Another lonely Christmas loomed. Imprisoned by circumstances, Stella rarely spoke to people, and when she did, it was only a matter of time before she slipped up.
Stella couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw him walking past with a message on his sweatshirt.
‘I want to tuck your sits, but that’s my issue,’ it said.
Joey had worn the sweatshirt as his act of defiance. The world laughed at him, but he wasn’t giving up just yet.
The sweatshirt would have meant little to most people, but seeing it felt almost life-changing to Stella.
“I’ll let you tuck my sits if I can cull your pock,” Stella said to Joey with a smile that only those trapped by the same linguistic misfortune understood.
Within five minutes, Joey was tucking Stella’s sits, and Stella was culling Joey’s pock in an alleyway. Joey and Stella had found each other, but alleyways have their limitations, and Stella felt cheated by circumstances.
“I wish you were clucking my sit and I was cubbing your rock, Joey,” Stella said with a giggle.
Joey was thrilled to have met someone who understood his pain and wished for the same as he did. The alleyway, however, wasn’t perfect. A man walking down it and having a piss proved the point instantly.
As the sneaky slasher put his knob away, Stella felt she knew him from somewhere. The red suit, beard, and funny hat saw the penny drop, as opposed to Santa’s cock, which certainly didn’t.
“It’s Sucking Fanta!” Stella exclaimed.
Despite being a bit busy, Santa listened to Stella as she poured her heart out.
“I want him to cluck my slit, hill my foal, and bide my rum, and I want to duck his sick, cull his pock, and bank his walls. He’s welcome in my bender tits anytime, but…”
Santa knew Stella and Joey needed some time out of the piss stains and broken glass.
“Take her for a spin. The team will know what to do,” Santa said, throwing Stella the keys to the sleigh.
“If any of the reindeer play up, tell them there’ll be no birch twigging tonight unless they behave; that should shut the fuckers up,” Santa shouted out as he left to see if he could find somewhere for a dump.
In terms of mile-high club membership applications, Joey and Stella didn’t mess about.
Joey clucked Stella’s sit to climax and hilled her foal to screams that made Santa’s pulling squad shit themselves with surprise without even slowing down, never mind stopping. Stella ducked Joey’s sick so beautifully that calls flooded into the meteorological office from those caught in the isolated shower of sticky sleet below.
Although the flight had levelled off to its cruising height, Santa’s stirrups were very useful when it was time for Joey to ‘bide Stella’s rum.’ He did the deed with his feet firmly in their proper place. Stella felt Joey’s cock was in the right spot, too, as the airborne duo cried out together in climax.
Stella’s bonus request for Joey to ‘rap my tear’ saw no music or watery eyes but was spankingly good as an extra course in their in-flight banquet of pleasure.
Stella took a break after her bonus, having been rather drained when her tear was rapped hard. She did so, remembering she had yet to bank Joey’s walls.
Joey’s walls were banked until they were almost in his throat, but they ended up in Stella’s instead.
Santa guided the flight back to the ground with his paddles, their dual purpose always raising a smile, whichever use they had at the time.
Stella and Joey knew words could not do justice to the joy Santa had delivered to them. They hugged him and each of the reindeer before paying a fortune to stay in a hotel so they could fuck some more.
Santa had a big challenge steering at takeoff, as one of the boy reindeer had a stiffy after Stella had hugged him when saying farewell. Luckily, Santa pulled it off. The other boy reindeer were just as lucky too.