Ivan rushed from the doorway where he had been concealed, jumping, turning halfway round, landing on his back in the thick, coarse straw piled behind the supply wagons.
Not two strides behind, Miryam pounced, landing astride the young lad with a spirited laugh.
Clangs of the evening bell signaled that the main gate would soon close, the wall surrounding the castle secured for the night; thereafter, entrance and departure would be debarred until daybreak.
Miryam was on the proper side of the wall. Ivan was not. As a daughter of the chief magistrate, her home was the stately tower a stone’s throw behind her. As a son of a farm and livestock laborer, his home was on the outside, in a simple dwelling of timber and mud. The two had little in common, save for the lust to which their developing minds and bodies were presently given.
Ivan grasped at the ties of Miryam’s blouse, hastening to pull the fabric aside. Her firm little breast, sprouted within only the previous two of her sixteen years, forthwith came under the lad’s eager clutch.
Shouts came from the gate and beyond as heavy footsteps stomped across the bridge into the castle grounds: the clamour of soldiers who would be settled inside for the night.
Miryam ground greedily upon Ivan’s lap, tittering with glee at the hardness discovered. He grasped at her ankle-length skirt, dislodging it from beneath her knees. As the ties of her blouse had been loosed by his fingers, so now was the tie of his trousers loosed by hers!
When the two rolled over, he squeezed lustily at her breasts whilst pushing the blouse up to fully unveil the pair. Though not the fairest of the four sisters, Miryam was assuredly the most agreeable to such a young man’s libidinous advances, and thus the most pursued.
She tugged down his trousers, his rigid cock springing forth. Though straining toward her immodestly revealed breasts, it yearned most for the treasure not yet uncovered.
His hands scampered beneath her bunched skirt, encountering a soft pelt and moist vulva where a silken undergarment would have been found on a more virtuous maiden.
“Such haste!” Miryam giggled, batting her fingers upon his bouncing cock.
“Indeed,” Ivan declared, lifting her garment’s hem to her waist. “We haven’t the time to suppress our lust.”
The nearby marching declined and gave way to the clattering of armour and weaponry being removed. Another time, Miryam’s nakedness would receive lengthy attentive gazes and gropes, but alas, now Ivan could afford her merely the briefest admiration.
“Time indeed is short!” Miryam agreed, slinking further under him, legs cast invitingly wide.
“There is time only to indulge!”
Myriam, having experienced the initial pain, but thrice since the escalating pleasure of his manhood piercing her over the span of the previous fortnight, was keen to take him to the hilt all at once. With a shriek that was thankfully drowned out by the jovial and crude quips and cursings of the nearby throng, Miryam felt her tight opening give way to Ivan’s sudden intrusion. Collapsing fully onto her, he was not careful to stifle his lewd vociferations whilst lunging into her with vigour. One moment she winced at an unexpected twinge, and the next moment she whimpered at a stimulating jolt.
Aflame with desire, her tunnel was primed with copious slick moisture, abetting the powerful insertions of Ivan’s tumescent shaft. Legs enveloping his waist, she held tightly as he thrust mightily, the girth of his engorged phallus filling her snug, sodden cunt.
He propped himself on one elbow, pumping her with vehemence, longing to gather those quivering teats into his mouth, but content to merely grasp them as he neared his climax.
Miryam’s lips enclosed upon Ivan’s ear, unleashing a torrent of unladylike speech, intent to expedite his release. Slapping his arse with vivacity, as if slapping a stallion to focus and hurry its pace, she heaved her hips up into her verile lad’s loins, fueling his intemperate lunges.
The evening bell began ringing again. To most, that signal was to make way for the bridge’s raising and the gate’s closure, but to Ivan and Miryam, it was the announcement of his release. His desire was to remain embedded within this bawdy lass’ exquisite center, testes crushed against her buttocks whilst he unleashed his seed deep within her. But, growing into a man of prudence, he thought better than to likely impregnate the one with whom such a joining was forbidden.
So Ivan withdrew at his climax, directing his emission upon the damsel’s fair skin with a prodigious roar. Miryam’s breast absorbed the initial bursts, and she gasped as secondary spurts of milky lust splattered the rumpled garment beneath.
Then came the bell’s final clang, coincident with the final surge of Ivan’s ejaculate flowing into the soft nest of hair that adorned the swollen, reddened folds which had just facilitated his inimitable pleasure.
“Good night, my dear,” the lad gasped as he scampered to his feet, rushed by the clatter of chains, wheels, and groaning timbers echoing throughout the castle grounds. Hurrying his wilting, leaking cock into his trousers, Ivan kissed Miryam’s forehead, clutching the tie at his waist whilst sprinting toward the gate.
Miryam laughed as she crawled forward to peek out from her hiding place, watching as Ivan ascended the drawbridge’s increasing slope at a full sprint, leaping as he reached the end, disappearing from her sight.
Scarcity of time had precluded Ivan’s barrage from providing the rapturous sensation that Miryam now desperately craved, so she fell backward, legs outspread. Her own climax quickly arrived as she assaulted the button at the apex of her tender folds.
Sated for the moment, Miryam massaged her spunk-slickened nipple and seeping cunt whilst her breathing slowed. Reflecting upon the last few minutes’ fervour, she considered her wonted prurient assignations with Ivan, aspiring to convince him that he should allocate more time for the next!