Did you ever say something you regretted?
The thing I regretted saying was that I would give being a sub a try. He explained about how playful it was and about the safeword that would just stop everything if I got scared or really didn’t want to do something. He suggested oxo. Of course the fact that this conversation took place when his hand was deep in my panties may have influenced my response somewhat, but there it was. I had said it.
So I shouldn’t have been too surprised when he turned up a couple of nights later with a bag. “Put these on,” he smiled, “and no underwear.” Well, in for a penny, as they say. I came back downstairs in a veeery tight tee that really accentuated my small breasts, a washed out denim jacket and matching skirt that barely covered my… Well, you know. Really not what I would ever choose to wear. In fact the sluttiest outfit I’d ever worn. The look on his face had my nipples hardening in seconds. I wondered what he had in mind.
“Right let’s be off then.”
“What? We’re going out? Dressed like this? But I can’t…”
“You said you wanted to be a sub.”
“I know, but…” And then I thought about it. I had said that. And the look on his face had been exciting. “Alright.”
His little white sports car soon had us out in the country. With the top down, the wind made me shiver, even though the summer night was warm. My nipples were painfully hard, pressing against the tight top and rubbing against the rough denim. We must be headed for some layby or country lane for a quick fuck in the car, like a couple of eighteen year olds. I didn’t mind, but was a little disappointed at his lack of imagination. Was this what all the fuss was about?
However, I was taken aback when he suddenly reached down between my thighs and slid his hand up under the pussy pelmet to encounter my panties.
“What are you wearing?”
“Just knickers. They’re…”
“I said no underwear,” he said, a sort of quiet authority in his voice.
“Well I thought you meant no bra. I’ve not got a bra on.”
“I can see that. But no underwear, means no underwear. I’m not pleased at having to repeat myself. Take them off.”
“Of course now.” His hands were still between my legs and stroking me through my knickers.
“Oh. Well okay.” I wriggled in the seat to slip the offending scanties down my thighs. They ended up tangled around the ridiculous wedge sandal on one foot. Cool air caressed me.
“The correct response is, yes, master.” I swallowed hard. He took the knickers and threw them over his shoulder to spin down the lane in our wake. That would give the motorcyclist who’d been behind us something to think about. This game was suddenly getting more interesting…
The pub was in the middle of nowhere. He strode in and straight to the bar while I crept timidly to a seat in a tiny nook. I was acutely aware that my tiny outfit was barely this side of legal and the hungry look on more than a few of the local males was both terrifying and at the same time deeply arousing. I loved being lusted after and yet felt ashamed of that love.
I was wet and getting wetter and it felt like everyone in the room could see right through me. My face burned. Thank goodness the tiny corner held just one table and a settle. The curious locals couldn’t see me. Or at least I couldn’t see them, except for an occasional curious face that would peer briefly round the corner of the bar. While I waited for my escort to join me, my knees were pressed so tightly together you couldn’t have slipped a sheet of paper between them. He popped a G and T on the table before settling beside me.
“You look very tense. Relax. Especially your knees.” I turned frightened eyes to him.
“But everyone will see my…”
“Not what I was thinking, no.”
“Nonetheless. Open your legs. Those men can’t see you.” Screwing my eyes shut to keep back tears of shame, I let my knees fall apart. “That’s better isn’t it?”
“The correct response is?”
“Oh dear.”
“Master! Yes, master.” He smiled. Phew.
While our seat was away from the direct view of the locals, I still had an audience. It gradually dawned on me that the barmaid was spending altogether too much time at our end of the bar and seemed to be retrieving endless glasses from under it, her face at counter top level.
She wasn’t really my type. A few years younger than me, with shoulder length coppery blonde hair held rigid with industrial grade hair spray. She wore more make up than I do, lips shiny with wet look lip gloss. Her gypsy style blouse, that left her shoulders bare left me in no doubt that her bust, rather bigger than my own was unrestrained beneath it. A bit tarty for my taste. Oh, and did I mention that she was a woman? Not my type at all.
And she was staring at me, or more precisely, up my skirt every chance she got. My legs shut with a clang. Well, they would have if a large hand hadn’t slid between them.
“Stay as you are,” he said. The hand stayed put and began stroking my hairy mound. Once again I burned with embarrassment. The barmaid licked her lips hungrily then dragged herself away to serve a local on the other side of the bar.
Of course, after a few drinks I started to wriggle a bit.
“What’s the problem?” he asked innocently.
“I need to pee.”
“Go ahead. Toilets are through the bar I think.”
“But the bar is full of dirty old men who are dying to look up my skirt.”
“Really. That shouldn’t bother you too much I would imagine, in fact I think you’d rather enjoy the attention.” He even had the effrontery to smirk. Clutching the front of the belt that was currently masquerading as a skirt to keep it down I tottered through the bar to the loos.
By the time I made my way back I was blushing from hairline to navel and the appreciative looks of the yokel population was having a strange effect on me. I really was rather enjoying it which made me even more embarrassed. But after that I felt able to saunter off to the loo without waiting until I was leaking.
By 10.30 I’d never been so turned on for so long. My body felt as taught as a bow string and craved the release that I knew he would give me, hopefully as soon as we got in the car. Layby? I was just praying the car park was not well lit!
But it seemed he had other plans. Last orders came and went and he showed no inclination to move even as the barmaid bustled the grumbling locals into the night.
“Allow me to introduce, er, another of my friends.” He said. The barmaid was hopping uncomfortably from foot to foot .
“Hello, what’s your name?” she asked
“There’s no need for formal introductions,” he snapped. “Now. I have brought her here so that you may pleasure her.” I think the look of shock on her face was probably as profound as the one on mine.
“But…” she began.
“You will do this for me.” Not a request. She was his sub and rather more obedient than myself, because she was kneeling in front of me, stroking my knees. Which I promptly brought emphatically together. Hell, I thought, she’d been looking all night. Didn’t mean she would get to touch. Although all that looking had been a turn on.
“But, I’ve never been with a girl,” I stammered.
“I’m sorry, but I was under the impression that you were my sub.”
“I… Yes, master, I am,” And I knew that at that moment I was, with all my heart.
“This is what it means. You must trust me to know what you want. If you don’t, then use the safe word and I’ll take you home.” Oxo. And it was on the tip of my tongue. Really. But it never made it past my lips. Slowly the barmaid eased my knees apart and leant in to kiss and nibble my inner thighs. Then she slid her hands up to my bum, pulling me towards her and exposing my sopping… Well, you know. My blush deepened with embarrassment and shame but my reservations were pushed aside as she parted my labia to slip her tongue inside me.
Meanwhile, mister bloody Master slid in beside me. By flopping over I was able to maintain contact with the busy barmaid while gobbling on his stiffening cock. He said it would keep me quiet. But it was getting difficult to keep the noise down as the tension in my body grew. I was on the edge of cumming when he slipped out of my mouth.
“Stop that, now.” Immediately the tongue withdrew and I let out a half suppressed shriek of frustration. The barmaid kissed my mound, my stomach and then slithered up to plant a slick kiss on my mouth. Her face was flushed with excitement now, and I suspected most of her make up was adorning my thighs and um…
I’d never kissed another woman before and it felt incredibly filthy. That her kiss tasted of strawberry lipgloss and my own arousal just added to the excitement as her tongue flicked across my own. But the thing that really stoked my excitement was the sense of shame at just how much I was enjoying it.
“I’ve never done that before,” she said. “I didn’t even know I wanted to until I saw your…”
“Did I tell you to have a chat?” His voice was stern.
“No master,” we both said at the same time and our gaze met in sudden understanding, then she rolled her eyes and I had to stifle a giggle.
Her tongue was in my mouth as I felt him enter her. I wanted to scream with frustration as I realised she was getting the cock I’d been craving for hours but my top was being pushed up and I felt her mouth on my throbbing tits. I guess I’d just have to make the best of it. Looking down over her bobbing head I saw that he’d pulled her skirt up exposing her arse and he was stroking into her steadily.
“No underwear?”
“Mmm. I wondered why he told me not to wear any. Now I…” The sound of a slap came from the other end of our sexy train and she went back to slobbering all over my boobs. Oh well. I slid a hand down the top of her blouse and caressed one of her smooth breasts. It felt wonderful and I noticed her breathing become heavier. I realised he’d managed to keep both of us simmering all bloody night and was now giving her the shagging that was rightfully mine. Hell, she was even getting my orgasm!
At last she couldn’t function any more and turned an anguished face to mine. All I could do was hold her tightly to me as she spasmed and collapsed on my belly. He cried out and I knew he’d shot his load deep in her fanny. Bloody hell! She slid off me and I reached down to desperately frig myself. If I didn’t cum soon I was going to explode. But he was holding my hand to stop me. Bastard!
“Oh no. I haven’t finished with you yet.” Aargh! My new companion had recovered her senses and had whipped off her top to reveal her lovely tits. Soon we were snogging avidly and our hands were roaming. I found that if I did something nice to her tits the same would quickly happen to mine and vice versa. It was a long time since I’d played extended tonsil hockey like this and I’d forgotten how arousing it could be, but frustratingly he wouldn’t let us touch each other between our legs. Every time we tried he’d issue a rebuke to be met with a subdued “yes master.” Somehow we slithered to the floor and she straddled my face. I could see drops of his semen on her hairs and as her labia parted some more began to trickle out.
“Lick it up.” What? No… “Lick it now.” My mouth was wide. My tongue was out and as the first drips landed on my tongue I knew I would do anything if only he’d let me bloody cum. She squealed as my tongue explored her but was shortly silenced and I looked up, past her belly to see that he was standing over us and I had a fair idea where his cock was. We rocked together for a while and then he was between my legs, his solidity filling me at last.
As he thrust into me he grunted: “Rim her.” I felt utterly humiliated but I was beyond independent thought now, just a puppet for this man. Her tiny hole resisted my tongue briefly but I pushed in and was rewarded with another squeal from her. Ordinarily, I thought, I would at least have enquired the name of the woman whose anus I was greedily eating. Ordinarily? This was all so wild that the rules of polite interaction had nothing much to offer. And now was no time for niceties; my orgasm was coming and after so many hours of anticipation it would no longer be denied. It started in my thighs and belly and built until my whole being was centred on the place between my legs. As I cried out I heard his shout and her squeal making an unholy chord of lust. No sooner was he out than she flopped forward so that we could lick each other into a final crazed shuddering orgasm.
In the car I had to ask:
“How did you know?”
“That I wanted, er, that? We’d never talked about other girls and stuff like that.”
“I didn’t. Not for certain. I didn’t know that she did either. I just had a feeling”
“What! But you said you knew what I wanted. You made us…”
“I didn’t, no couldn’t, make you do anything. I only ever gave you permission to do what you really wanted. To be yourself. And you both knew the safe word. You could have walked away any time. I would have just taken you home.” I thought about that.
“Every one is different and what they need is different too. I know you hate being frustrated and so that was how I could build your excitement. I thought that embarrassment would control you too.” Hmmm. Those locals’ glances had kept me hot alright. “Now Maureen who’s acquaintance you so recently and I might add spectacularly made, requires firmer handling. She needs, and rather enjoys a spanking now and then to keep her attention. I wouldn’t dream of spanking you.”
“Will I be seeing Maureen again?” I asked. I hope I didn’t sound too keen. I was beginning to get a feel for the game now.
“Would you like to?”
“Well, she does have a very spankable arse.”
“Don’t get above yourself. I would have to give my permission for that. Might be entertaining though… My goodness, I wonder just what I have created…”
Regretted? Well maybe…