Summer 7

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We drove to the spring again, accompanied by Debussy’s Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun. She was giggly. She’d been so all morning. She’d also brought one of her shopping bags with her. I didn’t ask. I’m sure I’d find out later.

“Stay here for… Oh, I don’t know. A while.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Because I asked you to.”

So I did. Fifteen, maybe twenty minutes going by. And then I picked up my easel and my paint box and joined her at the spring.

“Don’t laugh,” she told me shyly, as if I would. She was sitting on the swing, slowly swaying forwards and back, dressed in pink and white lace. Stocking and a garter. Panties and a corsette? Corselette? Whatever you called them. It was laced up the front and it had the effect of making her tits look bigger. She had always tied pink ribbons in her hair and was wearing a lace collar.

“You look divine.”

“Yeah? Not ridiculous?”

“Not at all.”

“Thank you.”

That was it. I set up up and lost myself in my work, smiling occasionally at her when she’d lift her head and meet my eyes. Mostly, though, she wrote and neither of us said a word until it was time for lunch, and even then, we were mostly quiet.

“Still the story of the girl in the treehouse?”

“Yeah. Almost done, though.”

“Does it have a happy ending?

“I think so.”

After lunch, neither of us felt like resuming our work.

“Take some pictures of me. Dressed like this,” she told me with a blushing giggle. “I’ve never worn anything like this before.” With someone else, I might have thought there was a bit of narcissism in the request, but with Summer it didn’t even enter my mind.

I was more than happy to. I had her sit on the swing for a few, then alongside it, one knee on the wooden seat. Some more next to the tree. Some by the spring, standing at first, then sitting, then lying on the soft grass the surrounded it. Afterwards, she took off the corset and I took some of her bare-breasted. Next went the stockings and garter. And finally, her panties, leaving her with just pink ribbons in her hair. They matched her nipples. the sun playing off the auburn highlights in her hair.

She ended up in the spring, giggling as she stood in the cool water and then laying in it as if bathing while smiling brilliantly.

“Join me,” she teased.

I laughed and took my shoes off and rolled up my pants to my knees before sitting down on the bank, feet into the water. It was cold, but not uncomfortably so.  I kept my camera on me, but didn’t take any pictures.

“I might not ever go home.”

“I thought the same thing the first time I came out here.”

“Any regrets? Ever?”

“No. None.”

Eventually, she got cold. I took a couple more shots of her standing on the bank, water clinging to her as she untied the ribbons in her hair, freeing it. After that we packed up, her completely naked, and got back into my truck.

“We eating out tonight?” I asked.

“You feel like cooking?”

“I might.”

“Then no.”

Just like that, it was settled. I cooked some steaks and sautéed some carrots and she put together a salad. We took it out onto the back porch and ate. She’d changed into one of my shirts, not bothering to button it, and shorts. Afterwards, I grabbed a couple of beers, one for me, one for her, and put on a CD of classical guitar music and we talked about whatever came to mind. Art. Travelling. Music. Movies. I mentioned that there was an arthouse in town that played silent movies on Wednesday nights.

“They have an organist who plays along. We should go.”

“Sounds fun.”

That settled, we lapsed into silence for a short while and then she got up and headed off to bed. I found myself a little disappointed, if not all that surprised, that it was her own bed and not mine that she’d chosen. That said, I got to listen to her make herself come through our shared wall before drifting off to sleep. All in all, a perfect day…

There were two films. A comedy and sort of horror movie that was, quite honestly, almost as funny as the comedy. Summer giggled through both of them. Afterwards we had drinks, polishing off half a bottle of wine.

“Take me to the maze garden again, Noel.  Please?”

“It’s a bit of a walk from here. Do you want to drive?” I only asked because she’d chosen to wear heels to the film. Those and pleated loose mustard-colored skirt and red sweater, one I’d had to help her with since it buttoned up the back, so I knew there wasn’t a bra underneath.

“It’s a nice night. Let’s walk.”

It was a nice night and it really was a bit of a walk, probably close to an hour. I didn’t mind, though, seeing as we held hands the entire time making me feel like I was twenty again. By the time we got there, the sun was starting to sink, turning the blue sky into marvelous shades of oranges, reds, and purples. By the time we go to the park, though, I think Summer was done with walking in heels. First thing she did was pull them off and let out a happy sounding sigh when her feet hit the grass.

“The pitfalls of being a woman,” I joked.

“One of them, yeah,” giving me a quick smile. A moment later she was running across the lawn towards the maze. “Free at last!”

Shaking my head I followed her, my pace quick, but not quick enough to keep up, watching her, enjoying the sight of her ass up until the moment she disappeared into the maze. I wondered if she meant for me to find her. If not, she was going to be disappointed. There was only one way in, or out. More than likely she’d already lost her way.

“Ready or not, here I come,” I said under my breath, following her into the hedge maze. Like the last time we’d been here, there was enough light to see well enough that you didn’t run into anything. That said, the last light of the day was fading fast, and soon only the stars and nearby streetlights would be casting their light, turning the hedges into shadowy walls and anyone within into a grey ghost.

As I’d said, I knew the trick. I wondered if she’d remember how to navigate. I doubted it. She been here once, hadn’t really been paying attention, and was probably a little tipsy. I paused, listening. I heard a giggle. Hers, though not nearby. It really didn’t help me, so I decided to head for the center and see what happened.

About halfway there I found a little surprise hanging about chin height on one of the squared-off shrubs. Panties. I didn’t even have to look to know they were hers. Cute. Well, that left her with her skirt and sweater.

Or not. Her skirt was hanging nearby. I thought of the story of Hansel and Gretel, the pair leaving a trail of bread crumbs to find their way home only Summer was leaving one for me to follow instead. I figured that next, I’d find her sweater.

I was wrong, though. She still had it on when I found her, looking a little lost trying to decide left or right.

“There you are.”

“Yeah,” she said, sounding a little disappointed. “I wanted to find my own way and beat you there.”

“Left,” I told her.


“Left and then two rights. And I never saw you. You’ve got two minutes starting… now.”

Laughing softly she took the left turn and disappeared from sight, leaving me still holding her skirt and panties as I counted slowly to one hundred and twenty.

When I reached the middle, she was there waiting, sitting on the grass, her legs crossed in a yoga pose and still wearing her top.

“Couldn’t get it off. Buttons up the back, remember?”

“I remember.”

“You’ll do it for me?”

I paused, looking her over. There was just enough light to see her nipples making lovely dents in against the knit of her sweater.

“You look really nice with it on.”

“Yeah? Maybe I’ll keep it on, then.”

I sat down across from her, unable to cross my legs like her. I’d never been particularly flexible. Instead, I removed my socks and shoes and stretched my legs out straight, my toes just touching her right calf.

“Now what?” I asked.

She shrugged, a mischievous smile forming. “Just sitting here in the dark and looking up at the stars sounds nice.”

“It does,” I agreed.

So, that’s what we did, although she decided it would be more comfortable if I spread my legs so that she could sit between them and lean back, the back of her head upon my shoulder, my arms around her waist.

“I used to try to find all the constellations as a kid when we’d take trips. Couldn’t do it at home. Too many lights. They all have stories, you know. Myths and legends.”

“Do you have a favorite?”

“Cygnus. Cygnus loved to race. One day he challenged his best friend Phaeton to a race around the sun, only they ran too close and their chariots caught on fire and they both fell to earth where Phaeton was trapped by the roots of a tree at the bottom of a river. Unable to save him, Cygnus prayed to Zeus. Zeus answered his prayers, telling him that the only way to retrieve his friend was to dive deep down into the water and free him. To do that, he would have to turn him into a swan and he would be forever trapped in that shape and no longer immortal. And so Cygnus became a swan so he could give his friend a proper burial, allowing his spirit to travel to the afterlife. In honor of his sacrifice, Zeus placed his image, that of a swan, in the night sky…”

“I’ve never heard that before,” I told her, kissing the top of her head.  “It’s a nice story.”

“It is, isn’t it.”

I can’t say I was surprised when I felt her shift against me, hands settling between her thighs. I tightened my arms a little, pulling her a little closer and simply held her while she teased herself, taking her time, seemingly unhurried, probably unaware of her surroundings, perhaps even of me. I felt her spasm against me, heard her breaths come faster and faster, her spread legs pushing out against mine. Her ass lifted, just a little, as she rocked her hips back and forth, gasping for air now, her moans low and passionate until she cried out softly, and came in my arms.

I held her, just like that. For how long, I have no idea. Long enough that I grew uncomfortable.

“Time to go, Summer,” I told her softly.

“Yeah?” she said in a faraway voice. I could just make out a smile on her face.


She slept with me for the second time, protesting softly when I went to put her in her own bed. I helped her out of her sweater first, pulling the covers back, letting her get in first. She lay on her side and I lay behind her, an arm around her, both our heads on my pillow as I molded myself against her and kissed the back of her head.

“Good night, Summer,” I said softly.”

“Night, Noel.”

Seconds later she was out like a light.

When I woke up she was still in my arms, although clearly awake. I could tell because she was talking to me.

“I need to go pee.”

“Okay,” I muttered then tried to go back to sleep.

“Let go of me!” she exclaimed, laughing as she squirmed fruitlessly, trying to escape my arm around her.

“Oh. Sorry.”

I dozed some more, waking occasionally when I heard a noise down the hall, then falling into slumber again until she roused me.

“Breakfast’s ready. And there’s coffee.”

I sat up with a groan. “I don’t suppose you’d bring it to me.”


She disappeared out the door giving me just enough time to appreciate her amazing, and completely bare, ass.

She’d found my waffle maker. She’d also found the blueberries. Afterwards, she cleaned up, giving me time to shower and put on pants and a shirt and join her in the living room where she was paging through a book of impressionistic painters, taken from my bookshelf. Renoir. Degas. Manet. Cézanne. And, of course, Monet. 

I sat down beside her, leaning back against the cushion, full of content.

“I like your work better,” she murmured, blushing softly.

I snorted. “You’re biased. But thank you.”

Beaming, she leaned back with me, her head resting lightly against my shoulder.

“Take me out to the spring today.”


“Take me or I’ll go by myself.”

“You’ll get lost. Fine then. You’re in charge of lunch.”


An hour later we were on the road, Summer with her tablet, wearing the same dress she’d shown up at my door wearing, and me in jeans, boots, and a plain grey tee.

“You remember to put on underwear?” I teased her, enjoying the way her cheeks colored as she giggled.

“You want to check?”

“Maybe later,” I quipped.

I put on an old Bowie CD. Hunky Dory. Of course, she’d never heard it before, although she claimed to know who David Bowie was, even though she couldn’t name a single one of his songs.

When we got to the spring she ran off ahead, leaving me to carry my easel and paintbox. Grumbling good-naturedly, I caught up with her at the tree or rather, up in the tree. She’d climbed up into it while waiting.

“See anything from up there?”


“Coming down or going to write up there?”

She looked comfortable, draped along a branch, her legs stretched out on another.

“No. Maybe we could build a treehouse though?”

“Maybe you could.”

“Maybe I will.” She made a face at me, then burst out laughing. Shaking my head, I set up my easel and went to work. Eventually, she climbed down and sat on the swing, her tablet on her lap, fingers dancing on the screen.

It was quiet. Not silent, though. It was the good kind of quiet. I could hear the leaves rustled as the breeze picked up. Birds chirped or sometimes sang, hidden in the tall grass of the field. The spring burbled softly. I could even pick out the sound of insect, or maybe I was just imagining that.

Every once in a while, I would take a break. Stretch my legs a little, sit down on the lush green grass surrounding the small pool, dipping my hands into it then glance over at Summer. She’d be completely absorbed in whatever it was she was doing, though, never once glancing back. Once, I picked up the camera and shot her like that, swinging slowly on the swing, bent over, her face still with fierce concentration as she wrote, pausing as if looking for a word, or an image, or… something, lips pressed together and then smiling as if a lightbulb had gone off above her head, her fingers tips dancing on her tablet once more.

We stopped to eat. Some fresh fruit and tuna sandwiches. She’d packed some cookies too. And lemonade.

“How’s the girl in the treehouse doing?”

“I finished that one.”

“Can I read it?”


“What this one about.”

“Another girl,” she said with a shrug. “I packed the tin.”

I laughed. You want to get high, go ahead. I’m good.”


She got high and I kept painting, chasing her away when she tried to look over my shoulder.

“Not until it’s finished.”

“Fine. I’m going to take a walk then.”

She was gone for about an hour. When she returned, I was ready to go. It had been a good day. I was happy with my progress and my feet were getting tired. I packed up everything but, before we left, I sat at the edge of the spring and soaked my feet in the soothing water while Summer sat on the swing and twisted the rope so that she could spin in a circle, giggling the entire time.

On the way back I put another Bowie CD in. Ziggy Stardust. I think she liked this one better. Probably because she was high now.

“In or out?” I asked as we grew closer to town, referring to dinner.

“In. I made breakfast and lunch.”

“I guess that means I’m in charge of dinner.”

“Can we have spaghetti?”

“Maybe,” I replied, making her laugh.

“And wine.”

She disappeared into the bathroom while I cooked. When she returned her hair was damp and she was dressed in tight red shorts and a white tank ribbed tank, her nipples protruding, of course.

“No meatballs?”

“You didn’t ask for meatballs.”

She made a face at me and then gracefully accepted that she was going to eat spaghetti without meatballs. Not only that, but I’d cooked penne noodles.

“I’m only giving you a seven-star review tonight.”

“I can live with that.”

Despite her opinion, the meal was nice and the wine complimented it well. I’d put on some another Yann Tiersen album on, which she really enjoyed, enough so that she forgave me for ‘ruining dinner’.

Afterwards, she requested a movie.

“Anything in particular?” I asked.

“Porn,” she immediately replied, then burst out giggling.

“Your face!”

Grinning, I just shook my head. “You’re terrible.”

 We ended up watching The Princess Bride which she had, miraculously, never seen before.

“Your mom has a lot to answer to for that,” I told her.

She just shrugged and nodded as she settled in against me, head on my shoulder as we watched together, her for the first time, the pipe sitting on an ashtray on the arm of the couch… she’d hit it every so often until I was certain she was extremely stoned.

“I can’t believe I’ve never seen this,” she told me when it was over, giggling and stumbling over her words.

“Good, right?”

“The best thing I’ve ever seen.”

“You do know you’re really high, right?”

“Maybe,” she said, giggling even harder. “Help me. I want to be naked.”

She started to pull her tank off over her head but was making a mess of it, getting caught in the armholes. Chuckling, I helped her untangle and free herself and then helped her get…

Published 4 years ago

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