I’m not exactly an early riser. Neither, apparently, was Summer. Not a peep as I made my way out to the kitchen after throwing on jeans and a clean t-shirt, and starting breakfast. Coffee first. Sugar and cream. Some habits never change. Normally, I’d just scramble some eggs and toast an English muffin. Normally, though, I didn’t have a pretty blonde staying with me. Pancakes. Everyone loved pancakes. With blueberries and real maple syrup.
I was just pouring the first one when I caught her from the corner of my eye, padding out of her room and into the bathroom. From where I was standing, I couldn’t tell if she left the door open or not. Not that it mattered. I was too busy cooking. This time, she’d had her sleep tee on. What she had on underneath was anybody’s guess, although I kind of hoped she’d gone sans panties…
Not sure what she did. Peed, probably. Girl stuff. Seemed like forever before she came out, her hair tousled just the right amount to look both adorable and sexy, her reddish-blonde waves falling over her shoulders both behind and in front.
“I smell coffee, Noel.”
Not Uncle Noel. Noel. I decided it was best not to make any assumptions. I did anyway.
“Pot’s on the counter. Mug right next to it. Help yourself. You’d better like pancakes or you’re going hungry.”
She gave me an impish grin. “I like them okay, I guess.” Then proceeded to pour herself a cup adding a teaspoon of sugar and a splash of cream. Apple didn’t fall far from the tree, I thought. I tried not to be too obvious as I stole glances at her, understanding the phrase ‘legs up to here’ for the first time.
“Grab a plate,” I told her. “I forget to get the butter out. Fridge. Top shelf. One or two?”
“If they taste as good as they smell, two.”
“Two it is. Start in. Be a minute.”
It was nice. Comfortable. The events of yesterday were still swimming around inside of my head, but I managed to push them aside for now, and just enjoy her company. It was nice to wake up to company, I decided, especially company as pretty as Summer.
“What do you usually do? I mean, do you have plans?”
“Ride into town, buy a paper. Yes, an actual newspaper. Read. When the light is better, I usually paint or sketch. Maybe go look for inspiration and take some photos. Or just fool around on the guitar.”
“What do you take pictures of?” This between bites. Apparently, she approved of my cooking, so I walked over and dropped the second flapjack on her plate.
“Trees, flowers, gardens, landscapes. Sometimes houses. There’s a barn about thirty, forty minutes from here that I’ve been wanting to shoot.”
“You going to do that today?”
“Could. Why, do you want some alone time?” As soon as I asked, my imagination went into overdrive on what she might do, considering what happened last night, with a little alone time. Then, she surprised me.
“Thought I could go with you. See the countryside. You know, like sight-see.”
“Oh. I hadn’t thought of that. I could show you around, if you’d like?”
“You wouldn’t mind?”
“Not at all.”
She got dressed in her room. This time, the door was shut. Probably for the best. Me? I just put on some socks and a sturdy pair of boots. It promised to be a warm day so the tee would be enough. Summer must have decided the same thing. Either that or all she’d bothered packing were sundresses. Yesterday’s had been yellow with white trim and accents. Today’s was lavender with white trim and accents. Both had left her shoulder and arms bare. And her legs. Again, her nipples were visible through the material. I tried not to ogle her. Okay, I tried not to be obvious about it, at least.
No hat, this time. Just a lavender hairband that gave her a sort of sixties look that worked for her. She slipped into a pair of short socks – purple – and a pair of sensible-looking sneakers while I gathered up my wallet and keys.
“Going to grab my camera. Truck’s unlocked. Be right out.”
The Canon had cost me an arm and a leg – the lens the other arm and leg. Totally worth it, though, in my opinion.
I decided to take the scenic route for Summer’s sake, driving past some of my favorite places, many of which I’d spent time sketching, some of which I’d actually turned into paintings. I was pleased when she let out a soft exclamation as we neared a small bridge.
“I remember this. Your exhibit, right?”
“Yeah,” I said with a nod, feeling a sense of pride that she’d remembered.
“You sold that one, I think?”
Again, I nodded, feeling a slight melancholy. The whole point was to make a living off my art. That didn’t mean it wasn’t sometimes hard to part with it.
“Do you ever keep any of them?”
I glanced over, studying her as we paused on the road, enjoying the profile of her face… and tits… but mostly her face. The shape of her nose. Her brows. Her mouth. Her chin.
“For a while. And then I sell them. Hopefully.”
“It looks so different. I mean, from your painting. Like you painted the version you’d see if you were just remembering it in a dream. And I’m not even stoned.”
She laughed at that. More of a giggle, really. I joined in as I rolled the truck over the bridge, stopping again, midpoint, so she could enjoy the sight of the water flowing lazily past heather and rowan that lined the banks.
“It’s so peaceful. No wonder you moved here.”
“One of the reasons,” I agreed.
That’s how we spent the day. Me showing her the sites, her asking questions or just commenting or sometimes just quietly enjoying the view. It was nice. Comfortable. Mostly, I tried not to think… dirty thoughts. She made it difficult not to. Not because of anything she did, really. Just because of how she looked. Yes, I can be a pig at times so sue me. At least, I kept my mouth shut. As for Summer, she was enjoying herself and I found myself enjoying her enjoyment. We’d stopped several times, getting out so she could wander around while I took photos. Not of her. Not that I wasn’t tempted, I just… it felt like stepping over a line, I guess. At least it did until she said something about it.
“You ever take pictures of people?”
“Not often. Sometimes. Only with their permission.”
“What about mine?” I had to laugh a little, her eyes both bold and shy as they met mine.
“I’d love to.”
So I did. Nothing posed. I wasn’t big on posed photos.
“Just be yourself. And we’ll see what happens.”
We’d taken a dirt road. I’d wanted to show her a meadow that I was fond of. Lots of wildflowers and a small pond in which water lilies grew. I’d painted it from several perspectives over the years.
I got my camera and lens bag out while she did her thing, wandering about aimlessly, stopping to admire the flowers, the sky, the hills. Pausing when a bird burst from the tall grass and flew off in a huff. Turning to wave at me and then ignoring me again while I took shot after shot, trying to capture… something. That’s how it usually worked. You just kept taking pictures until serendipity did its thing and you took the exact right picture. Usually, you wouldn’t even know it until you reviewed your shots later. You just had to trust that it would happen.
It started out innocently enough. I suppose innocent is the wrong word to use, but… well, judge for yourself. She was very photogenic without trying. Her almost child-like smile and obvious wonder at seeing this place for the first time was charming. Eventually, though, her smile turned mischievous and she blew me a kiss, which I found out later that I captured perfectly, thank god. She danced a little, laughing at herself as she did so. Then she slipped a strap from her shoulder, baring it, and my breath caught in my throat. A moment later, the other strap joined it. My pulse picked up as headed towards the pond, her back to me, the straps sliding slowly down her bare arms along with the rest of her dress, revealing more and more of her bare back. I felt my cock stirring in my pants and did my best to ignore it, not wanting to miss a single moment of her impromptu striptease.
She paused on the bank, the grass hiding her feet. Beyond her, I could see lilies floating on the placid water. As for Summer… her dress was bunched around her waist now. I could just make out the cleft of her ass above it. She turned her head, her neck, her torso, giving me a glimpse of her tits, just long enough for me to snap several pictures before turning away again.
“Goddamn,” I breathed, wondering how far this would go, praying that she wasn’t done, my prayer answered a moment later when she wiggled out of the dress, answering the question of whether or not she was wearing panties. Cotton, not lace. Plain white cotton. Not boring, though. They clung to her ass perfectly. I wondered if they were damp? I wondered if I asked, would she let me smell them. Not that I would ask. I’d want to, but… again, that was a line I wasn’t sure I wanted to cross. That’s a lie. I wanted to. I just didn’t think I should.
“Take them off,” I whispered, too softly and too far away for her to hear. Instead, she turned. Not just from the waist up, facing me, smiling shyly, her breasts uncovered, her nipples pink, just like I had imagined them, and hard. Always so hard. I took more pictures, zooming in on them. Then on her panties. Like I’d suspected, they were damp. Obviously damp. I suspected, if she hadn’t been wearing them, her juices would be slowly trickling down the insides of her soft thighs.
“Fuck,” I breathed, mesmerized as I focused the camera on her pussy and then her ass as she turned her back to me, bent over to remove her shoes, and stepped carefully into the pond…
It wasn’t deep, at least not where she was. Just enough to cover the back of her knees. I moved closer, taking more shots as she just stood there, stopping when I reached the bank where she’d just stepped off, catching a shot of her face as she glanced back at me, her bottom lip tucked between her teeth as she reached up and removed her hair band, shook her head once, twice, fanning her hair out over her shoulders, her lips puckering into a kiss which, of course, I captured.
“Perfect,” I murmured, loud enough for her to hear me.
She waded out some more, pausing again when the water was about mid-thigh on her. And then…
With her back turned it was impossible to see what she was doing, but I just knew. She’d moved her arm in front of her. I watched the muscles in her shoulder, the motion of her arm, the angle at which it was held. I watched the way her ass moved, and how the elastic band on her panties stretched and held, making room for her fingers, how many, I couldn’t tell. At least two, I guessed. Maybe all of them. She stood like that, both of us silent, a soft breeze teasing across the meadow, ruffling the grass and the wild flowers. Somewhere birds chirped. A frog croaked. And then, she moaned. I recognized the sound. I’d heard it before. Lust. Pleasure. Desire. Need.
I was hard. Rock hard. I ignored it and just watched, chronically every moment. Thank god for digital. I used to be a snob and only use film. Film ran out. As long as you had enough memory, though, you could take as many pictures as you wanted, as quickly as you could. I could have even filmed her, but… this was more intimate in a strange way. Also, I could lie to myself, just a little, and pretend it was artistic. Erotic, yes, but artistically so…
Her head drifted back, her eyes upward as if watching the clouds over the hills. She paused to push her panties down, wiggling her hips as she did so. I zoomed in on her ass as she slowly revealed it, the cleft between her cheeks and then…. god. Such a perfect ass. Firm. Round. I wanted to kiss it. Lick it. I wanted to bury my face between her cheeks. I held my breath as she pushed her white cotton panties slowly down until they were stretched across the backs of her thighs, the crotch kissing the surface of the water. The scent of her pussy would be masked now. For a brief moment, I’d had a vision of slipping into her room and holding them to my nose and basking in her fragrance.
“Mmm, yes.”
I forgot about her panties, listening as she began playing with herself again, her voice soft and sultry. Playful.
“Oh, fuck. Feels so good.”
I moved slightly to my right, careful not to trip or make a commotion, stopping when she paused and glanced over her shoulder, her eyes half-closed, her lips parted. I could just see the one breast, her nipple taut and hard and swollen, rising and falling with each rapid breath, arm moving back and forth, slowly. I wanted to see more. I wanted to see her fingers, wet with her juices. Her pussy, pink and glistening and open. She shook her head and turned slightly, away from me, but didn’t stop.
“Yes, fuck, yes.”
She was trembling. I could see waves of movement across her back, her ass quivering. Her thighs too. She moaned wordlessly. I felt my cock head trying to push up, out of my jeans.
“Oh, god. Fuck!”
She came. It was a beautiful thing to watch. I captured it. Every moment of it. And then I captured the satisfied look of lust on her face as she turned her head once more, her tongue parting her lips, wetting them, moving slowly between, lashes, fluttering slowly as if waking up from a dream, her cheeks pink with shame… no, not shame. Embarrassment, perhaps, but not shame. I detected a hint of pride in her expression.
Eventually, she started pulling her panties up, and then, thinking better of it, left them there and made her way back to the bank. Her pussy was beautiful. A tulip, decorated with a narrow strip of strawberry blond hair. Just delightful. Unable to help myself, I slowly zoomed in on it, expecting her to protest. She never did. Instead, she raised her hand towards me, an expectant look in her eyes. Eventually, I understood and put my camera aside and helped her from the pond. She stood there for a moment, water streaming down her legs, pushing her panties further down until she could step out of them.
“Dress, please.”
I handed it to her, watching as she pulled it over her head, arranging the straps on her shoulders once more. Her shoes were soaked, of course, as were her socks, but she didn’t seem to mind too much.
Not sure what to say, I didn’t say anything, sensing that silence was best for now, watching her eyes as she tilted her chin towards the earth, her lips curving upwards as she took in my erection. Then, she giggled, breaking the spell.
“Is it close to lunch time? I’m kind of hungry.”
I was too. A different kind of hunger, though. Still, I could take a hint.
“I know a couple of nice café’s…”
Shaking her head, she glanced back at the pond, and back again, mischievous green eyes meeting mine.
“My shoes are soaked. Maybe for dinner?”
“Home, then.”
“Home,” she agreed. “Did you get some good shots?”
“A few.”
“Maybe you could show me after lunch?”
Fuck. What I really wanted to do was go into my bedroom, close the door, and look at them while jerking off. Maybe even print a couple out. If I couldn’t come on her actual pussy, at least, I could come on a picture of it. Fuck.
“Sure. Happy to,” was what I said, instead. Fuck fuck fuck.