After the girls went to bed, I lay in mine, waiting until I was sure they were asleep. Cuddling with them as we watched television ensured I’d play with myself before going to sleep. This time Cora would be the star.
I pictured her in the outfit she’d chosen for work. Those pumps complimented her long bare legs, highlighted by the short skirt. She came to my office almost in tears. Someone had made a few suggestive remarks, and I needed to know about it. She described what they said, and I got on the phone and had them fired. She was grateful, sitting in my lap, arms around my neck. She kissed my cheeks, thanking me as I sat, grinning. She didn’t stop with my cheeks, kissing my lips as well. After a few quick kisses, she realized she liked it and laid a passionate one on me.
Our tongues played as she managed to unbutton my blouse. Looking down, she saw my bra unhooked from the front. Smiling at me, she lowered her face to suckle.
That’s when my alarm went off. I opened my eyes, rolled over, and shut it off. With one big sigh, I got up to dress. I put my robe on and then headed into the kitchen for coffee and something to eat before getting ready for work.
My sweet chicks soon followed. We chatted briefly, downing our coffee, yogurt, and fruit. Then off to get ready for their first day.
Our work week started with two nervous interns. When I saw their outfits the day before, I thought they looked fine, slightly edgy, but okay. When I saw them on the girls, I almost kept them home to devour them. I knew I was going to get a little talking to because they were going to impress in more ways than one.
They first attended a gathering to welcome them. After that, I gave them a tour of the various groups, introducing the people they would be working with. We all knew they wouldn’t remember names, and it didn’t matter. They would get to know them soon enough.
I left them in good hands with Darla, my PA. She had them fill out emergency contact forms and non-disclosure agreements. By then, it was time for lunch. I picked them up and took them to my office to see what they wanted to eat.
They mentioned a couple of chicken hawks who made comments. I asked if they were rude, and they said no, just a little suggestive, which made them uncomfortable. I noted the names, telling my little chicks they wouldn’t say anything like that again to them.
They smiled. We headed down to a food truck for lunch. We ordered and then went back to my office to eat. They told me they really liked the people they’d met so far and were enjoying their day.
After lunch, they met a few more people while I visited the two chicken hawks. Naturally, the men denied it, but they knew when I finished talking if it happened again, there would be repercussions.
Bridget and Cora were in my reception area when I returned, getting to know Darla. I couldn’t function as well as I do without Darla. She and I collaborated when the list of interns had been whittled down to five. She’s a great judge of character and has never disappointed me. When I walked back in, Darla gave me a knowing smile. She was as impressed as I was with my little chicks.
On the ride home, the girls were giddy, and they continued talking about the people they met and the looks they got. Tomorrow they would go their separate ways, spending more time with the people they had met today. They rotate through the same departments only on different schedules. Then towards the end, they focus on their primary interests.
When we arrived home, it was showers and lounge clothes. This became our routine. When I’m alone, the television usually doesn’t come on; I read for pleasure and business. I’ll check the news now and then, but it tends to depress me more than it makes me smile. Cuddling with my chicks each night on the sofa and watching silly television shows and movies became my preferred pastime.
We did the grilled chicken thing that first night, splitting a bottle of wine. I heard more about their day and how exciting it was. The rest of the week was easy at work. The girls went their separate ways, and I monitored their progress. Everyone they worked with gave me positive feedback, which made my life easier.
Friday rolled around, and the girls were ready for some time off. All they wanted to do Friday night was lie around the house and vegetate.
We made plans to do some sightseeing on Saturday. It was Summer, and we had two professional sports teams in town. Women’s soccer and professional baseball. The girls enjoyed both, so I made a mental note to get tickets for us.
We drove around a local lake. I pointed out hiking trails and places we could swim and rent boats, paddle boards, and kayaks. Then we headed back to the city. As we drove downtown, I mentioned the museum, the concert arena, a couple of nightclubs I thought were popular, restaurants I knew, and a dance club. Not being very social, I wasn’t sure about some of the clubs we drove by. One that caught the girls’ interest was the Velvet Kitten. I cringed as we passed it, not mentioning it all. I tried to distract them by pointing out a trendy donut shop that makes unique pastries across the street.
But Cora saw the gaudy sign flashing its neon lights even during the day. I’d been there several times and admonished myself for driving down this street.
Cora asked as we passed by, “What’s the Velvet Kitten, Wren? It looks interesting.”
I pretended I didn’t hear her since she was in the backseat.”
But Bridget did and relayed the question.
I tried to think of a way to say it is a lesbian pick-up dive, but it came out, “It’s a ladies-only nightclub, Cora.”
She asked again, “Ladies only?”
Bridget laughed, “She meant to say it’s a lesbian club, Cora.”
I gave Bridget the stink eye, “Yes, it’s a lesbian club.”
Then more questions, “Have you ever been there? What’s it like inside? Do they have sex in the bathrooms? Are straight women allowed in there? Can we go sometime to see what it’s like?”
My answers in order were, “Yes, dirty, no, well, at times, yes, very welcome, we’ll see.”
Somehow I knew we’d end up going, their curiosity was piqued, and the best thing I could do was delay a visit hoping they’d forget and lose interest.
Back home, we sat down, looking at the soccer and baseball home schedules for a good game or two. We also figured out when we’d like to go to the lake, learn to paddle board, do a little kayaking, and maybe one visit hike a few moderate trails. We had a list to keep us busy for most weekends they’d be here. We left room for bad weather, not feeling like doing anything, and relaxing. It was the nights during those weekends that were left blank. The girls noticed, mentioning a nice dinner and, of course, the Velvet Kitten.
I finally talked seriously with them about that place, hoping to paint a picture that would discourage them. I told them it was a pick-up joint. Women go there to find curious straight women to introduce them to lesbian sex and make conquests. It’s a game they play. They would both be prime targets for the vultures that hang out there. Candace and I went four times, and she was looking for a third to join us. She frequented the Kitten more than I knew about when we were together.
When I mentioned my experience, their eyes lit up. Bridget asked, “You’ve done a three-way? With two other women?”
I sighed, “Yes, Candace could be very persuasive. It wasn’t always a pleasant experience, Bridget.”
They both got quiet, and I changed the subject.
Both of my sweet chicks realized that the Velvet Kitten was a place I had no desire to visit. They dropped the subject, knowing it upset me. I was more concerned about them being prey than bad memories I had about the place. I knew I’d be there to rescue them if things got scary. They were both twenty-one, but I was responsible for their well-being while here. I take that very seriously. A scandal could affect my career and certainly theirs as interns.
After dinner, we cuddled on the sofa. Instead of side by side, they rested their bare feet on my lap. As we got into ‘Perfect Pitch,’ I began massaging their feet. I used to do Candace’s feet, and she loved it. I figured it couldn’t hurt doing the girls. I started slow, one hand on Bridget’s and one on Cora’s. I could see out of the corners of my eyes they both looked at me. But I was watching the movie as I massaged them. They shrugged it off like it was nothing as I continued. I could feel each one shiver now and then as I rubbed, caressed, and kept their toes warm. Sometimes, Cora’s foot would touch Bridget’s. They were surprised initially, but they played subtle footsie as I massaged when it happened again. I think they liked the attention.
When the movie was over, they both apologized for bringing up the Kitten. I told them it was fine, and I understood their curiosity. I reminded them I’d always answer their questions. They both smiled, and I got a kiss from each of them on my cheek. Then good-night.
After that night with the foot rubs, they got a rub whenever they put their feet on my lap. That occurred more often than not. Sometimes, I’d include ankles and the lower parts of their legs when they wore shorts. I loved it.
My masturbation session that night was intense. I pictured both of them in their string bikinis teasing me, then each nursing my breasts as we lay in bed. They’d pause to kiss each other, then back to my breasts.
Bridget grew tired of my breast and inched down my tummy to look at Tink. When she saw my sweet fairy, she kissed her, slipped her tongue between my labia, and proceeded to explore with her curious tongue. Cora lay next to me, kissing my lips and my breasts, then moving up to sit on my face. She rocked back and forth over me, my tongue bathing her as she moaned. I heard her call my name several times, telling me how amazing my tongue was and that she’d never felt anything like it.
I woke to find my hand between my legs once more, bringing me to a delicious and naughty climax. Sadly, scenes like this continued for most of the Summer. I wasn’t going to break my promise about sneaking into their rooms, but it sure was tempting.
Sunday was a domestic day, with laundry, grocery shopping, and some tanning. More slow, sensual applications of sunblock kept me on edge. I only hoped they felt the same way.
June quickly turned into July. We spent the fourth grilling and socializing with Darla, her family, and a couple of her neighbors. The girls had fun entertaining Darla’s daughters and son, who are all in elementary school. They played games, lounged in their pool, and had a great time.
We brought all the lawn chairs to the driveway when it started getting dark. We watched the kids play with sparklers and saw fireworks far off in the night sky. It was a nice change for Cora and Bridget to be around other people without thinking about work.
We hit the lake several times, kayaking after a quick lesson. We stayed close to shore and paddled around the lake, avoiding the water skiers. We rented stand-up paddle boards, and Cora was the only one to stand up on hers for more than five minutes. On other weekends we hiked a couple of trails, taking pictures of chipmunks, squirrels, and a Barred Owl that watched us walk past.
The girls were doing great at work, also. They swam with me at least once a week, wearing their new suits. Bridget finally got to see Tink and was impressed with my little tattoo. They also discovered I’m bare down there, which shocked Cora initially. They both were full, natural, and very yummy looking.
At the beginning of August, I realized their time was getting shorter. We’d been so busy having fun that I didn’t think about them leaving me.
They hadn’t mentioned the Velvet Kitten once since that initial day we drove by it. They only had three weeks left until they would leave my home and my life. We’d checked off everything on our to-do list, the lake, soccer, and baseball. They’d been so lovely, and I felt guilty, so I decided to surprise them with a trip to the Kitten.
They were shocked and delighted I caved. They weren’t sure if I was kidding, so they first shrugged it off. When I asked what they would wear, they hit their closets and showed me. What they chose was very tasteful. Cora later told me they didn’t want to look like fresh meat.
I dressed in slacks, heels, and a nice blouse. They showed a tiny bit of cleavage and a lot of their legs. I was going to be their designated driver and mother hen.
We decided to go on a Friday night. That way, if they drank too much, they had all weekend to recover. I think they were kidding me when they mentioned that. At least, I hoped they were.
We arrived at the club around eight. It wasn’t too crowded, and the DJ was having a great time spinning records. Women were dancing and having a good time. The girls attracted a little attention, and women couldn’t determine if they were my kittens, nieces, or what.
So, the fun began.
We found a table, and within a few moments, a waitress came over, I asked to keep a tab, and we ordered drinks. The funny thing is that I’d only paid for our initial drinks when the night was over. The rest were bought and paid for by others. I drank sparkling water while the girls alternated water and various martinis.
They danced with a variety of pretty women, some butch, other straight women wondering if they were lesbians, and a couple of transgender ladies. I was proud of them for being so open-minded. Not once did they come back from a dance freaked out. Yes, they were propositioned, but they always told their partner they were going home with me. They did a few bumps and grinds, and I loved watching them do that. Some slow dances and generally had a great time. They even danced with each other doing a bump and grind when their partners left them for others because they weren’t going home with them. I danced a few, too, after I relaxed and quit worrying about them. The club had changed since Candace, and I had been there. It was much nicer than I had remembered. They were a few ladies making out on the dance floor. It wasn’t sleazy, and the kissing mainly occurred during slow dances. The girls didn’t witness any sex in the bathroom that I know of, but I did. On her knees, two feet sticking out under the stall door, and no barfing sounds were a dead giveaway.
Despite my misgivings, we had a great time. They were a little drunk on the drive home. Each told me about the people they danced with and the lines they’d used to try to get into their panties. It was close to two when we got home. I told them good night and headed to the shower before I went to bed.
I was halfway through when they walked in dressed only in their panties. I did a double take, wondering what they were doing. Bridget had her phone and a blue tooth speaker. She set it on the counter, turned on some dance music, and they both joined me. I’d shut off the water before they stepped in, asking them what they were doing just before they opened the shower door.
Cora said they were still wide awake and in a dancing mood. I thought this couldn’t be happening and told them they should be asleep in bed.
They both laughed, removed their panties, then started dancing right in front of me. I couldn’t believe my eyes as they began bumping and grinding, taking turns as they smiled and giggled at me. I won’t lie. I stood there watching, enjoying what I saw. After the first dance, they both came over to me. Each grabbed a hand, putting me between them as the next song blasted away. I was in heaven with Cora in front of Bridget and me behind.
Bridget was getting into it like nobody’s business, rubbing my ass with her crotch. Meanwhile, I had my hands on Cora’s hips, a little more subtle than Bridget’s. Their naked bodies felt good against mine. The cold air I started to feel against my skin when they arrived soon gave way to heat, thanks to their closeness. We switched positions after that first song with Cora behind me. I gave Bridget as good as I got.
I was in the back for the next dance, and Cora was in the middle. My hands wandered on her also because I couldn’t help myself. This went on for more than it should have, so before the next dance, I went to one of the benches and sat down.
In the final dance, both girls faced each other. Each had their thigh against the other’s vagina as they’d slowly grind up and down. Their eyes locked together in an intense gaze. It was almost like they were tribbing as they danced. I became aroused, and I couldn’t take my eyes off them.
Bridget’s phone battery was dying because the music suddenly stopped playing. She checked it as Cora, and I waited. When she realized it, she pouted, walking back into the shower and holding them both. I suggested we turn the water back on, get clean, and then they should go to their beds. They pouted, but the mother hen rules. So, we called it a night, showering and then going our separate ways.
After they left, I looked at the alarm clock by my bed. It was three thirty in the morning!
I lay in bed going over the entire night. The girls had fun, no doubt about it. Maybe taking them to the Velvet Kitten gave them a new perspective. I know the alcohol helped, especially with the dancing in my shower. I wondered if they would say they didn’t remember or if it was the booze talking. Either way, it was fun to watch; however they wanted to deal with it, it was fine.
I managed to get five or so hours of sleep before feeling the need to use the toilet. Once up, I dressed, then started my Saturday. I was working on my second cup of coffee, enjoying a warm, quiet morning outside. I had to smile as I pictured my darlings once more bumping and grinding in my shower.
I’d left the glass door open to hear any rumblings in the kitchen. I was halfway through my second cup when Bridget opened the screen, peeked her head out, and groaned.
“Ugh, that sun is too bright.”
She joined me regardless, holding her cup and plopping down in one of the loungers.
Bridget asked me, “Did we really dance in the shower last night?”
I giggled, “Mmmmm. You did, sweetie. It was very entertaining.”
She groaned, “I thought so. I didn’t think we drank that much.”
I replied, “It happens to the best of us. Nothing to worry about.”
Before Bridget could reply, out came Cora. She wasn’t in much better shape as she sat in another lounger. She sipped, looking at me, Bridget, then back at me.
“We danced in the shower, didn’t we.”
I laughed, “Yes, we did. Did you enjoy it?”
They both blushed, and they both nodded.
Cora spoke next, looking at me, “Um, last night, I remember one lady asking me as we danced if we were your kittens. What does that mean?”
I coughed, “Well, There are various lifestyles in this world. Being a kitten is like being an exclusive lover of a more dominant female. It comes in various forms depending on the relationship. It’s a term of endearment, for the most part, between an older woman and a younger one. I might be called a cougar if I were fifteen years older, and you’d be my kittens.”
Bridget smiled, “Can we be your kittens instead of your baby chicks? Is that okay?”
I blushed, “Here at my house, you can be anything you want to be. You’ve noticed I don’t use those words when I refer to you at work. It’s kept on a very professional level. So, it’s up to you.”
Cora squirmed and smiled, “I’d much rather be a kitten also, Wren. If that’s alright with you.”
I smiled, “I’d love for you both to be my kittens even though we don’t have a sexual relationship. You’re both so cute and sweet.”
They looked at each other and then back at me, “Meow.”
We all laughed.
I was ready for breakfast; however, I didn’t think they were prepared to eat anything, “Let me know when you’re both hungry, and we can go out or fix something here. Your choice, my sweet kittens.”
Cora replied, “One more cup, and I’m taking a long hot shower. After that, I might be ready for food. I’d rather stay here and not go out, Wren. I don’t want to get dressed today.”
Bridget nodded, “Ditto to the above.”
I smiled, “I can wait. I guess we’re all in recovery mode today. Sounds perfect.”
Bridget finished her cup and offered to get Cora her second. She took both in and, minutes later, returned. We sat talking about the shower incident until they finished their coffee. We all headed back into the house, putting our cups away.
Bridget surprised me when she asked Cora, “Want to shower together? Save some water?”
Cora smiled, “Sure, after last night, maybe we should all shower together. Oh, do we have more conditioner, Wren? I think I’ve used most of it.”
I grinned as they went off to wash the night from their hair and bodies, “Yes, I have another under the sink. I’ll get it for you two.”
I retrieved another bottle of conditioner, setting it on the bench where I keep the shampoo and body gel. I checked those also. They were light, so back to the cabinet.
My loves walked in, gabbing away. They seemed like they were feeling better. Cora hit the remote, and the center head burst into life.
They set their loungewear down on the sink, and each took a bottle from me in case they ran out.
I heard Bridget ask if she could wash Cora’s hair for her. Cora being the sweet girl she is, told her yes. That made Bridget smile.
Bridget complimented Cora on her beautiful long straight hair, complaining hers gets too curly when it’s long. Cora smiled, telling her it could be a pain at times.
Bridget asked her to hold her head back, and she’d soap her up.
Cora’s long strands dangled as one as Bridget applied a liberal amount of shampoo, massaging it in and softly talking to Cora. I paused to watch, and I could see Cora smile as Bridget ran her fingers and massaged her scalp. Bridget moved behind Cora, still talking to her, while Cora smiled.
When Bridget finished soaping Cora, she had her stand under the water to rinse. Cora did her best, but Bridget didn’t think so and moved to stand in front of her. I saw Bridget move closer, her hands raised under the stream. Bridget opened her hands, spreading her fingers, then placed them on Cora’s temples. She moved her fingers into Cora’s hair and stepped closer until their breasts touched. Cora’s eyes widened as Bridget ignored her reaction and used her fingers to spread Cora’s hair to remove more suds.
Cora realized that was all she was doing and let Bridget continue. I watched, leaning against the sink counter and enjoying the slow seduction of our sweet Cora. Or at least the start of a seduction. Their breast rubs became nipple rubs as Cora closed her eyes. They stayed in contact as Bridget sifted through Cora’s hair at least five times. Each time Bridget did this, she’d move back and forth gently, so their nipples or breasts rubbed together slowly and sensually.
Well, that was my opinion as I watched because, once again, I was getting tingly.
When Bridget determined all the soap was out, I heard her ask Cora if she could apply the conditioner.
From what I could tell, Cora had a dreamy look in her eyes when she said to Bridget, “Yes, please.”
Bridget smiled, picking up the conditioner and repeating the rubbings as she applied it and then rinsed it. Cora smiled when Bridget finished, and Bridget thanked her for allowing her the privilege. With her hair washed and conditioned, Cora became the bold one. Looking slightly flushed, she asked Bridget if she could wash her hair.
Bridget smiled, telling her she didn’t have to. Cora told her she’d like to return the favor, and Bridget quickly reconsidered, telling her yes.
I must have been invisible because they completely ignored me, watching them with my hand between my legs.
Cora took the same steps as Bridget had, getting her shorter hair wet and then applying the shampoo. The significant difference this time was that Cora stood in front of Bridget, although she didn’t have to, and continued their intimate body contact.
I saw a massive grin on Bridget’s face as Cora ensured their nipples had extensive contact. Some words were spoken, making Cora blush and smile. Toward the end of the shampooing, Bridget put her hands on Cora’s waist to guide her in their mutual pleasure. Cora forgot about placing her fingers in Bridget’s hair. Instead, she put her hands on Bridget’s waist as they looked into each other’s eyes, gently swaying back and forth, rubbing breasts and nipples.
They looked delicious as if they were slow dancing without music. The water kept running, and I didn’t care. I loved watching them, wondering what was going to happen next.
That’s when Bridget stopped the dance, tilted her head, and kissed Cora. Cora didn’t flinch as she kissed Bridget back. I didn’t time it, but they may have made out for close to five minutes as I leaned back against the bathroom sink, watching and debating on getting myself off.
They turned to look over at me as I quickly removed my hand from my crotch. Each was smiling before starting with the body gel. Cora bent down to pick it up as Bridget mouthed, “Join us.”
She curled her finger, beckoning me in. I wanted to, but I didn’t. When Cora stood up, she noticed that Bridget was trying to get me to join them. When Cora asked out loud for me to get undressed and hop in, I decided to take the plunge.
Both girls stood under the stream of warm water, waiting for me to undress and join them. Something last night must have triggered this. I knew Cora had thought about her and Daphne. It had troubled her immensely. Maybe because we all trusted each other and she wouldn’t be destroying a family, she decided to see what it was like. Bridget, however, had been hinting at such things almost since her arrival, wanting to see Tink.
I finished disrobing, and as I walked in, the girls made room for me. We stood waiting under the cascading warm water for someone to do something. That’s when Cora walked over to the remote and shut the water off. When she returned, the girls squirted some bath gel in their palms and a little bit on me. I stood still as Cora did my front as Bridget did my back.
I purred, “You two must be feeling better.”
Cora nodded, “Yes. Last night something inside me woke up, Wren. I don’t know if it was the alcohol or what, but I felt good just being with other women and girls.”
Bridget replied, “The alcohol certainly helped. But, yes, last night was so much fun. I’ve never had that much fun at some of the parties at school.”
The girls took their time soaping me down, especially Cora. She concentrated on my breasts, using both hands to cup, massage, and explore how they felt. When her thumbs pressed my nipples, I closed my eyes.
I whispered to her, “Pinch them. Pull them for me, sweetness.”
She did, and I nearly came right there.
Bridget focused on my ass, massaging and then standing behind me to grind as she held my hips.
I was in kitten momma heaven.
They thought they were through, but I told them no, and they traded places. Now Bridget could get a close-up view of Tink, something she’d wanted since her arrival. Cora soaped my back, but when she was doing my ass cheeks, I reached back, grasping her wrists, then guiding them around me so she could focus on my breasts again. Cora moved in, tightening her hips against my ass. She renewed her playing with my nipples.
I turned to try and look at her, but my head could only move so far.
So once more, I whispered, “Yes, sweetie. I love that.”
I got a nuzzle on my neck and a soft kiss, also.
Bridget was on her knees checking out Tink. She used her fingers to trace my little faerie’s outline and to brush over my bare labia. Bridget had never been that close to another female’s vagina. Her only experiences were kissing and breast play.
I hate to say it, but I got a little chilly standing that long in the shower without hot water. I asked Cora to turn the water back on. Now it was my turn to soap the kittens. I took Cora’s front while Bridget took Cora’s back, and then we reversed it.
When Cora was all slick and soapy, we turned to Bridget. The girls kissed once more as I concentrated on Bridget’s backside. Tight and firm, I slowly massaged each cheek, debating if I should get a little more intimate with her. I refrained; this was intimate enough for the time being.
I spent my time lavishing their firm, sweet breasts with all the attention they deserved. Flat, firm tummies and smooth thighs. A tease between the legs evoked small whimpers from both. Cora seemed to like her breasts caressed but not manipulated. She was very sensitive when my fingers made little circles around her belly button. I watched as her muscles twitched while I teased her.
Bridget got into the boob handling. I tugged and rolled her nipples between my thumb and forefinger. Her tummy wasn’t as sensitive as Cora’s, but any spot within a few inches of her vagina made her tremble.
When I finished, my sweet Cora turned the water back on, and we rinsed.
I asked if they were hungry for breakfast, and both nodded enthusiastically. We dried off, dressed then met in the kitchen to figure it out.
We’d been dining on yogurt, granola, and fruit all week. We wanted something to fill our tummies, so we decided to go out. We changed and then went to a little hole-in-the-wall restaurant that only served breakfast and lunch. I’d been there several times, but not recently. The server was adorable. Even the girls noticed and commented to me.
I giggled, “One night at a lesbian bar, and now you’re looking at women? Wow, I should have taken you back in June.”
They both laughed as our server returned with our juices. We continued talking about the night before; maybe they weren’t as drunk as they thought. We discussed the various ladies they danced with, the questions, and the lines used to get them alone or tempt them to go home with someone. I told them they had helped me have one of the best nights out in a very long time.
We’d almost finished our juices when our sweet server brought our breakfasts, a Denver omelet for me, strawberry crepes for Cora, and a scramble for Bridget. She refilled our glasses and practically hovered over us as we ate.
When we’d finished, I gave her a thirty percent tip, and she gave me her phone number on the back of one of the receipts with a note, ‘loved serving you and your kittens’ with a winking smiley face with kitten whiskers. I smiled, looked over at her, then tucked it away for future use. I assumed she’d heard us talking about the Velvet Kitten.
We headed home, spending the rest of Saturday doing our Sunday chores. There seemed to be a calmness among the girls like a huge burden had been lifted from their shoulders. They seemed more relaxed than usual. Maybe it was the baby hangovers or the release of pent-up frustrations. I don’t know.
Dinner was grilled teriyaki kabobs, veggies, and steamed rice. My darlings did most of the work while I read some mid-year financial reports—pretty exciting stuff. We ate outside, enjoying the beautiful end of a near-perfect day.
While alone, I texted our sweet server, thanking her for paying attention to us. She texted back that it was a pleasure to serve us and thanked me for the generous tip. I told her she deserved it and hoped my schedule permitted me to visit again for breakfast or lunch. I got a few smiley emojis and a few smiling cat ones. I purred to myself, sending her hearts and kisses.
I know, evil Wren. But my dolls were going away soon, and I was going to miss them. I needed someone to fill that void. Brandi might be the one who could do that. Time will tell.
Our evening lounging had changed. Instead of wearing shorts over panties with crop tops, my loves opted for only boy shorts. I was delighted. Legs on my lap still as we watched some rom-coms with lesbians. They were corny and predictable, but I didn’t hear any complaints.
The girls were tired and decided to go to bed early. We didn’t have anything planned for Sunday so sleeping in, and lounging would be the order of the day. I was delighted with the entire weekend and returned to one of the books I’d been meaning to finish before the girls arrived. They’d been in their rooms for maybe half an hour, or at least I thought they were, when my bedroom door slowly opened.
Cora peeked in to see if I were still awake even though my light on the nightstand was on. I looked over at the door, then motioned her over. Patting the bed, she joined me after closing the door. She sat on the edge as I sat up, propped up against the pillows.
I whispered, “Are you alright, sweetie?”
She nodded, “Yes, Wren. I’m fine. I just wanted to talk to you without Bridget around. Is that okay?”
I smiled, “Come here, sit next to me and tell me what’s going on, my love.”
I tossed the covers aside, and she moved in, sitting next to me so we could talk. She’d quietly shut my bedroom door, but we kept our voices low. It was very sexy whispering to her next to me in my bed.
Cora explained she felt good about everything that happened this weekend. She’d let herself go, which is something she’s never really done before. Then she confessed she thought she was falling in love with me.
I paused our conversation as I thought briefly about what she’d said. I loved them both. It was hard not to. I wasn’t sure about anything long-term and didn’t want to break her heart.
I told her I loved both of them and maybe this was just a feeling because we’d spent so much time together. She replied that it wasn’t the reason. She felt we had a connection and wanted to try and take it to the next level. She’d had this same feeling with Daphne, but deep inside, she knew she couldn’t act on it.
I brushed a few strands of her lovely hair back from her face. I could tell she was on the verge of tears. I know it was probably the wrong thing to do, but I leaned in to kiss her. She kissed me back, and we continued kissing, slowly moving our bodies down to lie facing one another as we did. Cora had walked in wearing only her boy shorts. Her bare skin felt divine against mine, nestled between the sheets. Our kissing was more sensual, not sex-starved and aggressive. We’d pause, look into each others’ eyes, then start up again.
Cora’s legs rubbed against mine, and then we became entwined. They felt delicious as she rubbed against me slowly. She rolled onto her back, and I followed, still kissing. I wanted her; she knew it and wanted me, also. We paused once again to catch our breath. My heart was beating so hard that she whispered she could feel it as we kissed. I smiled, telling her I could feel hers too. Then Cora looked directly into my eyes, her hand against my cheek, one finger against my skin. She asked me to make love to her.
My heart and body wanted to, and my mind debated for a few milliseconds when she kissed me again. That was all it took. We continued kissing until I decided how I would pleasure my sweet Cora. I had no expectations she’d reciprocate, and I didn’t care. I was going to take her to a place she’d never forget and want to return to as often as possible.
I moved my body over hers, planting sweet butterfly kisses on her forehead, cheeks, nose, and lips. She giggled and squirmed under me. Her hands massaged my back as I continued down to her neck and chin, back up to her earlobe, her neck, and then again to those soft sweet lips.
Cora closed her eyes, moaning that she felt so delicious. I whispered that she tasted delicious also. She purred, letting me know she was glad I thought that.
My kisses continued, covering her shoulders and collarbone, then down to her sweet, firm breasts. I remembered her look when she and Bridget were nipple-playing, so I teased hers with mine—swiping back and forth, watching as they hardened with each pass. Cora opened her eyes looking up at me, she didn’t have to say how much she loved that feeling, but she did anyway.
I grinned, continuing it a little longer before moving lower to suckle each hard nipple. My doll gasped the first time I took her breast in my mouth, sucking on it hard. I teased her, licking, sucking, and tugging at her while her hands pressed my face into her chest.
I left her breasts, painting my way down her torso with my tongue. I knew her tummy was ticklish, so a brief session left her giggling.
Cora whispered; she was incredibly turned on as I nudged her legs further apart from mine. I called her baby, telling her I was glad she was enjoying herself. I looked up to see her sweet cheeks turn red briefly.
Delighted in her reaction, I began kissing my way up and down each long leg. I’d take one, bring it to my lips as I sat back on my heels, then lick, kiss, and paint it with my tongue.
Cora watched, a finger between her lips purring.
When I finished with both legs, I knelt between them. Cora’s musk was evident; I took a deep breath enjoying her sweet aroma before kissing my way up the inside of her thigh.
I hadn’t made love to anyone with a full bush in a very long time. I remembered getting hairs in my mouth, but that didn’t stop me from teasing Cora’s bush with my tongue. It was definitively a different sensation than a bare vagina.
I slipped my fingers into the waistband of her panties. Cora raised her ass, allowing me to slide them down her long legs. I dropped them next to the bed, smiled, and returned to my love.
Cora was squirming as I placed my hands on her ass cheeks to raise her. She bent her legs, planting her feet near my head. I heard a soft ‘oh god’ the first time my tongue parted her labia. From then on, it was yes, yes, yes, with Cora quietly calling out my name and telling me how good she felt. I didn’t know if she’d get louder, perhaps waking Bridget. At this point, I didn’t care.
The tip of my tongue did a brief search for her clitoris. It wasn’t tricky. Cora had a rather large one compared to other women I’d made love with. It was a lovely toy to play with, and I most certainly did. I had Cora moaning, shaking, and pressing my face into her as I manipulated her clit with all the expertise I had.
I kept her on edge, backing off, returning, then backing off at least a dozen times. I rested my head against her thigh, licking and sucking each drop of sweetness she created. I’d playfully growl, dive in and lick feverishly, then ease back, gently tonguing her.
Cora would respond in various ways, arching her back, clamping my head with her thighs, moaning, giggling, and telling me how good it felt. I didn’t want to do too many things to her on her first outing, so I limited my lovemaking to my tongue to get my sweet girl off.
By this time, she had been to the cliff’s edge and back more than I recall. I took her back up, keeping her there until she gasped and her body delivered her first climax by another woman. She grunted, reached up, grabbed the pillow, placed it over her face, and screamed into it. I kept kissing and licking, glancing at her every few seconds.
I was happy, and she was sated. Her eyes had that dreamy look as I left her sweetness glistening. I reached for a tissue to wipe my face, but Cora stopped me. She wanted to kiss me, and she didn’t care if her nectar was on my lips. I’ve made love to a few straight women in my life; some think their juices are disgusting and don’t want a kiss. Cora practically demanded it, and I gladly obliged.
We snuggled, talking for a little while until she asked if she should return to bed. I told her I’d love for her to stay exactly where she was. If Bridget had a problem with it, we’d deal with it. Cora smiled, kissing me one more time before asking me to turn out the light.
We slept snuggled together until about eight when Bridget knocked on my door. Cora was still in my arms when Bridget walked in.
Bridget smiled, her voice soft when she spoke, “I thought Cora would be here. I saw her door was open and her bed wasn’t slept in. Would you mind if I joined you both?”
What barriers the girls had were now completely gone. It took almost their entire internship, but it didn’t matter. What had been kept deep inside had been released, and now they could enjoy themselves.
Bridget was in her loungewear which she slipped out of before joining us on the empty side of my bed. She whispered that she had been expecting this to happen before they left.
I smiled at her quietly, asking, “Does it bother you, sweetness?”
Bridget whispered back, “Yes and no. I want you also. Do you think that’s possible? I don’t want to upset Cora. I’ve developed a crush on her too.”
My heart skipped a beat, “We can talk, my love. I love you both, and you know that.”
Bridget snuggled closer, kissing my neck as she settled in. My dream was close to coming true.