Such Beauty

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Beauty makes me feel, 
Makes anyone feel who is human,
Who actually feels as a human,

Makes us feel.

Music makes me feel,
Makes anyone feel who is human,
Who actually feels as a human,

Makes us feel.

Beauty and music. Together,
As one thing.
They are one.
We sense them.

We sense them with our eyes and our ears.

And our noses,
Bringing to us the wonder of odors, perfumes, blossoms on the vine,
Smells that make us feel sublime.

The world is beauty in so many ways.

The world,
And you.

Are beauty divine.

Through my eyes,
And my ears.
And my nose.

Through my very senses.
Seeing, and hearing, and smelling,
And even touch and taste,
To bring forth the senses of elation

In knowing such as you,
My dearest and most necessary friend,

And love.

It is all of one
Is it not.

Love is all that we are as humans,
People sensing,
And being two as one.

The melding
Into one.

My own quintessentially sensed

My own true sensed
Beauty of love.

Published 9 years ago

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