“Oh, thank fuck they’re gone!” Becca cheers as she walks back into the lounge, having shown her sister and brother-in-law to the door.
I feel a little relief that I’m not the only one who’s glad to see the back of them, and that listening to Sandra’s bragging and passive criticism of her little sister hadn’t annoyed only me. My husband Tom had squeezed my hand several times softly, calming me down as we both prickled at her bullshit.
“Anyway. Let’s forget about them. It’s just us four and now the real fun can start!” Becca whoops as she fires the cork out of another bottle of champagne, bubbles cascading over the neck and her hand. Her husband Perry tries to wipe it up, but simply douses himself and ends up with a big embarrassing champagne stain on his crotch, relaxing and amusing everyone even further.
“Ah well! Plenty more where that came from!” Becca says, referring the fact that their whole fridge seems to be largely filled with wine bottles. She pulls me up from my seat towards her and literally tips the bottle up to my mouth, like a giant alcoholic baby. A whole load of it splatters onto my face and down the plunging neckline of my black woollen top before I get my mouth into the right place. I eventually prise the bottle from her hand before I’ve been force fed, or bathed in the whole lot.
“Music!” They both call, and my man Tom is up out of his seat and straight over to the stereo on the side table. Minutes later, we are all swaying to the smooth sexy saxophone of Perry’s current favourite jazz album. Usually, I’d take the piss out of him for his love of cheesy experimental jazz, but in the buzz and the energy of the room, drink in hand, it all feels just perfect.
Tom takes my hands and whirls me in one of his favourite dance moves, pulling me close to him, then spinning me out before whirling me in again with my back pressed to him. It’s slow and romantic, and very… what’s the right word? Pleasant? Nice…? Shit, that’s a depressing bland, word isn’t it? Nice.
Together Tom and I look over to the others and see that Becca is pressed hard up against Perry’s body. Her breasts are swelling against his chest and his hand is sliding slowly over the curve of her butt. Their dance is sexy and animal. I bet no one would ever call them anything as insipid as nice.
Tom turns me around and kisses me on the cheek, before pulling back enough to sip his champagne. He’s gorgeous, I know it, but he’s not exactly spontaneous, bless him. Meanwhile Becca and Perry have their tongues in each other’s mouths, and I’m feeling an emotion I really don’t want to feel. They break their kiss, Becca biting his lower lip playfully and exchanging a look full of promise and desire. I know that look. I’ve felt that look before, and. my god do I miss it.
It all feels so familiar. It’s as if, my whole life I’ve watched people have more fun than me. Be more fun than me. I look at Becca and she’s simply relaxed and in the moment. And here I am, watching her in her moment, wondering what it would be like to be in the moment, and thinking about how I wish I was.
We’ve known these guys about three months now, since I met Becca at my running club. I’ve spent time alone with each of them, mostly at our home, and I think they’re just fabulous. We’re in their home now, on their turf and this is the first time I’ve seen them really let loose this way. Becca squeezes her man’s butt, and I can tell it feels amazing in her hands. Firm and strong. The whole mood is infectious, exciting, sexy. And a little painful, but that’s a thought I’ll try and ignore for now. I pull Tom back in and kiss him on the lips. Becca is dancing alone now, waving her arms and hands at me, beckoning me. I turn towards her and jiggle my butt back at my man who playfully swats it. I smile to myself and Becca, pleased that he has at least picked up on my flirty vibe.
Becca takes my hands, and everyone’s cheering again. Drinks are downed, and new ones are quickly served by Perry. He and Tom chink their glasses and knock back whiskeys in a male bonding ritual as old as testosterone itself.
“No more jazz!” Becca hollers, and I cheer in agreement. “We wanna boogie!”
Becca totters off to the stereo, a little wobbly on her heels. Perry watches her go and then looks straight into my eyes, in a way that makes me tingle inside.
“Tom, help Becca choose, she has dreadful taste!” Perry teases. “Nikki, come and help me get more drinks.” He winks and tilts his head towards the kitchen. “Gin & Tonics all round, coming up!”
I follow him, leaving Tom and Becca pressing keys on the sound system to try and pick songs and playlists. In the kitchen, I grab the bottle of gin, and Perry grabs four glasses and pops them down in front of me. I pour and he’s back at my side with ice cubes.
“I’m so glad you both came over,” Perry said.
I’m suddenly aware he’s close, and warm. Our upper arms touch and I want to lean into him. I’ve felt his looks, seen his eyes on me. I’ve tried to ignore the way my body reacts to him. I’m still bopping slightly, moving to the rhythm that’s still in my head and I let myself sway against him. I feel his eyes down the neckline of my top. I’m enjoying his gaze, even if I know I shouldn’t.
I look at him side on, stopping still and turning to him very slightly. “Thanks Perry. We’re having a great time. We always do with you guys.” I feel a confusing desire to touch him, or scratch him with my nails. Maybe even bite him, just softly, like I want to get right onto his flesh somehow.
“That’s so awesome. You’re both so… nice.” Perry smiled at me as he unknowingly broke my heart a little. Nice. Fucking ‘nice’.
I finish the drinks quickly and in silence, throwing in the lemon and pouring the tonic. My smile has faded and my chin has dropped. I pass him two glasses with a “Come on then.” I feel stupid. I was so silly to think he was really attracted to me. As I make my way to the doorway I stop again, suddenly a little embarrassed at my childish reaction. I can see Becca and Tom through the slightly opened door. They’re close, talking. She’s touching his arm. In that moment, it really looks as if she’s flirting. Leaning in, touching her hair, good eye contact, and weirdly it makes me smile. I would expect Tom to be a clueless nervous idiot in that scenario, but instead he’s bright-eyed, smiling and holding Becca’s focus. He’s flirting back, and weirdly, I can only smile and feel a strange sense of pride for him.
Maybe we can do this? Maybe I just need to stop thinking so much. My god, am I even more boring and shy than Tom?
“Becca, what did I say?” Perry is by my side again. “Have I upset you?”
“No, I’m sorry, Perry. It’s me. My thing, you couldn’t know.” I take a deep breath and let the tension drop back out of my shoulders. “But, nice? Is that what you both think? We’re… nice?” Perry wisely stayed silent. “Everyone says that. Everyone calls us nice.” I have a drink in each hand but I’m gesticulating a little wildly anyway. “Nice. Boring. Plain. Ordinary.”
“God no, Nikki.” Perry put his drinks down on the side and took mine from my hands. “It’s not that at all!”
“I’m sick of nice. I don’t want nice. I’m not nice. I don’t want Tom to be nice, in our boring little nice fucking life. I want… fuck… I can be…” I feel ridiculous, but somehow this feels important to say.
“You’re not boring, Nikki!”. His eyes burn into me as he takes my hand to calm me. “Nikki, you’re…” His eyes flick down to my cleavage, as it rises with my emotions. “…exquisite.”
“Perry… you, you don’t mean that. I feel so ordinary. I watch you two and I envy you. Like some people want to do things, and they just do them. I wanna do things, and then I think about them and I think, I can’t do that, I’m just boring old me, and then the moment is gone and I’m stuck feeling like the loser that doesn’t dare do what she wants…” I’m waffling and going on and I know I need to stop.
His hand draws mine in a short way, steadying them and pulling me to look at him.
He looks coolly into my eyes and speaks calmingly. “What do you want to do, Nikki?”
I stay silent, as my mind struggles to pin down exactly what it is I want to do.
“Nikki, just prove yourself wrong then. Because you are wrong, and you’ll get rid of that thought by smashing it. You don’t have to say it if you don’t want, but just pick one thing, here, tonight. Anything you can just go and do, and go and do it. You’ll feel better.”
I can’t believe what I’m doing, but I’m powerless to stop as I grab the fabric of his shirt and somehow we are joined. My mouth covers his. It’s courser and rougher than Tom’s, as his lips part and my tongue pulls for his. My hands clamp onto his strong frame and his musk fills my lungs as I feel him sink into the kiss too. Tilting and receiving and returning, it grows, takes on life and power. His hands settle tentatively on my waist and I immediately grab them and slide them up to my breasts. I want him to see my energy, my passion. I show him, and tell myself, I am someone who can be fucked, who can be taken. Not just kissed politely. I’m fun. Please God, let me be fun. I sigh as he squeezes my tits roughly, groaning back into my mouth.
I slow down and pull back, and Perry does too. His hands on my breasts are the last thing to leave me, and I feel their heat there even after they’re gone.
I look at him, both a little red in the cheeks. “Perfect, Perry. Thank you.”
I grab all four glasses and turn around. “Better bring the whole fucking bottle!” I call back to him as I swing the door open and give a loud whooping cheer as drinks are shared.
The Blues Brothers are blaring out of the stereo now and Tom and Becca are already dancing to the fast-pace funk, with wide smiles.
“Yes, girl! Let’s get this fucking party started!” Becca roars as she throws a huge swig of her new drink into her mouth.
A few hours later.
Laughing and giggling like little school kids, we stumble into the bedroom. The room is spinning a little, and I hold the edge of the dressing table for stability. Nikki kicks off her shoes and slinks towards me, throwing her arms around me with a whooping cheer and we fall to the bed.
The fall blows the air out of both our lungs as we hit the mattress, still both laughing and humming the tune to that “Don’t stop me nooow!” song by Queen. That’s the lively one that brought us in here, somehow. But it was that “I will always love you” song that got us all slow dancing. I remember seeing Perry and Becca making out right next to us. It was so sexy, and they both looked so hot, being serenaded by Whitney Houston. Slow and tangled and sexy. The image is fuzzy and blurred, like my senses and my memories right now. Perry was dancing with my Nikki. They’re good dancers. Really hot. Becca’s arms around me. Her whole body against me, turning me this way and that. So much fun, and she is so attractive.
My whirling brain is interrupted as Nikki rolls onto me. Her mouth is on mine and we’re kissing, giggling, tongues duelling. Touching and groping like teenagers, I feel so alive, so turned on. I grab her butt in my hand and have a flashback of Becca squeezing my butt too. Wait, she kissed me? I’m sure she did. Becca was dancing with me and she kissed me.
Nikki’s top is up and gone, and she’s above me now in her bra. Fuck, she’s beautiful. She leans in and bites at my neck, as I cup one of her breasts, and she starts to undo my shirt. Her hands are fumbling and clumsy but she gets there, yanking it out from under me and I lift up to let her discard it. We’re moving fast, breathing fast, even if not very efficiently in our inebriated state. I reach up and unclip Nikki’s bra at the back.
And just at that moment, we hear voices, thumps and weird noises. We stop kissing and look to the door.
“Guys… what? you’re in the wrong… what are you doing?” we hear Becca and Perry say, slowly shuffling in the door.
It takes a moment to settle in for us and we look at each other. “What are you doing in here?” Nikki slurs, holding her now detached bra over her breasts.
“This is our room, guys.”
Nikki looks at me, we look at each other and then burst out laughing. Nikki covers her face with her hand and doesn’t even realise she’s dropped her bra. She’s wracked with laughter, sat on top of me, and I feel a tear run down my cheek, I’m laughing so hard.
“Oops.” She eventually manages to say, her shoulders and breasts bouncing too hard for her to pull off a convincing shrug.
The laughter spreads to the other two, who seem every bit as dumb-drunk as us, and they stumble in and fall to the other side of the bed.
“I guess it’s pretty clear what you guys are up to in here,” Becca lay on her side, facing us and spoke with a low sexy voice, while casting a keen gaze over Nikki’s bare breasts and my exposed chest. A voice inside tells me I should be uncomfortable, but I don’t feel it. I remember now, she definitely kissed me, and I definitely liked it.
“Fucking, hopefully,” I say, bringing raised eyebrows and happy smiles from everyone else.
“Hooray! Ditto, my friend!” the response comes from Perry, as he presses himself to Becca’s back and wraps an arm around her and into the neckline of her dress, groping her breasts in front of us all. My cock twitches and Nikki feels it, her crotch grinding down on mine in response. It all hazes and vanishes for me for a moment as my wife smiles at me and leans in. We kiss again, still giddy and loose, and with all prudishness long forgotten our kiss is rich with sex and promise. She rocks up and presses her tit to my mouth, and I happily suckle it. We’re back in business now. Becca and Perry are watching us, I can feel their eyes fixed on Nikki’s breasts, as I squeeze, grope and swirl my tongue over them.
“Don’t stop me nooow, if you wanna have a good time, just gimme a caaaall!” Perry sings childishly, lightening the mood, as is his talent, as the whole room starts getting sexier and more intense again.
Becca rolls onto her back, so she’s lying beside me now. She’s still giggling and wriggling to get comfortable when Nikki moves away and unbuttons my trousers. Clumsy, loud and in constant chuckling, she wrestles them down, trying to deal with my socks, trousers and boxer shorts all in one big go. It’s a big silly mess, but eventually, it works.
“Ooh, well look at that now!” Nikki cheers, performing a confident abdominal crunch so she can take a good look at me fully naked, eyes fixed on my cock, erect as the mast of a ship. I find I strangely enjoy having everyone’s eyes on me. It’s unexpected but I feel myself grow harder as they all take me in. Becca licks her lips as if she wants to bite it off. I’m vaguely aware that Perry is slipping his shirt off. My wife is stood, making a wobbly attempt to remove her own trousers, her breasts swaying delectably as she tries. Fearing that she is about to crash to the ground, Perry jumps up and grabs her arm. She turns to him and looks at him, grateful to be stabilised, and now they’re holding each other, half-naked. There’s a look between them that I register, but suddenly my face is turned. Becca pulls my attention to her and I’m happy to be distracted.
“Help me out here, Tom,” Becca uses that sexy voice of hers again. Her dress has a zip the whole way down one side, and she rolls a little, raising her arm and nods towards it. As if there’s nothing more natural. And I oblige. I roll onto my side, my hard cock pointing straight at her as I tease the zip down from her baby-smooth armpit, over her ribs, waist and hip. I watch, fascinated, unable to look away as she wriggles and twists and somehow, suddenly the dress is gone. I’m speechless as I take in the sight of her total nakedness, the domes of her breasts and the small brown strip of hair that slips out of sight between her legs. She is wearing nothing but a pair of black thigh high stockings now and my heart tells me I’m so glad we got the wrong room.
I don’t quite know how it happens but I’m touching her, stroking her arm and she’s touching me. We kiss and the adrenaline rush is intense, suddenly her breast is in my hand and her hand is around my cock. Did I just do that? It seems like something I would want to do, but very unlike something I would ever actually do. And yet, here I am, her beautiful tit in my hand, her nipple clamped between the base of my fingers and her tongue lapping at mine.
Then my attention is broken again. The end of the bed shakes and sinks as Nikki and Perry fall onto it. They’re behind me, taking up the other half of this massive bed. She should be cross, I’m kissing and touching our friend, who’s jacking slowly at my cock. But she’s laughing, happy. Still giggling, the music still coming through the half-open door, this feels like an alcohol-soaked, erotic dream. This can’t be real, can it?
My wife rolls to my back and I feel her naked breasts press against me as my kiss with Becca is broken. I find myself leaned slightly back as she drapes a leg over my hip from behind. We kiss and it half sinks in for me that she’s fully naked now, and I feel glad I know she’s ok and happy. She kisses me, while my hands stay on Becca’s body, one of them sliding down between her legs. She feels so soft, as my fingertips enjoy the soft wet feel of her folds, rolling up in her moisture and sliding over her clit. I still honestly don’t know if I’m in control of my hands or something else has possessed me. Maybe it’s just Becca moving them?
Mentally I can’t quite follow the action, but I’m horny and happy and having the time of my life. My wife blurts out something from behind me, but I can’t really take in what she says. She’s stopped kissing me now, and I’m pulled, or pushed, something like that but either way, I’m back to Becca, my mouth finding her nipple and my fingers sliding inside her. She’s wet and takes me in easily. My wife is pressing at my back, as if pushing me on, driving me closer and further into and onto Becca with her breasts rhythmically squashing against me. I try to put together a picture of what might be happening behind me, but I give up. I realise I don’t really care, it doesn’t matter. I’m happier and more relaxed than I’ve been in years as I eventually roll between Becca’s thighs, her legs part to let me in, and my cock starts its first glide inside her as our tongues merge and I feel her hands grip my buttocks. She opens up fully and pulls me in hard.
Fuck me… I’m fucking Becca.
I love my husband, Tom’s such a wonderful man. He’s my best friend, ever. I remind myself of that fact as he’s dancing badly and smiling like a drunken fool. Meanwhile, Perry is moving his hips like a skilled Latino dancer and giving me some seriously sexy vibes that I’m completely failing to ignore. I keep being drawn to him, and then catching myself and worrying, and nervously over-compensating. As if dodging an accident, I turn my attention to Tom, or I even turn and dance with Becca. She’s relaxed and smiley and seems completely at ease with the world, and briefly, my worries are gone, until I find myself drawn back to Perry. Dancing, clutching, hands on his chest, his eyes on me. The memory of kissing him still running through me and heating me.
There are pauses and music changes and trips to fetch drinks. I’m getting really drunk now. Maybe I need to stop soon. I say no thanks to the next offer of a drink, and soon the music changes to something slow and sexy. Whitney Houston’s voice blasts out at full volume and we’re all singing along, bellowing out an empty promise to always love each other.
Tom is slow-dancing me, holding me tight. It’s romantic, but surprisingly I can feel his erection against me. I look into his eyes. They’re too close for me to focus on, but suddenly he’s kissing me. Tongue and energy and passion that take me totally by surprise, it’s clear he’s very aroused, and the thought sends warmth to my very core. Our kiss breaks, his breathing is rapid, his hand grasping my backside, low, and stroking as far between my legs as he can get. It’s unlike him, and I love it. I have to resist Perry. I can’t hurt this wonderful man, or his wife.
And suddenly, Becca is at my back. Her arm snakes around my waist between me and Tom, and she’s swaying me and dancing. I’m pulled away from Tom and his eyes smile at my breasts, which are rising and swelling in reaction to Becca’s arm around my ribs. Suddenly I’m face to face with her, we’re slow dancing and singing and her breasts crush against mine. Her head settles on my shoulder and I think I feel her kissing my neck. “…will always… love yooouuu…” Maybe I’m imagining it, maybe I just want her to, but either way, I’m melting on the inside and I’m getting wet now as we move in our slow little circle.
Time distorts and this whole moment lasts only seconds, but it feels infinite, frozen. A short moment later, someone is at my back. I assume it’s Tom. His arm circling around us both and his body pressed hard to me. I purr and sigh, flooded with heat as I feel his erection nestle into my lower back and instinctively I reach a hand behind myself, gripping his butt, welcoming him and pull him to me. Not that he needs the encouragement. They sandwich me, chortling like school kids, swaying a moment, before they kiss. Right across me. That’s not Tom, that’s Perry. I see, hear, smell and feel their kiss, and it’s me this time who is kissing Becca’s neck, as it’s stretched out, too inviting. My lips gliding and tasting her delicious soft flesh. My free hand settles there too, on her collarbone, daring me to drive it down and touch her.
Their hands are free and roaming, my breasts are squeezed, my thighs stroked. Becca reaches around and takes my hand from his butt and slides it to his front between us, and I suddenly realise I’m stroking his cock, out of sight. More mindblowing still, as it sinks in. Becca made this happen. It’s all ok. Perry’s cock is long and magnificent and clearly uncomfortably restrained. Their kiss ends and she looks at me, breathless, her lips pink and shiny. One of her hands is pressed to my inner thigh over my jeans, high, and it’s filling my mind, sending a tremble through me, crowding out even the feel of Perry behind me for a moment. I can feel her only a tiny glide away from touching me in a way that both terrifies and tantalises me. I think she’s about to kiss me, and I can feel my pulse in my temples as I’m preparing for it.
“I’ve never kissed a woman before,” I blurt out, totally unsure why and immediately feel silly for it. I’m still stroking away at her husband, lost in my alcohol-clouded, swirling mind. She’s in close now. I feel her breath on my mouth, and my eyes close.
“We’re going to give you both the best fucking night of your lives, Nikki.” She sighs before she finally kisses me. Her lips are gentle, playful, thinly glossed and they slide like fine wine. I almost can’t process it, can’t take it in, but I know it’s just perfect. Both. She said both. Me and Tom. My whole body inflates in happiness and I return and grow her kiss, unleashing myself into her mouth. My hand finally makes the descent it’s been longing to and for the first time in my life, I’m cupping and clutching her delicious breast. I wonder if I would have the courage to run my lips over it, but my whole mound throbs and answers the question, without hesitation.
Perry is whispering at my other ear, while his wife kisses me. “That’s so hot. I’m going to fuck you and make you feel so good, Nikki. We both are.” It’s all I can take, as my tongue swirls with Becca’s. It’s all overloading me, and I know I could completely lose control right here and now. A huge part of me wants to as well. I may be drunk, but I know I want this.
I break from Becca’s kiss for a fraction of a second to whimper, “But… Tom…?”
“Oh, leave him to me,” Becca says, confident and sexy. “Give me five minutes with him, and then take him in there.” She nods towards her bedroom door. Then she briefly flattens her whole palm over my pussy, through my jeans and I practically melt on the spot. She strokes on up, to indulgently roll my breast, with a devilish expression before pulling away. Her eyebrows flash before she turns, and calls to my husband. “Tom, my darling man. Dance with me!”
Perry stays at my back as we watch Becca draw my husband to her. I hope what he’s just witnessed hasn’t freaked him out, but I immediately know I needn’t worry. He’s like horny putty in Becca’s hands as they dance. They’re in the last few bars of Whitney, as she’s blasting out her, “And IIIIII… will always… love yooouuu…”, but well before the music can end, she kisses him. I don’t know if it takes any special words from her to make it ok, maybe not, but they kiss and turn to the music, as the song reaches its dramatic climax. Their kiss is tilted, wide-mouthed and I wonder if it feels as amazing to him as it did when she kissed me. Perry’s hands are under my top and he’s kissing my neck, breathing into my ear as he pulls my nipple free and rolls it in his fingers.
“She is going to blow his mind, Nikki. He wants her. And I want you, we both do. So fucking bad.” His words make me quake and squeezing his cock again, I wish it was inside me.
Suddenly the next song starts. It’s Queen. Faster, rockier. “Don’t stop me nooowww…” it’s bouncing and moving, and I’m fuelled by it immediately.
I turn to him and kiss him, as deep and fiery as I can, before moaning into his mouth. “I want you so much, Perry. I want you to fuck me.” His whole face smiles. “Let’s do this.”
Perry and I separate and we both dance over the few steps to join Tom and Becca. They’ve stopped their kissing and pawing at each other, we each naturally reclaim our partners. I can’t stop jiggling to the beat, but I can feel the raging heat coming off Tom before he’s even taken me in his arms. I want to hold him and kiss him and lean on him for support, but we both know we have too much momentum to sustain. Instead, I take his hand, nod towards the bedrooms and give him a, come on, it’s time, signal. He smiles a goofy smile at the other two and giggling, we unsteadily head off to the bedroom. To their bedroom.
“Don’t stop me, ‘cos I’m having a good time, having a good tiiiime!”
A few minutes later, I have no real plan as such, but we get things started on the bed. I’m bare-breasted and still a little unsure of things as they make their entrance. After a giggling tussle, I have Tom completely naked, lying on the bed and Becca willingly throws herself next to him, tittering and breezy. I’m stood, having fought to wrestle Tom’s clothes off and I watch as he undresses her, almost unable to focus as the images swirl. I’m wobbly, and suddenly somehow, Perry is there with me.
He takes my arms, stabilising me, and then we fly together. Mouths merging, his hands conquering my flesh. With one eye, I can’t help watching my husband. My wonderful Tom is stripping Becca, touching her. I feel a tiny pang of jealousy in the pit of my stomach, but I don’t know if that’s because she’s touching him, or because he’s touching her, and I want to. Perry sucks my nipple into his mouth as he hurriedly undoes the buttons on my jeans, and my mind is suddenly a thick fog of desire so intense that nothing else can get through.
I wriggle my hips and help Perry as he slides my jeans down and I kick them off. We’re kissing again and all I know is I’m desperate for us to be naked, now I know this is really happening. I fall to my knees as I reach for his belt and wrestle with it. He helps too, letting me pull his trousers and boxers down and away. My heart flutters a little and my breath catches as I see it, bobbing and blatant, right between us. His beautiful meaty dick. I stroke my fingers along its rough edge, feeling the veins there before I make my mind up. I lean in and lick the tip, before kissing it. I feel a tiny flash of guilt, knowing I’ve not done this for Tom in far too long, as my lips open and spread over the head, cradling it in my mouth.
He seems so hard, so sturdy. This is a serious dick that gets things done. His cock glides into my mouth a little further and I’m grateful to him for not pushing too far. It’s a sweet, tangy, wonderful taste that fills my senses with lust and my heart with pride. Gripping the base, I let my tongue go wild over the smooth, wide head, making myself a silent promise to do this much more often from now on. I sense it hardening further, bobbing a little in my hand and my mouth. I take as reassurance I’m doing ok. Soon, Perry’s hands settle on the sides of my head and rather than forcing me on, he urges me softly back.
“That’s so good, but I wanna fuck you, Nikki.” He smiled into my eyes. “On the bed.”
I turn and crawl onto the bed, unsure if it’s booze or desire contributing the most to my unsteadiness. I see my husband again now, rolled half on top of Becca, kissing wildly, and a hand between her thighs, with her hand over it. I surprise myself, smiling with pride at the whole scene and I crawl on to press myself against his back, my whole front aligned to his back, full of love for him. As I do, they break their kiss and I fear I’ve ruined their moment, but Becca smiles, her eyes cloudy and hooded with booze and pleasure under the work of my husband’s skilled digits. I can see she is working Tom’s cock masterfully in her hand, and it really is a beautiful cock too.
Tom smiles, a mix of dazed, drunk, aroused and entirely caught up in the heat. It’s the sexiest expression I’ve ever seen on him, as I feel Perry press in against my back. I kiss my husband hard and deep, aware I should probably be saying something, checking in, or something. But I’m too drunk, too horny, simply well beyond that. I lift a thigh and drape it over Tom, partly to feel close to him, partly offering myself to Perry. Behind me, Perry reaches straight in, with an arm that wraps around me and fingers that float straight over my drenched, simmering pussy. I groan and sigh in unrestrainable delight as his firm fingers send a throbbing wave through me. He rolls over my clit confidently and I feel as if he’s tapping into every nerve in my body. I grab his cock and pull it to me, my message very clear.
“Oh my god, please fuck my husband!” I pant to Becca, as I feel Perry push inside me. In a flash, he’s deep, I’m trembling and alive as he pushes in, and out, then again. And again. He’s pressing me against my husband’s back, and the debauchery and filth of the thought spins my mind. My fingers rake over Tom’s chest, as Perry thrusts into me. The love of my life, being used as a hard surface to pound me against. Perry’s thrusts grow in ardour, and my breasts flatten against Tom’s back, as I’m nudging, shoving him to mount Becca. He soon does, and it triggers the start of my ascent. Or is it a descent? This is depraved, dirty and base. And I fucking love it, as Perry’s cock drives deep, our hips moving and angling to get him as far as anything has ever been inside me. I’m panting, buzzing and whirling out of reach of the real world as I see my husband sink down and fill Becca with his dick, sucking and chewing at her tits, more animal than I’ve seen him in years.
Becca’s eyes and mouth open wide as she’s filled and fucked by my husband’s cock. I’m simply glad she’s getting a fair exchange as her husband plunders my cunt and tortures my mushy brain and pussy, as I lay helplessly on my side.
After a while of this, I wriggle and manoeuvre to being on all fours, and Perry follows and responds perfectly. Grabbing my hips and taking me even more fully now, I’m jostled and shaken but I manage to bring my face to Becca, or one of the three blurry Becca’s in my vision as I’m being pounded from behind. I end up right where I want to be. We kiss again, around her sighs and panting, and the deep moans that arise from me without warning. I settle my earlier curiosity and take her breast in my hand, sliding my tongue over its tip before squeezing and sucking the whole heart of it into my mouth. I feel my husband’s hand on the back of my neck, soft and encouragingly stroking me, as he sucks her other tit in the same way, and this is where we both lock in. Perry’s fingers reach under and strum my clit, like a maestro with his instrument, and I’m the first to hit the plateau. I hit it hard too. I’m shaking, moaning, my pussy squeezing and clutching and drenching that amazing cock as I thrash and break with orgasm. Perry soon comes too, spurting heat into me, flooding my cunt. Momentarily, my messed up brain simply shuts down, filled with the delightful glow of his deepest hardest final drives, quivering and swelling inside me to loud groans.
As my vision clears I’m impressed to see my husband knelt up, Becca’s legs lifted high and wide around his body, pounding and piling deep into her, shaking us all. The bed is banging and it feels like the whole house could come undone just as he plunges her into orgasm before following shortly afterwards.
We fall together in a huge, sweaty, sticky happy mess. Perry crashes down to take me in his arms, panting and breathing like an athlete. Tom sinks onto Becca and the four of us start to giggle again. A ripple of drunk laughs spreads slowly through us, all mingled and muddled up all over the bed.
Eventually, Tom looks at me, red-faced, sweaty and grinning like a champion, “My god, Nikki, darling. That was crazy.”
“It was amazing,” I sigh back to him, as happy as I’d ever felt in my life.
“It sure was… but… we don’t do things like this…”
I raised an eyebrow. I’m not going to let him get me in my head again now. “Like what, Tom?”
“Well, like this, for example,” Tom grinned as he began shimmying down Becca’s body. He bellowed, “don’t stop me nooow, I’m having such a good tiiime, I’m having a baaall!” before burying his mouth into Becca’s sopping, gooey pussy.
A roar of laughter burst from everyone, although soon turning to a contented slow sigh from Becca.
“Too true. And I guess we don’t do things like this either,” I say with a mischievous voice as I climb onto Becca facing him, and lower myself onto her mouth. She says nothing, but her tongue speaks volumes as it happily flicks into the mix of her husband and me that she finds there.
“Well. You didn’t!” Perry cheered, as he also straddled Becca’s prostrate body, in front of me.