Sucking The Captain’s Cock

"About a young Watch Officer and his Captain."

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The 12-4 watch on a ship is normally quiet and uneventful. Four long hours of staring at the radar, the frequent chart plot, and making small talk with the helmsman. This week was even a tad more dull, as the watches were dogged, and I was on the 12-6. I was struggling with the boredom. However, when the Captain made a late afternoon visit to the Bridge, things got a lot more interesting.

In 1982, I was a twenty-five-year-old Second Mate, working on a bulk carrier called the Star of Texas. She was a tad under 700 feet and had five breakbulk hatches. On this trip, from Baie Comeau, Canada to Haifa, Israel we were carrying soybeans. 

The Captain was a fifty-year-old guy from Florida. Sid was a nice looking guy, probably six-two and slender from working out in the ships modest gym. Very pleasant, knowledgeable, and a good Captain, always willing to chat and impart knowledge. 

Around 1600 one afternoon the Cap made a routine appearance on the Bridge, something I had come to expect. 

“Second, how’s the watch?” asked the Captain, “Everything quiet?” 

“Yes sir, had a couple of targets an hour back, but nothing within six miles. It’s been quiet,” I answered. 

 “Excellent,” Cap answered. “Say, come by my office after watch, well after dinner, will you?”

 “Sure, Cap, what’s up?” I asked.

“Nothing, just want to get to know you better, we haven’t really talked since departure,” Cap answered.

With two hours left in my watch, I had plenty of time to think about what the Cap could possibly want. We’d been at sea a little over five days and everything had been routine. My great circle was plotted and perfect, except Cap had done a modification yesterday to account for weather. The rhumbline to the Strait of Gibraltar certainly wasn’t an issue. I figured there was nothing wrong with my job performance, so it must just be personal, a get-to-know-you-type visit.

Fine by me, as Cap was a good looking guy and I was not averse to spending time with him. I’d had a bisexual fling on a previous ship, and understood that an opportunity could arise from the least expected places. While I didn’t think the Cap was coming on to me, I was certain to be on the watch for an opportunity to re-experience some fun with a guy. Having had just the one previous experience, I was hopeful Cap was as horny as me! 

Off watch and rushed through chow, I was knocking on the open door of the Captain’s office and suite by 1620. 

“Afternoon, Second, come in, close the door, would you?”

Oh boy, I thought, what could this be about? Close the door? I really wondered what the heck was going on. Door closed, I had a seat on the office settee, wondering what was coming next.

To my great relief, Cap really did just want to chat, get to know me and find out how things are with me. We ran through the usual subjects: where I grew up, what my interests were, where I’ve been sailing since getting out of Cal Maritime. Eventually, Cap got around to asking about girlfriends back home. I told him I’d had a couple of girls, nothing serious, and didn’t have a special friend at the moment.

”Ah,” he said, “join the club, I haven’t been with anyone in a long time either. Join the club of always horny seamen.”

“That’s me, Cap, nothing but porn mags to look forward to rest of the trip,” I answered.

“I’ve got a great stash of mags,” he said. “Want to look through them, see if you want to borrow a few?”

”Absolutely, Cap,” I quipped, “I’m always interested in new stuff!”

Waving me into his attached stateroom, he told me to have a seat. As there wasn’t a chair in the stateroom, I had a seat on the side of his bed while the Cap opened the bottom drawer of his bureau. Oh man! He had a huge collection of everything from your basic Playboy, Penthouse, through some hardcore mags I had never seen before. Dropping a big stack on the bed between us, we both sat and started looking through the mags. 

Now I’m no idiot, so my mind was racing… Is he seducing me? Oh my god, he’s the Captain and I’m looking through porn with him! What if he’s seducing me, am I going for it? With all the sexy fun thoughts from my previous bi-sex encounter running through my mind, I was excited, scared, and horny!

Every now and again, Cap would show me a page or a particular picture, commenting on the women in the picture. Their gorgeous breasts, their legs, their pussies. He had a particular attraction, it seemed, to shaved pussy, and always went out of his way to show me whenever he found one. This was 1982 and shaved pussies weren’t that common but were coming into vogue.

Ten minutes into the stack, his comments about the women started to include the men. 

“Oh man,” he exclaimed, ”look at the cock on this guy!” leaning over to show me a photo of a gorgeous woman fondling a big thick cock.

”Wow, look how great she looks with that big cock in her mouth!” he said, showing me another.

Oh man, I thought, this is definitely him seducing me! But I think I’m fine with it, I’m definitely enjoying myself so far! 

“Second, look at this guy. What a great looking cock! See those huge balls? Man, big low hangers!” he said excitedly.

Okay, I thought, play along, time to take this to the next level. Let’s see what happens! 

I said, “Oh man, those balls are gorgeous! Big, heavy balls and a thick cock. She’s a lucky girl.”

I thought to myself, Okay, I said it, I think cocks look great and let’s see if he doesn’t freak out.

Cap said quietly, “You know, Second, I’ve got big, heavy hangers like that guy, and my cock is about that thick too.”

“Seriously, Cap?” I said, “I’ve got a dollar that says you don’t, no way.”

Quietly, Cap answered, “Want me to prove it, want me to show you?”

“You’re on,” I whispered back, “I bet you a dollar.”

Setting aside his magazine, Cap stood and faced me. Undoing his belt, unzipping his khakis, he put a hand on my shoulder for balance as he stepped first out of one pant leg, then switched hands and stepped out of the other pant leg. He was wearing boxers, and I couldn’t help but stare.

He commented that his shirttail was in the way, so he unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, showing me a muscular chest and flat stomach. No abs, but a nice flat stomach. I was just frozen; my mind raced as my Captain stood two feet in front of me in nothing but his boxers! Oh shit, I thought. 

Quietly, the Cap said, “I think you are going to owe me a dollar.” He took both his hands and ran his boxers down his legs to his ankles, and when he stood he revealed a heavy, thick, big cock with big and full balls hanging low. 

“I owe you a dollar,” I said. 

Breaking my gaze away from his cock, I looked up at him and smiled, acknowledging his winning bet! He was watching me, a smile lightly on his face. 

I had never seen a cock like that! Not just big, even though he was not yet hard, but thick and full, the balls impressive in the heavy sack. I was staring and needing to feel that cock! 

Cap sensed my wonderment, my need, and said quietly, “Go ahead and feel it.”

I reached my hand out, first cupping those balls, weighing them in my hand, marveling at their warmth and size and weight. I looked up at him; he was watching and breathing a bit harder. With my other hand, I enclosed his thick shaft, felt the heat as he quickly grew, his cock swelling as my hand felt him. My hand almost couldn’t reach fully around him as he became fully hard.

Looking up at him, I said, “Damn, your cock is heavy and so warm.” 

With another short step, he again put his hand on my shoulder and leaned over to remove his socks. As he did, his cock brushed my cheek! Switching hands, he leaned over and removed his other sock, and purposely let his cock rub across my cheek, lips, and face.

Cap stood upright, his full, hard cock inches from my face, and I could not help myself and leaned forward and placed a kiss on the tip of his cock! Rubbing the cockhead across my face and lips, I took him into my mouth, an audible sigh coming from him. One hand felt his heavy cock as my mouth filled with his thickness, his warmth, his man smell and taste. I looked up at him, his cock in my mouth and his balls in my hand and was struck by how great it felt, how right, how incredibly sexy.

With his hand on my shoulder, he made a few small strokes in and out of my mouth, and I thought how incredibly sexy this man is! I released his balls, now hands-free, and he held my shoulder and lightly fucked my mouth.

I tasted his first drop of precum and it was absolutely wonderful! Sweet, slippery precum. I reached my hand out and grasped his thick, full cock, releasing him from my mouth, kissing the tip, and ran his wet cock head all over my lips and face before again guiding him to my open mouth.

Using my hand to stroke him while I sucked, I took as much of his thick cock as I could comfortably take. My mouth full, I looked up at him as I stroked him. He was breathing hard and I tasted yet another few drops of his sweet precum. I looked at him while I stroked  and sucked. 

I gave him a slight nod, acknowledging that it was perfect, it was okay for him to cum! Before I let him have his release though, I reluctantly let him slip from my mouth, lifted his heavy, full cock and buried my face in his heavy nut sack. I licked and kissed and enjoyed his heavy balls. I let him rest them on my face… which felt so sexy, decadent, and good! 

As I was holding his cock high, Cap’s heavy full nuts rested on my lips, and I gave them a few licks and kisses. Poor Cap was panting with desire for his cum release while he watched me lick his balls. I brought his big cockhead back to my lips, I gave the head a light kiss and again took it in my wet mouth. 

I started a nice stroke-and-suck rhythm. I heard Cap gasping and knew I’d found a nice stroke that was going to push him over the edge, soon. His precum was delicious as it flowed, making my need for his cum all the greater.

Cap, watched me, said, “Here’s my cum,” and I felt his cock grow and tremble between my lips. His first thick spurt was strong, thick and I swallowed fast, making room for two more powerful spurts. I took his cock from my mouth to catch my breath, and one last hot, wet spurt of cum dashed across my lips and cheek. I looked up at Cap; his eyes were closed, head back, enjoying every feeling of his cumshot. 

I released his cock, his wet thick shaft deflating and hanging in front of my face. Cap again gripped my shoulder, sighed and told me that I owed him a dollar. 


Published 6 years ago

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