Summer Rebellion

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In the summer of 1982, I learnt a lot about myself and life in general. Life is all about sex, drugs and music. There’s not enough time in the day to worry about the little things that won’t matter by the end of it all. People, especially my parents lived their whole life with such sincerity, never strayed just a fraction. They should really learn to lighten up and have a little fun, that’s what really matters, having fun. Fuck what they think is best.


I adjusted my makeup in the mirror with music from my favourite band playing in the background. As I pouted and smirked to myself, my door burst open.

“How many times do we have to shout you?” My father yelled, “If your god damn music wasn’t so loud maybe you’d be able to hear that dinner’s ready, Kimberly.”

I looked over at him with a sarcastic look on my face. He was seriously crazy-eyed, even the vein in his forehead looked as if it was about to burst. My father was never really a cool guy, always hot-headed and lost his temper at the slightest thing. I rolled my eyes as I turned towards him.

“Dad, it’s the eleventh,” I said casually.

“So? What does that have to do with anything?” He responded sharply.

I nodded my head towards the poster on my wall then pointed. He looked over his shoulder seeing the Whisky A Go Go flyer then back to me. He sighed then shook his head.

“Do you really think I’m letting you go down there?” He asked, “I’m not having my daughter parading around with drugged up freaks. Get your ass downstairs for dinner.”

He slammed the door behind him, leaving me alone for a few moments. My dad, Sergeant Buzz kill as I liked to refer to him, wasn’t going to dictate to me what I was doing with my night. Both of my parents were trying to suffocate the fire in my belly. The more they tried the more unreasonable and rebellious I became. Fuck dinner, I was going to that show.

Looking back at the mirror, I started to brush my long, blonde hair swiftly. I knew that if my father had to come back to my room, he wouldn’t be too pleased with me. I had to get out on the streets as quickly as I could. I threw my brush on the dresser and headed over to the window. As I slid the window up, I heard the noise coming from the sunset strip. I eagerly wanted to join the party but first I had to get out of the house without my father knowing.

I put one of my legs through the window frame and onto the roof. Even after the thousands of times I’d snuck out, I still got nervous when my foot hit the tiles. I turned back to the poster before putting my other leg through the frame. Adrenaline started to fill my veins as I closed the window behind me. My heart was thumping as I moved over to the trellis. My father was going to be so pissed but it was so worth it.

Climbing down the trellising, I overheard my parents ranting about me, the problem child as they referred to me. I laughed to myself as my father shouted my name again before taking off down the path, my middle finger raised towards the house.

I walked along the quiet suburban streets towards the blinding lights of the city. The throngs of people gathered along the strip grew louder as I came closer. My heart was still racing as the sidewalks began to get wider and the silhouettes of people started to form in the twilight. I moved briskly towards the strip with more and more people filling the pavement. It seemed busier than usual but when a big up and coming band was playing at the biggest club in town, a lot of people would want to get in on the action. I was no different.

I turned onto the sunset strip. The lights blinded me for a few seconds as I started to move towards the club. Luckily, the busy street seemed to be flowing as everyone was going the same way, to Whisky A Go Go. Overhearing tons of excited fans conversing in their groups, I shuffled in the crowd behind them. The strip appeared longer than it did during the day. Maybe it was because of the slow pace, or maybe it was the excitement building within me.

I continued to walk in the hordes of people until I could see the club stretch high above me into the night’s sky. The lights shone brightly as if it was a beacon, the posters illuminated and I couldn’t help but gaze at Blade, the lead singer of the band. His long, black hair cascaded down onto his shoulders and his war paint was applied to perfection. Everything about him was perfect; his voice, his looks and his moves.

My heart thudded in my chest as I moved towards the club’s entrance. The show wasn’t for another hour but I was getting in there before everyone else to get a good spot. I looked up at the sign as I made my way inside the dimly lit club. The stage was already set and ready for the band to rock the house. I walked towards a quiet corner right next to the stage and waited.

The club started to slowly fill with eager fans. The noise levels started rising as they all spoke in their groups. Standing in the corner, seconds turned to minutes and before I knew it, the place was filled with hardcore fans chanting for the band. Turning back towards the stage, the lights dimmed even more until the room was masked in darkness. A loud guitar riff echoed around the club as people started cheering and screaming with excitement. The drums began to beat in time with my heart and as Blade began to sing, the lights flashed back on, dazzling me.

His voice was so angelic and much more gravelly than he sounded on the radio. I rocked my head back and forth to the bass, loving every second of it. This was far better than I could have ever imagined. The song didn’t seem to last long before it was over but unlike most bands, they dived straight into their second song for the night, keeping a constant flow of music.

This song by them was my favourite. It was a love song and for as long as I could remember, I always felt it was about me. It was about an outcast at school, not having anybody but eventually finding love with someone who had to deal with the same problems. He started to sing the opening verse, coming over to my direction as the lights caught my face slightly. Crouching down so that he could look me in the eyes, he sung to me.

My heart was racing in my chest and my arms started to have a mind of their own as they reached out to him. Feeling the soft skin of his biceps, he placed his forehead to mine and continued singing. As the verse came to an end, he gave me a small kiss on the lips before retreating to the stage. I stood there, paralyzed by what had happened, and as I looked up at him, he winked slyly.

For the remainder of the show, I couldn’t help but relive the moment over and over. The whole night seemed to be a massive blur and I couldn’t tell you what other songs they played, all I could think about was that kiss from my idol.

The crowds started to disperse as the band left the stage. I just carried on standing in the spot I had stood in all night, waiting for the place to quieten down before I left. With my eyes fixated on the door, I heard a deep voice behind me.

“Would you like to come with me?”

I turned around to see one of the club’s staff. My eyes widened, I hadn’t done anything wrong, what could they possibly want?

“Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble,” he laughed as he noticed the panic in my face. “Jason has requested to bring you in the back.”

My facial expression changed from nervous to delight as Jason was Blade’s actual name. I couldn’t believe he wanted to speak to me. I swiftly followed the man to the back, looking around as it was the first time I’d ever been backstage anywhere. It wasn’t anything spectacular, just a few empty hallways where the regular partygoers didn’t really venture. He led me to a closed walnut door with a piece of paper saying ‘Blade’ taped to it. Giving it a brief but firm knock, the man looked at me then scurried away as Jason opened the door to me.

“Hey doll,” Jason said with a friendly tone.

A lump began to form in my throat, “Hi, B…B…Blade.”

“Come on in, would you like a drink or anything?” he asked as he closed the door behind me. “You seem a little nervous.”

I saw the bottles of whiskey lined up against the wall and a small wooden box in front. I stared at them for a few seconds before looking back at Jason.

“Would you like a drink?” he asked once more as he hinted at the whiskey.

“Yes, please,” I responded sheepishly.

“Don’t worry, what’s mine is yours, girl.” He laughed as he moved over to the dresser and poured two glasses.

I sat down on the couch as he walked back over to me and handed me a glass. I started to sip the golden liquid quickly as if it was going out of fashion.

“Slow down, there’s plenty of that stuff.” Blade laughed as he joined me on the couch. He then presented the wooden box to me and placed it on the little coffee table in front of us, “And then this will really get the party going.”

I looked shyly at the box, I couldn’t believe this was really happening. The carvings mesmerised me almost as much as his good looks. As I turned back to him, he smiled and chuckled to himself.

“You really are a party girl aren’t you?” He then opened the lid to reveal a large bag of cocaine and some straws. Tipping a small pile of it out and cutting it into lines, he offered me a straw. “Here you go.”

Nervously, I bowed my head with the straw up to my nose. With one solid sniff, I took the whole line. Immediately, I could feel the effects as my body started to rush with adrenaline.

“So what is your name?” Blade asked as he took a long sniff at the cocaine.

“Kimberly,” I responded sharply as I did another line.

“Kimberly, I like that name.” Once again, he sniffed. “So Kimberly, what’s a nice girl like you doing down here all by yourself? You don’t look like the kind of rat you normally get around the strip.”

“I came to see you Blade. I’ve heard you on the radio so much and I love your album,” I responded as I took another line into my nostril.

“That’s what they all say, but you look like you’re from a well to do family, what do they think about you having some blow?”

“Fuck ‘em,” I replied sharply as I rolled my eyes.

“Well I can drink to that. Fuck ‘em.” He laughed as he downed his whiskey. “So really what are you doing here?”

“I told you, I came to see you, Blade,” I responded.

“I’m sure you came for a bit more than that,” he said as he edged closer to me.

I leaned in to kiss him and as my eyes closed, he pulled away leaving me hanging. I opened my eyes and saw a teasing grin on his face as he hinted with his eyes. I looked down at his crotch, then back at him. I was slightly reluctant at first but as I thought about it more, a smirk began to form on my face as this would be the ultimate fuck you to my parents.

I moved down onto the floor, kneeling in front of him as I pulled down his leather pants. His cock was already erect as it flung into the air in front of me. It bounced around comically for a few seconds before coming to a stand in front of my face. I nervously looked at it before grasping the base firmly. Pulling it down a little, I guided it into my mouth.

I pushed my head down his shaft until I felt the bulbous head against the back of my throat. I then slid it back so that only the head was in my mouth. My tongue started to slowly dance around him, making him shiver as it brushed against the banjo string of his helmet. He leaned his head back as I started to cradle his balls, my tongue still twisting and turning around his head.

Plunging my head back down into his groin, I took more of his shaft into my mouth. Then back up, breathing harshly through my nose before going down again. My eyes closed as I felt his manhood twitch within the soft lining of my bulging cheek. I genuinely couldn’t believe this was really happening and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it.

He gasped his approval as I bobbed my head a few more times on his lap before releasing him from my tongue’s onslaught. A long string of saliva still connected my mouth to the helmet of his penis as we looked at one another.

“You’re really good at that, Kimberly,” he groaned as we took another line apiece. “I think you have more in store for me though.”

My cheeks turned crimson as I put two and two together with what he meant by that. Shyly, I stood up and started to strip in front of him. I lifted my t-shirt, exposing my perky little tits with lovely pink rosebuds. I had always been embarrassed by my small B cup bust but with Blade, I felt relaxed. I then started to slowly unbutton my pants, allowing him to see my little blonde bush of hair.

As I stepped out of my pants, I moved towards him. His arms firmly wrapped around my ass and pulled me into him. He pulled me onto the sofa, positioning himself behind me as I was on my elbows and knees.

I felt my cold saliva rub up and down the length of my lower lips. The suspense was killing me as I patiently waited for him. He teased me for several moments before planting one of his hands on my hip. He then guided his cock inside my body for the first time. He gradually pushed deeper, allowing my pussy to acclimatise to his girth at a steady rate. He pushed and pushed until his length was fully surrounded by my flesh.

Pushing me forward and moving his hips back, he withdrew just as slowly as he entered before thrusting into me powerfully. Again, he withdrew slowly before giving me another powerful thrust. Each thrust became more and more powerful as my eyes started to roll up into my skull with the delight he was inflicting on my body. I had never felt anything like the lust I was feeling for my favourite rockstar.

Another thrust jolted my body and my lips wailed a mighty moan as he drove his cock home to my womb. His thrusts were fast and hard, as if he was trying to make me forget the men I’d had before, as if he was trying to own me. Another thrust made his balls slap against my tufts of hair.

“Turn over baby,” he managed to say between pants.

Beads of sweat started to form on both of our bodies as he began pounding me face to face. In unison, we moaned to one another like lovers in heat. My legs started to wrap around his waist, pulling him closer to me as his hands rested on my tits. I watched him enter and retreat from my moist slit with delight and as I sank my teeth into my lower lip, I could feel him begin to slow down.

His face began to turn red and his cock moved deep inside of me. I could feel the head begin to expand deep within my velvet walls. He bestowed me with a warm sensation deep within my pussy. His cock pulsated, shooting a warm load of semen into my womb.

“Would you like to meet the rest of the band?” he asked between deep breaths as we laid there in a sweaty heap.



Published 6 years ago

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