Suki was born and raised in Japan by her Japanese mother, Matsuni. Her father Thomas was a young man serving in the U.S. Navy overseas during the last days of the Vietnam War.
Thomas was on shore leave one weekend looking for some “action” like most servicemen there. He visited one of the bars approved for U.S. military personnel and, after knocking a few back, was on his way back to his ship when he came upon a woman standing in a doorway. It was raining, as it often does there, and she looked like she needed some help.
The two hit it off right away and before long, a strong friendship had begun. Thomas found himself spending more and more time with Matsuni and they got very close. He was a perfect gentleman, however, never pushing Matsuni to do anything she didn’t want to do herself. The two spent many wonderful times together and their friendship developed.
The time felt right one day and Matsuni and Thomas moved their relationship from platonic to physical. Thomas spent the night despite both her culture and the U.S. Navy frowning upon it. They made love and had a beautiful experience. Everything was moving wonderfully and they were enjoying each other immensely. Thomas was having the best deployment he could hope for and Matsuni was enjoying her U.S. boyfriend.
But one day it all came crashing down when Thomas got word that his ship would soon be returning to the States. The war was over and all military personnel in the region were being recalled back to the States. Both Thomas and Matsuni were heartbroken that their relationship would end and Thomas did everything he could think of to try to stay, even to the point of trying to get out of the Navy.
Failing that, he tried to get Matsuni into the U.S. but that too didn’t work. It seemed that no matter what they tried to do to stay together, it was quickly thwarted. Thomas even went to his ship’s Commanding Officer to ask for his help, but his CO only told him that Thomas knew the risks of getting involved with a local and that he knew they wouldn’t be long in Japan, to begin with. His CO was unable to help him. The Navy had their rules and their way of doing things.
Matsuni had her own problems. She had gone to the doctor a few days after they got word of his leaving because she was sick. But it turned out she was much more than sick – she was pregnant! However, Matsuni knew how Thomas would react if he found out – he wouldn’t be able to leave and would probably do something rash in order to stay with her and the baby. She didn’t want him to go to jail or ruin his life so she never told him about the baby.
They spent what time they could with each other, and when the day came for his ship to sail, she went to the dock to see him off, all the while holding the secret life inside her from him.
The two wrote letters back and forth for a bit when he got back to the States, but the letters eventually slowed to a trickle and then stopped as each went on with their lives. Thomas went on to serve another four years in the military before getting out. Half a world away in a cold, lonely bedroom, a poor mother gave birth to her daughter, both of them setting out for a very uncertain future.
Life for Matsuni and Suki wasn’t easy. When word got out that Matsuni had had a child from a U.S. serviceman, she was shamed and ostracized by the others in her village. This was compounded by the fact it was a female child – female children were less desirable than male children because they couldn’t carry on the family name.
Matsuni did the best she could – she did laundry, she worked the rice fields, she gathered firewood to sell, whatever it took to earn a few yen (a few cents) to buy something for her and her daughter to eat. And more times than not, it was only enough for her daughter.
But they survived and although it was very hard for her, Suki went to school. She was picked on and jeered at, but she learned to ignore the mocking of her classmates and focus on her studies. And she was a good student too – she may not have been well-liked by her peers, but she earned the respect of her teachers!
Time went by, and Suki grew into a beautiful young woman. She graduated high school and had even gotten a decent job. Suki seemed to have overcome her unfortunate past. Matsuni was very proud of the woman Suki had grown into. But supporting the two of them had taken a heavy toll on the woman, and when Suki was only twenty-one years old, Matsuni died, her body so worn out from the hard life and work she had done, it simply gave out on her.
* * * * *
My life, by contrast, was considerably more pleasant. I was born to Alice and David Henderson, a well-to-do family in Philadelphia. I was an only child, so I got all of the attention from both my parents. It was a wonderful childhood and I blossomed. I went to very good schools and excelled in them. But just before I graduated high school, tragedy found me. My father was killed by drunk driver on his way home from work. I guess that even the most charmed life isn’t immune to heartache.
My mother and I were understandably devastated, but one of my father’s best friends stepped forward and helped Mom through it all. They had been friends for a long time, and as he helped her put her life back together, he found himself taking a more important role in it – both for Mom and for me as well. He and Mom eventually married and he became my stepfather, which I thoroughly approved of. He was a good man and made Mom happy and that, to me, was all that mattered.
I went on to college getting a degree in Business Administration and got a very good job at a leading company with an office there in Philadelphia. I seemed to have everything under control in my life.
There was only one thing lacking to make my life perfect, and that piece of the puzzle would soon reveal itself.
I was attending a meeting with a potential client one day when the client called in his secretary to take some notes. When she came into the room I was instantly awestruck – into the meeting room walked the most beautiful, amazing woman I had ever seen!
“Suki, dear, would you take some notes for me in this meeting?” the client asked her.
“Certainly Sir,” Suki said and sat down with her pad and pen. I couldn’t stop looking at this vision of loveliness. Until then, I had never really shown an interest in Asian women – I mean they were attractive enough usually, but I didn’t have a preference for Eastern women. However, this lotus flower had me completely captivated! It was all I could do to focus enough on my meeting to get through it!
Mr. Baxter, the client, was aware of my predicament, however. Several years my elder, he saw the effect his young and very beautiful secretary was having on me. And it seemed she was more than a little interested in me as well because at the close of the meeting he turned to Suki.
“Suki, our company and Mr. Henderson’s will be working closely together now, and I would like you to make yourself available to him to help in any way he needs you. You know our company inside and out, so you will serve as our representative in this endeavor,” he said, smiling. The old codger was setting us up!
“Yes Sir,” Suki said, glancing over to me. Our eyes met and she instantly looked down, but I caught a brief glimpse of a smile on her lips.
I was pleased with the arrangement as well and looked forward to working (and getting to know) this beauty more. Mr. Baxter strategically excused himself to go to the restroom leaving Suki and me alone for a few minutes. So I took advantage of the window he left open for me.
“Suki, if we are going to be working closely together on this project, I think it would be a good idea if we got together over coffee or lunch sometime and discussed things,” I suggested.
“Yes,” she paused for a moment, “I would like that.”
Her response surprised me a bit. I figured she would be dutifully agreeable to getting together to work on our project, but she said she would like that. Was I to assume she would enjoy getting together with me… more than just as a business deal?
The first time we met, it was just a lunch meeting. Nothing too formal and nothing too personal. We were feeling each other out and trying to find out what the other was looking for. We kept it pretty businesslike, but each of us was testing the waters, trying to find out what the other one wanted. We had a nice lunch and talked some about the business venture.
After lunch, I took care of the bill and walked her to her car, opening the door for her and being the consummate gentleman. She seemed to like the special treatment because as she sat there in the car, she watched me walk to my car before pulling away. I enjoyed seeing her again as well, and I was looking forward to many more of these little rendezvous in the future.
It was after four or five more “lunch meetings” that I got the nerve to take the next step. While I enjoyed our short lunch times together, they always seemed far too short and we had to get back to our respective offices. So one Tuesday I called Suki’s office up and when I got her extension, I asked if she would like to get together for dinner that Friday.
“Hello, Suki? It’s Jack Henderson. I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner on Friday night? I have some new ideas I want to run past you and our lunch meetings never seem long enough to get much done.” It was a thinly veiled excuse, I’ll grant you, but I was hoping it would be enough.
“I would like that very much. What time on Friday?” she asked.
“How does 7:30 sound?” I asked.
“That sounds wonderful,” she said.
“Great, now what kinds of food do you like?” I asked her.
“I like just about anything… you pick,” she said.
“Well, there’s a pretty good steakhouse over on Chestnut Street,” I said.
“Okay, then I will see you at 7:30 on Friday,” she said. She gave me her address and I hung up the phone. My stomach was already in knots and our “date” was still three days off!
Friday came soon enough and I took off an hour or so early to get ready for my date with an angel! I hurried home and shed my business suit, jumped in the shower and got cleaned up. I put on some nice clothes – a nice pair of slacks, a white shirt and sports coat – and then made sure I had my wallet, checkbook, and car keys. I looked at myself carefully in the mirror in case I missed anything and satisfied with the results, I headed for Suki’s.
I drove to Suki’s house, taking my time. I was a little early and wanted to give her adequate time to get ready.
I sat down on the sofa and waited a few minutes for her to come out. When she came around the corner, I knew it had been worth it. She looked spectacular!
“Sorry to keep you waiting, Jack,” she said.
“Suki… you look… incredible!” I said, almost tripping over my jaw.
Suki blushed at my compliment and looked down. “Thank you, I’m glad you like it,” she said softly.
“Like it” was an understatement. The way she filled out that outfit would have made any man weak in the knees and I was having a hard enough time just making intelligent conversation! So rather than embarrass myself further, I simply said “Shall we?” and offered her my arm and we left her apartment and headed for my car. I seated her in the passenger seat and then got in myself. Then we headed for the restaurant.
The hostess seated us at a nice table in a dimly lit corner of the restaurant. She lit the candle at our table giving us a nice romantic atmosphere. It was the perfect setting.
“Suki, I need to be honest with you. I sort of got you here under false pretenses,” I confessed.
“What do you mean?”
“Well I wanted to see you, but I didn’t know if you would be up for dating, so I told you I had some business ideas to run past you,” I said, sheepishly.
“I see, well that’s okay because the truth is I wanted to see you as well. Mr. Baxter made a comment yesterday at work. He said that you and I have been having a lot of ‘meetings’ lately. He seems to think you might be sweet on me as he put it!” she said, smiling.
“Your boss is a smart man, both in business and in other matters as well,” I said.
Suki looked down at her lap again. “Yes, he knows that I…” she didn’t finish her statement at first.
“What Suki? What were you going to say?” I asked.
Suki hung her head and softly, “Mr. Baxter knows that I like you,” she said softly, almost whispering it.
“Really?” I said, surprised.
“Yes. He saw it that first day. That’s why he had me work with you on our companies mutual project. Mr. Baxter is sort of like a father figure – he took me in when I first started working for the company and has helped me a lot. And now… well he saw how I felt when we first met.” she said, blushing and looking at her hands fidgeting in her lap.
I didn’t have to hesitate. I reached across the table with both hands open. She put her hands in mine, looking up at me. “Suki, I like you too. Very much. Your boss was right then and he’s right now. I am sweet on you. I enjoy being with you and talking with you. I’m glad you came tonight.”
“I am too,” she said, letting out the breath she had been holding back. Dinner that night was wonderful and with us both opening up to each other, the conversation was a lot more relaxed and we were able to talk easier since we didn’t have to try to talk around feelings for each other. After dinner, I took her home, giving her a goodnight kiss on her doorstep before watching her go inside. I didn’t want to push things too fast, knowing that she was already pretty shy and modest. I didn’t want to embarrass her any further.
Suki and I began seeing each other more both in our work and in personal lives. We were good in both – at work, we both worked well together. We knew what needed to be done and we seemed to be of the same mind on how to go about it. In our personal lives, we continued to get to know each other more and more and were steadily getting closer. I was thoroughly happy whenever Suki was with me and I hoped she felt the same way.
One evening we had decided to go see a movie. I don’t remember what the movie was (to be truthful there wasn’t a whole lot of movie watching that evening after all!). We went in and found a couple seats way at the top where we wouldn’t have anyone behind us and we could see well. The theater wasn’t very full at first, but as the previews of coming attractions went on it began getting more filled up. By the time the movie actually started and the lights dimmed, the theater was about half full. Fortunately, we were still higher than anyone else and there was no one real close around us.
Suki sat on my left and we had moved the armrests between us up out of the way so she could lean over on my shoulder. I had put my arm around her shoulders and we snuggled closer together. I held the popcorn on my lap for us and we started watching the movie.
I started feeling something odd and looked down to see Suki’s hand softly caressing my left thigh. Or more accurately the inside of my left thigh! Her hand moved from just above my knee to within a couple inches of the growing bulge she was causing in my pants. I parted my legs and she looked up like she was surprised I caught her. She stopped, blushing the cutest shade of red, and pulled her hand back quickly.
I took her hand and put it back. “It’s okay,” I whispered. She smiled and resumed stroking my leg again. Only now she moved up and began running her fingers lightly over the bulge as well. I guess she figured that since I knew what she was doing and was letting her, it was okay.
Suki began stroking my cock a little harder so that I could feel it better, and she softly giggled when my cock twitched under her caress. She wrapped her hand around it as best she could and felt how hard I was getting. I could tell she was getting excited at our little game too because she began shifting in her seat. Using the hand behind her neck, I pulled her face to mine and began kissing her while my other hand found a convenient breast to occupy it.
Suki’s soft moans told me that I was on the right path with her. Her grip on my cock tightened and she began wriggling in her seat. My tongue pushed its way into her soft mouth and she showed me in no uncertain terms what she would like to do to me. She sucked on my tongue like she wanted to take it away from me and very nearly did.
“Oh, Jack…” she panted when we finally came up for air.
“Let’s get out of here,” I suggested. Suki nodded her head yes and we hurriedly left the theater. We quickly got in my car and I turned to her, “Where to?” I asked her.
“Your place or mine, I don’t care; whichever is quickest!” she panted. No problem, I knew my house was closer than her apartment, so I stepped on the gas and my Camaro roared to life. I drove as quick as I could legally and safely, and within a few minutes, we were pulling into my driveway. I didn’t bother to put the car in the garage, I just parked it next to the house and we hurried inside.
As soon as we were inside the house and the door was closed, I pushed my Japanese beauty back against the wall, pinning her upper arms at her sides and shoving my leg between hers. I pressed myself up against her as I kissed her again, this time it was I who would do the devouring. I crushed my lips against hers and my tongue pushed its way into her mouth looking for a playmate.
Suki tasted every bit as good as she looked and I savored her sweet lips for several moments. As if to show her that I was in control here, I broke the kiss unexpectedly. She looked at me questioningly for a second, then I spun her around quickly and pushed her face forward against the wall. Standing a couple feet from the wall, I moved her arms up over her head.
“Keep them there,” I growled in her ear. She moaned softly at my command. My hands slid slowly down from her wrists to her upper arms; then to her sides; and finally, to her soft silky thighs. As I trailed them down her body I felt her shudder and start to sway slightly. When I reached just above her knees, I reversed direction and began moving back up her nylon-encased legs.
As I got to the hem of her dress, I began pushing it up, causing her to moan again. I pushed the dress up over her hips revealing her silky black panties. I ran my fingertip along the scalloped lace edging tracing the outline of the intimate garment from the waistband down to where it tucked under her. As I got close to her private spot her moan turned to a pleading whimper and she parted her legs wider for me. I knew she wanted me to touch her, and it made me smile. At that moment, I knew the girl was mine.
My hands roamed across her panty-clad ass, caressing her smoothness. Suki had a lovely ass, so firm and yet so yielding to my fingers. Suki moaned, feeling my hands on her and began to slowly rotate her ass in a horizontal figure-eight motion as if she was dancing to music only she could hear. I hooked my fingertips over the waistband of her panties pulling them slowly down as she danced. She wriggled her ass as the panties lowered until they finally fell free and dropped around her ankles. She stepped daintily out of them and I picked them up, inhaling her scent deeply.
“Spread your legs,” I commanded Suki and I knelt behind her. Obediently, she spread her legs wide, bracing herself on the wall with her hands over her head. She wasn’t quite in the classic police search pose, but it was something similar. I inched forward between her legs until her soft ass was inches from my face. Wrapping an arm around her thighs, I pull her back the last few inches until my face was buried in the cleft between those soft cheeks. I breathed in her scent from the source and my tongue reached out to taste the sweetness that was now dripping from her.
“Ohhhh!” Suki moaned, as she felt my tongue pushing its way into her sweet, wet honeyhole. Her knees tried to buckle but holding her tightly as I did prevented her from falling. It also kept me in contact with her when she began struggling against my tongue’s teasing. I licked and lapped at her slit, coaxing the delicious nectar from it. Suki moaned and gasped and wriggled as I ate her from behind. She dutifully kept her hands above her head, even though I know it was hard for her to do so.
When my tongue rimmed her puckered asshole and poked a bit inside, Suki about lost her mind. She couldn’t help herself, she reached back with both hands and pulled her ass cheeks apart instinctively. She told me later that she had never had anyone do that to her before and it felt wonderful.
But while I was completely happy enjoying my “Suki sushi”, the position we were in didn’t lend itself well to convenience. So I stood up and took my beauty by the hand, leading her into the bedroom where we could be more comfortable.