Cheryl and I spent so much time together we became like brother and sister. Right around puberty, my Mom remarried and we didn’t go out there any where near as often. Probably was just as a good, seeings how Cheryl’s and my favorite game had become playing doctor together.
Any way, one summer Uncle Bill had called to see if I could do them a huge favor. Would I be able to come out and watch over the farm with Cheryl for three weeks while they went on a holiday?
I had just finished up a summer construction job and was just going to hang around before returning to school in the fall. I didn’t have any thing els on the go so I thought what the heck, it could be fun spending time with Cheryl again, and I sure would be glad to help out my Uncle and Aunt. I called my uncle back that day and agreed.
I caught a ride out there with a neighbor who was in the city because I knew my car would never make the journey. It was like coming home. I hadn’t been there for about 6 months and I really missed the place and the people. When I got out of the car and walked down the drive way, every one came running out to meet me. Even the Collie Jessie tackled me and started licking me to death.
I got up after rolling out from underneath the playing dog when I saw Cheryl running towards me. Oh my gosh, the way her perky puffy nippled breast jiggled under her thin T- shirt made my cock instantly hard. When she reached me, she gave me a sweet kiss and a great big hug that caused her gigantic puffy nipples to poke into the skin of my chest.
After our embrace, I hugged Aunt Helen and Uncle Bill both but wanting to go give Cheryl another hug just like the last one.
It really was good being back. We went into the house and I got settled.I stripped down to a pair of jean shorts and a tight muscle shirt to try and keep cool in July heat, then spent the rest of the afternoon with Uncle Bill going through a list of all that needed to be done.
Come chore time, Cheryl was with us as we milked the cows then fed and watered the rest of the live stock. All the time, I couldn’t keep my eyes off Cheryl’s puffy nipples that proudly showed off through her t-shirt. I let out a quiet groan looking at her tight ass as she bent over in front of me. Each time she did, I could distinctly see a few wisps of her reddish pubic hair poking out around the extremely high cut leg band of her Daisy Dukes. She had me walking around with a stiff cock all afternoon.
After every thing was finished and dinner done, Cheryl and I sat alone on the veranda relaxing in the cool, damp evening air as my Uncle and Aunt finished packing for their trip. I was right next to Cheryl on the porch swing as we caught up on our lives since we were together last.
She told me of her short fling with Tommy, a big brute football player that I had met before. The guy was a knob and didn’t deserve her. I guess she began to see how crude and arrogant he was as well.
“He was all over me the second we were alone.” she said complaining. “Gawd, it was terrible how he would constantly pull his cock out and tell me to suck him.”
“I almost choked when Cheryl opened up and was describing her sex life to me with no reservation what so ever.
“I mean gosh, it was like he thought his cock was the one of the seven wonders of the world or some thing,” she said reaching down and taking my hand in hers. “and I ought to know because I have seen a cock before.” now smiling. ” Remember?”
“Um, err yes, how could I forget?” I stammered thinking back to all of our Doctor games we used to play.
“Maybe you should show it to me again for old times sake.” Cheryl laughed squeezing my hand tightly as if to emphasize her words.
My cock sprung to attention again thinking about how much I would love to show it to her, as long as she was willing to play her part in our little game.
“Only if you show me yours.” I replied without hesitation.
Cheryl laughed again, stood up and said.
“Well, it’s getting late and Mom and Dad want to get on the road early, besides, we are now going to be the new farm wife and husband aren’t we?” she said making me wonder why she used that term for us.
That night my dreams were filled with that of my cousin Cheryl and I doing all the things you do with your wife or lover but not with your cousin. I woke several times and tried to convince myself that the thoughts I was having were totally wrong and immoral. It just isn’t right to want to fuck your own flesh and blood cousin like I did, but each time I fell back asleep I was wakened again by the same visions.
Finally, I was glad when I heard my Uncle’s alarm go off, I couldn’t stand laying there any longer. It was five o’clock in the morning. I got up, showered, dressed and headed out the door. The air was fresh and clean washed pure by the early morning due. The early morning chill after last nights heat was invigorating.
There was a low hanging mist shrouding the sunrise that gave the sky an almost pinkish hue. Just as it would be described in a classic novel. Suddenly through the mist appears Cheryl. She looked almost angelic with her long red hair almost flowing as she walked.
I let out an audible “Wow” when she approached. I was so moved by her sexy, sultry look, that I had this uncontrollable urge to pull my hard throbbing cock out of my pants and begin jerking off right there.
“Well big fella, let’s go see them off and get our work done.” said Cheryl in a business like voice as she put her arm around my waist. I melted. Gawd, I am falling for this relative of mine.
“I better smarten up and fast,” I said to myself. “Or I am going to loose what little control I have left.”
We hugged Uncle Bill and Aunt Helen, wished them a safe trip then watched them drive off just as the last of the fog burned off letting the sun finally blaze through.
“Looks like it’s going to be a cooker today,” I said, “so we better get at it before it gets too hot.
Cheryl looked at me with a strange quizzical expression on her face. Like she was sizing me up. It was almost uncomfortable the way she took a long slow stare up and down my entire body. She gazed from my feet, to my head then down again pausing right at cock level. She smiled , kind of shook her long red main sucked in a quick deep breath then turned and walked toward the barn.
I stumbled behind her like a lost puppy drooling over the grinding of her ass cheeks as she walked.
We hurried and got all our work done in record time and were back eating breakfast by nine o’clock. After we were done I started out to complete some of the list of small jobs Uncle Bill had given me a list of.
One was painting a shed out behind the house. I got every thing ready, ladders, brushes paint and rags. The shed was directly behind the house where Cheryl’s bedroom window faced. I thought nothing of it till I was all set up and painting when I noticed her walk past the window. She had the curtains open so I had an unobstructed view of her waist up and a good portion of the room.
As I pretended to scrape the old paint off the shed, I began spying on my sexy cousin hoping that she was planning on changing. Well, as luck would have it, Cheryl moved a step or two back from the window then stood there staring towards her right.
She absently minded started running her hands all across her taught belly. She then pulled up on the bottom of her top till her firm tits tumbled out. I gasped at the sight of Cheryl’s huge puffy nipples. They were a delectable pinkish beige color and the puffiness of her nipples was almost like two small breasts jutting out from her youthful boobs.
I couldn’t hold back any longer. The sight of those sweet tits drove me to the brink. I needed release. I fished my achingly hard cock out of my shorts and started stroking the full length. Just when I was really getting into it, Cheryl disappeared from the window.
“Damn,” I cursed out loud. “She must have sat down on the bed.”
I crawled up the ladder a few rungs. Not quite high enough. A few more, there, almost.
see part of her now laying on the bed.
“Damn, still can’t see, maybe if I were over a bit more.” I thought.
Because the ladder was already at the edge of the shed, I had to lean way out in order to see the part of the bed where Cheryl was now laying.
Over powered by adolescent urges I was experiencing then making decisions with my small head, not my big one, I leaned a little too far when suddenly, there I go, ladder, brushes, scrapers and paint all came tumbling down with a racket loud enough to scared the farm animals.
I lay there for a second or two trying to figure out just what happened when I realized that my cock was sticking straight up outside my pants. I quickly rolled over away from Cheryl’s window.
As I struggled to get up I managed to catch a glimpse of Cheryl closing her bed room curtains.
“Well, I obviously ruined what ever it was she was doing on the bed.” I chuckled. “Good thing I didn’t tear off my cock when I landed.” I thought as I got up and shoved my still hard dick back into my shorts.
The rest of the day went by uneventfully. Cheryl and I spent it together joking and laughing while we went about the tasks Uncle Bill had set for us. We did the afternoon chores, cleaned up after dinner and retired to our favorite place out on the veranda to watch the sunset.
Our conversation tonight turned to one of a more sexual nature. Cheryl started asking me about my girl friends and social life. I told her that I wasn’t terribly active. I had a few friends but never any real girl friends as per say. It was her reply almost floored me.
“So then only pussy you ever saw was mine when we played doctor? Cheryl said in a teasing voice.
“I’ve seen my share.” I replied in a defensive manner, now uncomfortable with her forwardness.
“No, I mean real ones.” Cheryl said now not wanting to let the subject drop.
“Well, it was so long ago when I saw yours last, I can hardly remember what it even looks like.” I said trying to regain control.
“Well, you saw me today while you were pretending to paint didn’t you? said Cheryl in more of an excited tone then offended.
“I kinda fell off the ladder before I saw all of you.” I admitted, now I looking down embarrassed.
“I noticed.” Cheryl said laughing. “I was so glad that you weren’t hurt, but I could tell you were alright by the way you jumped up so quickly.” her eyes sparkling at me.
“Thank gawd my back was towards her.” I thought thankfully.
“”But I know you did get an eye full so really, you owe me if you think about it.” she said as if she were negotiating a deal. ” You know, just like we used to. It’s your turn to show me some thing now to make us even.” Cheryl said plotting.
“Hey,” I replied in a defensive tone. “All I got to see was you waist up.”
“I guess, that was what the leap off the ladder was all about.” Cheryl said now laughing harder. “You were trying to see the whole package.”
I had no choice but to laugh as well. We sat there giggling and snorting for a good five minutes then as suddenly as she started, Cheryl stopped. She looked at me and in a very serious voice said.
“Well, OK, then, I will show you mine if you show me yours.”
“What?” I said not believing what I was hearing. “You want me to show you my um, what?” I said trying to get Cheryl to say exactly what she wanted. I certainly did not want to assume any thing incorrectly that could end up with her accusing me of being a pervert.
“Your cock.” she said calmly. “Show me your cock and I will show you my pussy like we did in the old days.”
“OK, if that’s what you want.” I said eagerly.
I stood and faced her. My confidence gaining strength. I unclasped my shorts and let them drop.
“Are you sure you want me to do this?” I asked teasingly.
“Yes” is all she could reply.
I lowered my briefs now just so the very tip of my cock head showed, then I pulled them back up. Now I lowered them a bit further so that my whole knob was visible. Again I pulled them back up.
“OK already, take them off.” Cheryl demanded in an impatient tone.
I did as I was requested and pulled my briefs all the way off. As I slide them off, my hard cock hooked on the waist band and when it finally let loose, it snapped up and smacked my belly with an audible slap. Cheryl smiled then bit her lower lip.
“OK, now what about you?” I asked not wanting to be the only one exposed. Cheryl hooked her thumbs in the waist band of her shorts then stopped.
“Alright she said, but first you have to promise me no touching OK? she said pleading but yet demanding voice.
“Yes, I promise.”. Heck, I would have promised her any thing at that point just to have a peek at her sweet pussy again.
“Here goes.” With one swift motion Cheryl’s pussy was bare for me to finally see. I gasped at how perfect she was down there. Her reddish trimmed pubic patch pointed out the way to her well defined wet and ready center. Her excitement made obvious by the two rose like petals that protruded from her womanhood.
She kicked the shorts off her ankles and spread her stance to give me an wide open view of what I wanted to see.
“Let’s sit down.” Cheryl said in a low husky voice.
I sat but was surprised that Cheryl didn’t sit in her usual place beside me but chose to sit opposite me in a wicker armed patio chair. As she sat, she kept her legs wide apart so I could easily see how much more aroused she had become. Her cunt was absolutely glistening in the porch light shining directly down on her.
“Wait second, what’s that?” Cheryl asked jumping up and coming over to me.
“Is that paint? Yes,” she said now pulling my ridged cock to the side for a better look.
“Look at it, she said laughing. “You’ve got paint all over your cock.”.
Suddenly a quizzical look came over Cheryl’s face.
“Were you jerking off while looking at me this morning” she asked demanding the truth.
I looked down at the floor and remained silent.
“You were. You were rubbing your cock as you stared at me. You were supposed to be painting the shed, not spying.” she chuckled as her eyes widened.
“Come on now, tell the truth. Were you masturbating while looking at me?”
“Yes, yes I was.” now feeling like a complete idiot.
“Wow.” Cheryl said letting go of my completely stiff cock so that it sprung loose and slapped against my belly. She plopped back down in the chair and was silent for several minutes then spoke.
“Did you come?: she asked while again looking at my cock.
“No,” I said still feeling completely busted. “The fucking ladder slipped and I fell just as I was about to.
Cheryl burst out…