Summer was definitely upon us. The heat had risen, but was not yet uncomfortable. I had traded in heavy coats and pants for tank tops, skirts and shorts. The end of my junior year of high school was quickly approaching. All and all the year had been slightly uneventful beyond the usual adjustment of getting used to the high school mentality.
Since it wasn’t freezing cold outside I had begun to walk to and from school instead of catching the bus. It was on these walks I got to know my neighbor. He was tall with short dark hair, kind of skinny but in good shape. His facial features were well defined giving him the appearance of being much older. I had seen him around school, but had no classes with him since he was a senior. I had also seen him around the neighborhood with his friend Drew. We had never really exchanged anything more than a wave.
At first there wasn’t much acknowledgement, since he was either a block or so ahead or behind me. It wasn’t till a few weeks after I’d started walking that he finally said anything to me. The day before my best friend had come over to work on a project for school. On the walk home she noticed my neighbor walking in front of us.
“Is that the cute guy that lives next door to you?” she asked, looking forward.
“Yeah, he’s kind of quiet though. I don’t think he has ever said one word to me,” I answered.
“I don’t see you talking to him,” she said pushing me gently on the shoulder.
“Like what? Hey, I see you live next door to me!” I said mockingly.
“Oh whatever, you’re such a puss!” she said shaking her head and rolling her eyes.
“Oh fuck you bitch!” I said playfully.
She smiled really big just before she howled at my neighbor like a construction worker. He turned around immediately to see were the noise was coming from. He waved back at us smiling before turning back to his destination. I held up my hand and waved back awkwardly as my friend clasped her hands over her mouth and giggled to herself.
“Will you knock that shit off. He’s gonna think we are stalkers now,” I said swatting at her with my hand.
He disappeared into his house a few minutes before we made it to my door. I lived in a decent sized house with my parents and two siblings. My brother had moved back in from community college earlier that year, so I was forced to share a room with my older sister.
I had learned quickly that my older sister was kind of a slut. I knew that she always had a lot of boyfriends, but now that I was sharing a room with her I overheard a lot of dirty conversation between her and guys and tales of her exploits to her friends. One thing was made quite clear, my sister loved sex and the more the better.
My brother on the other hand had not had much luck with girls at all, hence the large porn collection that he had hidden in his closet. He was rarely home but when he was his door was shut and locked. Unless of course my friend Trina was over then I couldn’t get rid of him.
My friend and I worked on our project, while she teased me about my neighbor. She had a boyfriend earlier in the school year and they had fooled around a bit. Nothing more than a hand job, fingering, and some fondling. So since she was the only one with any experience, she acted like she was a sex expert.
For some reason this meant that she had to regularly try to get me to hook up with a boy and fool around with him. I had a few boyfriends but had never really gone beyond making out and a bit of heavy touching. I liked the idea of going further, but opportunity was never really on my side and the guys always proved to be jackasses.
She nagged me for three hours about my neighbor and how I should ask him to hang out sometime and fuck his brains out. I finally got annoyed and told her she didn’t know shit about sex and to quit acting like she was the damn expert, and if I wanted sex advice I would ask my sister or watch one of my brother’s porno movies. This immediately perked her attention.
“Your brother owns porn?” she asked
“Yeah, like a shit load, he keeps them hidden in his closet,” I answered.
“You should steal one and we can go watch it at my house, my mom will be at her boyfriend’s tonight,” she said, nodding eyes wide with excitement.
“Fine, if it will get you to shut up,” I said.
With that I snuck into my brother’s room and rifled through his closet grabbing the first movie I found. “Bad Girls 9” I dropped it into my backpack and slipped back into my bedroom. We quickly packed up our project and asked my mom if I could stay the night at my friend’s house so we could work on our project. After much back and forth about it being a school night, she finally agreed. I grabbed a few essentials and some pajamas before we headed out.
We arrived at my friend’s house just in time to see her mother off. We unpacked our project and ordered a pizza with the money her mother had left behind for dinner. We rushed through the last details of our homework both masking our excitement about the planned activity.
I had seen bits and pieces of adult movies on the internet when no one was home. Admittedly they turned me on and I was excited to be able to watch more than a tiny clip and not be in fear of someone coming home at any moment.
We headed into her room and got dressed in our pajamas. I slipped into a long black Red Hot Chili Pepper’s t-shirt that stopped maybe half an inch below my ass, leaving my slightly tan legs hanging out the bottom. My friend dressed herself in pink sweat pants and a pink camisole top. She tended to remain very pale even in the summertime. Her wardrobe choices were generally much less revealing than mine.
There was a knock at the front door, dinner had arrived. My friend grabbed the cash off the kitchen table and ran to answer the door. She came back carrying two pizza boxes and a two-liter bottle of root beer. I ran up to meet her grabbing the two-liter from her hand so that she could carry the pizza and breadsticks more easily. She set the two boxes down on the table next to each other and threw back their lids.
The smell wafted across the room making me realize just how hungry I was. We loaded up our plates with breadsticks and pizza, poured two glasses of soda and headed into her room. She climbed onto her bed, sitting cross-legged with her plate in front of her.
“So put in tonight’s entertainment,” she said, doing air quotes and bouncing her shoulders.
“One sec,” I replied setting my plate on her bed to riffle through my backpack.
I pulled the VHS out of its slipcover, which I tossed onto the bed for my friend to look at. I pushed the tape into her VCR and turned on the TV. As she fiddled with the remote I sat down on the bed next to her and started to eat a slice of pizza.
She pressed play and we were both immediately greeted with loud moaning and the sight of a girl being fucked across the hood of a car. We both jumped as she desperately pressed the volume button till the moaning could barely be heard.
“Shit, didn’t realize it was going to be that loud,” she said, as she turned to look at me.
“Scared the crap out of me,” I said, my hand placed across my chest.
“Guess you should rewind it,” I told her.
“Haha, this is where your brother blew his wad,” she said, as she pressed Stop/Rewind.
“Eww, I don’t want to think about it. Besides I’m sure he jerks off thinking of you all the time,” I said jokingly.
“That’s so gross, your brother is such a perv,” she responded, picking up a slice of pizza.
We both sat there eating pizza listening to the whirring of the VCR as it rewound the tape. I was nearly finished with my second slice before it clicked indicating it was done.
“Finally, fuckin’ took forever,” she said, her mouth full of food.
She hit play then promptly hit fast forward. She hit play again once she realized that the movie hadn’t begun and it was just ads for a phone sex line so she hit fast forward again. We sat there as commercials for adult products and other films whizzed by. Once she saw the FBI copyright warning she hit play. After a few more warnings displayed the film finally began. She turned up the volume as the intro credit popped up.
At first we giggled at the terrible dialog and made fun of the ridiculous scenario that was played out before us. Eventually the sex began and silence befell us. We sat there watching the film occasionally glancing at each other to see what reaction each of us was having. I could feel myself becoming wet as arousal sparked inside me. After watching a couple of scenes we began to make commentary about the film again. We mostly discussed the attractiveness or lack thereof of some of the performers both male and female.
The conversation quickly carried into discussing things we would and wouldn’t do. I found out rather quickly that she was kind of a prude. We watched on as a lesbian scene filled the screen. We both agreed if a chick was hot enough we would totally go for it. At this point it was becoming fairly obvious that she was getting turned on. We watched the final scene and continued to discuss would and wouldn’t do’s till the film ended.
“I don’t know about you but I’m pretty fuckin’ horny,” she said immediately after hitting stop.
“Yeah, if my neighbor was here right now I’d jump his bones,” I said.
“You slut, I knew you thought he was cute,” she commented.
“Yeah, but he’s obviously shy,” I replied.
“Bet he wouldn’t be shy if you were…” she said as she picked up a breadstick and pantomimed sucking it like it was a cock.
“Yeah, I bet you suck at it and not in a good way,” I teased.
“Bet I would be better then you,” she replied waving her breadstick at me.
“Oh yeah!” I said, moving my head side to side.
With that I leaned over with my mouth open and took her breadstick into my mouth as far as I could before biting into it taking about 4 inches of the 6 inch breadstick away with me.
“I got you beat right there, I guarantee the first time you bite a guys dick off it will be the last time any guy comes anywhere near you,” she said laughing.
“Oh fuck you!” I said chewing up my food.
“Still don’t see you doing any better,” I said after I swallowed.
“Watch and learn,” she said picking up a breadstick.
She tipped the tip of the stick into the puddle of ranch she had on her plate, and looked up at me and raised her eye brows. She brought the breadstick up to her mouth and began to slide her tongue around it in circles licking off the ranch. She took care to run her tongue up the side where the ranch had started to slide down the length of it. As her tongue reached the tip again she took the bread into her mouth nearly all the way to the end before pressing her teeth into it, leaving only a nub of bread left.
“Yep you’re the bigger slut,” I said nodding with an impressed look on my face.
She smiled her cheeks full of bread. We both got up off the bed and carried our empty plates to the sink. She put the pizza in the fridge and we headed to the bathroom to brush our teeth and hair.
She had long beautiful black hair that brought out her dark green eyes which might have been easy to notice behind her glasses. She was gorgeous and thin; her breasts were two cups smaller than my D cup, but everything was proportioned perfectly. Most people didn’t realize this because of her clothes. They didn’t do much to show off her figure. We had been friends since grade school but as we got older she tended to drift off toward the skater crowd where I was more of a preppy nerd.
We scurried off to her room, both climbing into her bed. We laid there in the dark, the moonlight pouring in over her bed. We were both obviously awake but we sat there in silence. Eventually, she turned rolled over facing me.
“I can’t sleep. I’m still hella horny from watching that porn,” she whispered.
“Me too,” I whispered back.
“If you weren’t here, I’d totally be masturbating,” she said, her voicing lowering at the end.
We had already admitted to each other a long time ago that we had masturbated. It was not a new concept and we told each other everything.
“I know right,” I replied.
“Would it be weird if we played with ourselves in the same room,” I asked.
“I’m game if your game,” she said shrugging.
A few minutes went by without so much as word or movement. I decided I would break the awkwardness. I rolled onto my back placing my hand over the outside of my thong. I rubbed my pussy through my thong, my middle finger running over the hood of my clit as the two others rubbing my lips on either side. I could feel the wetness that at soaked into the cloth. I parted my legs a little further giving myself more room. My knee touched her knee, which she moved away quickly.
I felt her hand on my thigh it was warm and soft. At first I was a bit taken back, but then she started to slide it up and down over my inner thigh slowly the warm touch trailing as her hand moved.
“Am I freaking you out?” she whispered.
“No, your hand is nice and warm,” I replied.
I turned onto my side facing her. Her hand trapped between my thighs. I nudged my face forward and kissed her lips. She kissed me back with equal desire. After a few light kisses, she pulled back.
“Are we really doing this?” she asked
“I don’t know; you want to stop?” I asked.
“I don’t think so,” she replied, leaning back into kiss me.
The temperature in the room shot up as my whole body was now very hot. I placed my hand on her cheek pulling her face closer to mine as we continued to make out. My pussy was now soaking wet. As the intensity of our kisses increased we got bolder our tongues now lashing out to meet one another. We each tilted and twisted our heads kissing each other wildly, our tongues shooting around in each other’s mouths frantically.
She freed her hand from my thighs and ran it up my leg and under my shirt. It continued its journey around my lower back and eventually moving upward finding itself on the side of my rib cage just beneath my armpit. We pulled into each other our bent legs layering on top of each other till she had one leg trapped between both of mine.
I reached up with the arm that was pressed into the bed and placed my hand on her breast outside of her camisole and massaged making small circles. She in turn slid her hand that had been resting my side underneath my shirt onto my bare breast spreading her fingers wide to grasp the whole thing.
We lay there kissing and fondling each other our hands exploring each other’s body. I pulled away and sat up pulling my shirt off. As I slid back down to take off my thong, she sat upright and placed her hands on my tits.
“Your tits are so much bigger than mine, I’m so fuckin’ jealous,” she said her hands kneading my boobs.
“Yeah but yours are way perkier than mine,” I replied.
She reached around peeling off her camisole revealing her pert B cup breasts. Her hard little nipples were much smaller than mine. I reached up cupping her breasts.
“Yeah, these are way firmer,” I said squeezing them.
She dropped backwards onto her back and positioned herself next to me as we synchronously pulled off our lower garments. She reached down and started rubbing her clit. I turn toward her propping myself up on my elbow and sliding my arm underneath her head as I leaned down kissing her. Our breasts smashed against each other’s, her hard nipples rubbing against mine.
Her breathing was heavy as her nostrils flared pushing out hot air. Her free arm ran underneath my propped arm her hand gripping my back. She began to moan into my mouth. As her hand motion increased in speed so did the frequency of her moans. Her body tightened as her breathing became shallow. The moans stopped, her hand still darting back and forth wildly.
She eventually broke our kiss moaning loudly then biting her bottom lip. As her body shook in short jerky movements, all of her muscles remained tight. She took a deep breath and then pressed her lips back into mine moaning. Her muscles finally released, and her arm came to a complete stop as she sank into the bed convulsed in aftershocks of orgasm. I gave her a few light pecks on the lips before I fell onto my back.
“That was so hot,” she panted.
“I am so fucking wet right now,” I said, as I slid my hand down, my fingers dipping into the juices gushing from my pussy lips. I pushed my middle finger inside lubricating it before sliding it back up to my exposed clit.
My friend wriggled her arm out from underneath me. She got up on her knees then leaned down gently biting my chest just below my breast. Her hand reached up cupping the breast furthest from her face. Her mouth lifted off my chest with a moist kissing sound. She placed small kisses as she moved upward till the side of her face was pressed against the bottom of my tit. She turned her head running her tongue around the bottom of my breast and around to the top in a spiral motion in ever-tightening circles till she reached my nipple. Her hot breath cooling the saliva trail her tongue left behind. She pressed her lips around my nipple pinching it between them. My other breast cupped in her hand being massaged till she pressed her fingers together squeezing the nipple, causing me to moan. My finger was rubbing my clit at ever-increasing speeds.
She bit my nipple, the sensation was incredible. While still cupping my breast she moved higher to kiss me. My breathing was so heavy, I was fighting desperately not to moan. The moment our lips met I couldn’t maintain my silence. My hand grabbed the back of her head pulling her into me as I moaned into our kiss. I could feel the pressure inside me reaching critical mass.
I gripped a handful of her hair and pulled her head hard to the side, as I was overcome with an explosive wave of ecstasy. I moaned so loud I felt my vocal cords strain. My friend’s face was squished into a wince. I quickly released my grip on her hair. I lay there breathing heavily, my forearm burning from the intense emotion that brought me to climax.
“Sorry about pulling your hair so hard,” I said looking at my friend.
“It’s okay, you were obviously not fully in control,” she said, as her hand continued to massage my breast.
“This was pretty fun, we should definitely do it again sometime,” I said.
She nodded in agreement as she laid down on her side cuddled up against me. We sat there naked holding each other. It wasn’t long till we both drifted off. We woke up almost late for school. We quickly got ready and rushed off out the door. On the walk home, my neighbor caught up with me.
“Hey, I didn’t see you this morning, were you late or hell of early?” He asked.
“Yeah, I stayed at a friend’s house,” I answered, rotating my shoulder to adjust the strap on my backpack.
“Ah cool, I was worried,” he said smiling at me.
“Aww, someone cares about me I said,” bumping my shoulder into him.
“Just wanted to make sure you were okay is all,” he said, regaining his stride.
“We should hang out sometime, I’m Heather by the way,” I said smiling.
“That would be awesome Heather,” he responded.
“Well, this is me,” he said motioning to his front door.
“I know, I live right next door,” I said.
“I’m busy today, but do you want to come over tomorrow?” he asked.
“It’s a date,” I said opening my front door.