kids divided into two groups of four, one girl in each group, and separated themselves by maybe fifty feet. The game was simple enough. Someone in one group would throw the ball high and in the middle of the other group. In that group all four would try to be the one to catch it and throw it back. With each throw bodies would jostle together as they leapt for the ball. Sometimes two kids would dive for the ball and end up entangled in the water. They’d get up spitting water and laughing and it was easy to imagine hard cocks and wandering hands coping feels of the girls’ soft flesh below the water line.
After a time Sam decided she’d had enough of this and didn’t throw the ball back. Instead she started a game of keep away. She moved apart from her group taunting them as she held the small foam ball tightly in her extended right hand. The three boys quickly gave chase and surrounded her. One grabbed her from behind, his hands around her waist and I imagined his penis pressing against her ass. The other two boys each held one of Sam’s arms. Sam laughed and squirmed in their grasp as the one who held her right arm tried to get the ball from her.
Sam had run into slightly shallower water and her perfect bum and equally perfect pussy were visible above the surface. That meant the boys’ hard cocks were also visible and constantly banged against her as she squirmed in their grasp. A few times she got her arms free and hugged the ball between her breasts only to have her arms captured again and held wide apart.
Meanwhile, the other group had closed the gap between them and they were all one group again now. Two of those boys each knelt down and held Sam’s legs, wrapping their arms around her soft upper thighs to keep her still. The other threatened to tickle her. Seeing this Jeannie decided to ramp it up by actually starting to tickle Sam’s ribs. Sam was clearly enjoying her game as she squealed and squirmed amidst fits of laughter.
Since tickling Sam’s ribs hadn’t worked, Jeannie tried Sam’s armpits and then the undercurve of her breasts … and then her nipples. Sam stopped squirming then and stood still while Jeannie’s fingers traced circles around her nipples and then strummed them between her fingers. The boys continued holding Sam in spread eagle position, their collective gaze riveted on Sam’s nipples as Jeannie’s delicate fingers danced over them.
Jeannie then shifted even closer to Sam and trailed her hand down Sam’s stomach and over her mound to her clit where it lingered. Sam’s eyes closed and her head rolled back against the shoulder of the boy holding her from behind, his hands on her hips, his hard dick resting against the top of Sam’s lovely ass. As Jeannie’s fingers worked Sam’s clit, Sam turned her head towards the boy behind her and opened her lips.
As their lips met he slid his arms up over the curve of her hips to the sides of her chest and onto her breasts, cupping and lifting them, then squeezing them before starting to play with her nipples.
Sam dropped the ball and pulled her arms, each still loosely held by a boy, downward until she was holding their cocks in her hands. Meanwhile, Jeannie took the hand of one of the boys holding Sam’s legs and moved it onto Sam’s pussy. Jeannie gasped when the boy holding Sam’s other leg released it and started playing with Jeannie’s own sensitive flesh. That only left the boy who had started this whole new game by first threatening to tickle Sam. He stepped close behind Jeannie who gave another little start when she suddenly felt his cock press into her bum and his hands squeeze her breasts.
Both girls were now being humped from behind. This gradually pushed them together until they were face to face and chest to chest. The boys squatting down each played with a pussy while each girl played with the cock of one of the other boys. With their breasts crushed together, the girls kissed each other passionately. The whole scene was incredibly erotic.
One after another all six of them came. Cum sprayed over the girls’ bums and high up their backs. The cocks in the girls’ hands shot cum onto their thighs and up their sides. The girls let go of the spent cocks and wrapped their arms around each other, crushing their cum soaked bodies even tighter together and kissing passionately while the boys frigged their clits to climax.
When the girls finally came down from their orgasms and released each other they each turned to the boy who had gotten them off, knelt down and took their cocks in their mouths. As the other boys looked on the girls rewarded the boys who made them cum by letting them cum in their soft, warm mouths.
The older couple had been watching all this time and saw the kids finish each other. Even though the couple could see me, I couldn’t hold back any longer and they saw me empty myself onto the sand. They seemed to enjoy all of it, the gentleman giving me a wave as they continued down the shore.
After washing off the kids returned to their spot and just hung out together on their towels for the rest of the afternoon. They stayed naked, kissing and petting from time to time. Finally, when it was time to go the girls gave each boy a hand job while letting them kiss them and fondle their tits. That must have left the girls still a bit horny judging by the sounds coming from Sam’s room after we got back home.