Succulent Succubus

"When my friend solicits me to fuck her husband, I go all out to give them a sexy surprise."

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Sonja and I have known each other since we worked together at our first job out of college, but for the most part, we have only kept up with each other superficially on social media even though we don’t live too far apart. Telling each other from time to time “we need to get together soon,” we have only gotten around to actually seeing each other about once per year.

I have to admit having felt a bit of jealousy toward her in the past. She’s a fit hottie with gorgeous thick dark hair, piercing blue eyes, and C-cup breasts set high above her trim waist and curvy hips. And perhaps the best thing she has going for her is Donovan, her athletic and attractive husband. I have only met him fleetingly twice in the past, but I have admired the social media photos that Sonja posts with him from time to time, and have caught myself having a few naughty thoughts about him. I never wanted to disrespect Sonja by trying to seduce him or anything, but a little fantasy here and there can’t hurt anything, right?

Just as the weather was turning from sweltering summer into more pleasant fall, well-intentioned offers of “we need to get together soon” finally came together with our schedules again, so Sonja and I made the effort to hang out and catch up for a while. We met at a cool little restaurant, just us two ladies catching up over a light dinner and some drinks late one night.

I was a little surprised that, after she had a couple of drinks in her, she started telling me some vague things about her sex life with Donovan. She didn’t give details, but told me about them experiencing a lull a while back and then agreeing to spice things up a bit, doing it in naughty places like at his work, in the car, and in the park; using aids like sexy clothes and toys; and watching erotic movies – well, only erotic at first, and then more explicit ones.

“So now you’re perverted sex addicts or something?” I asked her. I was a little annoyed, but it wasn’t like she was bragging, and I felt kind of excited for her. And maybe a bit turned on, as images of Donovan’s naked toned body, intertwined with hers, flew through my naughty mind. If I was pressed to think of anyone I knew whom I wouldn’t mind watching getting fucked, Sonja would be on the shortlist.

“Well, no… well, maybe he is. There’s so much stuff we’ve happened to see about, well, anonymous or casual sex, and he’s turned on by it and I tease him about it, but I know he wants it.”

“He wants to do it with someone else?” I asked, and she nodded. “I guess every guy does.”

“Yeah, and I kind of want him to.”

In my mind, the other naked body with Donovan’s now was mine.

It occurred to me that Sonja may have been really trying to gauge my interest, but I thought I needed to be careful, or things would go South pretty fast. So I asked another question about how they started, and she blurted out more information. Then one more question, together with one more drink, got her pretty much spilling her guts.

When she mentioned skinny-dipping and fucking in a neighbor’s backyard pool while the homeowners were out of town, I let it slip, only half unintentionally, that Donovan was the kind of guy I’d get naughty with too if I were her.

“I’m sure he’d do you too,” she said. The two of us stopped and stared at each other.

I thought I’d offer a tease. “Oh, I see. So it took us, what… “, I looked at my watch, “… forty-five minutes, when you could have just said, ‘hey, would you like to fuck my husband?’” Yeah, she had pushed it to the line, and I crossed it, but I had the sense that it was territory we both were okay with. Either that or I could withdraw and play my comment off as an alcohol-induced joke.

“Omigosh,” Sonja said, ducking and looking around. “What the—?”

“But, it’s true, right?” She was embarrassed, but not outraged, so I continued. “That’s what you’re asking?”

“Um, well, I was wondering if I could see if you were interested in thinking about it.”

Oh, I’ll think about it. Tonight. With my fingers in my twat. Whoa, shit, I sure am glad I didn’t say that out loud! “Well, maybe it’s the alcohol talking, but, suuuuure. I can think about it.”

“Of course, no pressure. And I don’t know how we’d hook you two up.” She looked around as if something nearby would give her a brilliant idea. Then she added, “If we were going to do it.”

“Okay,” I told her, “I’m up for it!” I laughed.

“Um, what?”

“I said I’d think about it. I thought about it. I want to do it.” I imagined Donovan’s naked muscular body writhing on top of mine, moaning about always having wanted me while pumping me full of cock.

She smiled and shrugged her shoulders. “Ummmm, okay then.”

So, I got down to business. “First things first. Do you think he’ll recognize me? I mean, we’ve met before, but if we run into each other somewhere, will he know who I am?”

“Hmmm, I don’t think he’d know you. But who knows? If he’s really a pervert, he might have had his eye on you like creeping on social media pictures of my friends or something. But maybe not.” I’m not gonna lie: I have been told that I’m fairly attractive (since college at least, after the pimply awkward teen years), but wouldn’t consider myself in Sonja’s league, so it made me feel pretty damn good hearing my hot friend tell me that her hunky husband would possibly be interested in checking me out.

“So, we don’t know if this could be one of those ‘anonymous’ things or not.”

The ideas started to flow, maybe impaired, or maybe inspired, by the alcohol flowing to our brains.

How about staging a pickup, where I’m at a bar and they come in and she convinces him to pick me up? That would work if he didn’t know me, in theory. But what if he was just feeling especially monogamous that night, or wasn’t really into me when he encountered me? That would suck.

I told her one of my fantasies, pretending like I was thinking it up on the spot. They could have some people over to their house and I would be the last one to leave. That would work whether he knows me or not, and would more likely result in the desired outcome since I’d be the aggressor. Better.

I’m certainly not talented enough to be a stripper for hire, which would also only work if he didn’t know me. And what would be the event that would involve a stripper? So, that idea didn’t make the cut.

Happening to run into each other in a coffee shop or grocery store and developing an attraction? That would take too long to get going, maybe multiple encounters, and would involve too many assumptions.

Then something occurred to me: Halloween would be coming up soon. Ordinarily, I’d like to go to a party or hand out candy in the neighborhood with a few friends before drinking our way through a scary movie, but this might be an opportunity for me and the naughty couple to have our own little party. Sonja loved the idea. We could solve the problem about recognition – even if he would recognize me in normal clothes, I told her I could wear a costume and a mask. It would be super hot to have me come to the door after all the trick-or-treaters had come and gone, the mysterious chick who would be his anonymous sex treat for the night.

So the scenario was pretty much decided, and we agreed that we’d start thinking through the details. Sonja invited me to lunch one day the next week – sure enough, to chat about plans for Halloween night. Since she and I actually got together again, and we were in agreement about the arrangement, that was confirmation for both of us that the other night wasn’t just drunk talk, and we were really going to do this!

She didn’t want to dictate anything, even when I asked what Donovan might be into, so I had the freedom to dress how I wanted and do what I wanted.

“I’ve been doing a little shopping to look at sexy costumes,” I told her. “Haven’t decided yet, though. Some are fucking expensive – you know, like the tinier the lingerie is, the more it costs?”

“That brings me to this,” she said, digging into her purse. “If Donovan is going to get you as a sexy fuck toy for Halloween, you’re going to look the part. And it’s going to come out of his pocket.” She surprised me by handing me a prepaid gift card!

I responded excitedly, “Ohhhh, thank you! This will help, shall we say, spur my creativity!”

Yes, she had called me a fuck toy. Smiling at the gift card amount, which immediately freed my mind to expand my costume options and consider some accessories, I didn’t mind one bit.

• § • § • § • § • § •

Over the next few days, I was able to procure and prepare my supplies, using Donovan’s gift card to pay for my shopping spree. I bought one of the plastic pumpkin buckets the kids use to collect their candy in, but modified it by cutting mean-looking eye holes, carving a sinister grin for the mouth, making bloody gashes on its cheek and chin, and replacing the plastic handle with a thick chain. Another necessity was a variety of red candy, mostly cherry and cinnamon, and some long black and red licorice ropes.

A visit to an adult novelty store Sonja told me about netted me a package of flavored condoms, an assortment of red and black flexible cock rings, some deep red edible body paint, and a deluxe rotating studded vibrator.

At a seasonal costume shop, I found a full-length hooded black cloak, ghoulish pale white makeup, fake blood, a thick leather lace-up choker necklace, red contact lenses, long pointy fake nails, and the best set of fangs and professional quality adhesive available. Since I wanted to hide my identity just in case, but needed my mouth free for making out and oral action, I picked out a large but closely-fitting masquerade-type mask that covered my eyes, nose, and cheeks. A high-quality crimson red hair dye was an option I decided would be a nice finishing touch.

I was out of gift card money by then, but I had one more thing to get, and scored it at a second-hand store for a price I was willing to pay out of my own money: a pair of worn but still intact tall black heeled boots. They were at least one size too big, but I planned to be on my back more than on my feet, so they would have to do.

The evening of Halloween, I sure was getting horny thinking about having sex with Donovan, so it felt right to walk around naked while I got myself ready. I had turned my hair a bright but deep crimson red the night before, so as not to have to mess with that when time was short. I had thought about shaving my pubic hair off, but reconsidered, deciding to take a risk and carefully “make the carpet match the drapes.” I must say, it turned out awesome!

I placed an assortment of red candy in my bucket, mostly cherry and cinnamon. In went the entire six pack of cherry-flavored condoms, and the cock rings. In case a cock ring didn’t keep Donovan from getting off too fast, I added the vibrator as the final item to my bucket of tricks.

After applying several coats of the edible body paint to my nipples, I smeared some ghoulish pale white makeup onto my face and blended it into my neck down to my choker necklace, under which I squeezed some drips of fake blood. After affixing my fangs to my canine teeth, I rubbed my blood-red lipstick into my lips and popped in my creepy red contact lenses. Affixing my long pointy fake nails, I painted the left ones black and the right ones crimson red, except one finger on each hand got the opposite color. I stepped into the tall shiny black high-heeled fuck-me boots and snugged my mask to my face. Finally, pulling on my full-length hooded black cloak and closing it around my otherwise naked body, my succulent succubus costume was complete!

I looked at myself in my full-length mirror, creeped out but excited at what I saw, opening my cloak to check out my crimson nipples and dark red bush. I decided to capture this look for posterity, setting up my phone’s self-timer to take at least a dozen photos of myself in various states of sultriness and nakedness. Since I couldn’t be recognized, I have thought about the possibility of uploading some to a naughty website… maybe I still will someday!

It had gotten dark outside, and the last of the texts I got from Sonja said that things had slowed down at their place, and to come on over! So I tapped into my ride-sharing app and sent a request to be picked up. A few minutes later, I was grabbing my bucket of goodies and heading out the door, climbing into the back seat of a sedan driven by an attractive middle-aged lady wearing cat ears and whiskers. She complimented me on my costume, which brought my attention to the fact that I was naked underneath the cloak.

I had her drop me off at an intersection two blocks from where Sonja and Donovan lived, to be sure that he wouldn’t see me arriving. I made my way to their house, which was mostly dark inside and out, and with a sudden increase in the excitement I was already feeling, stepped up and rang the doorbell. I waited for a minute, then rang the doorbell again, finally seeing some movement inside.

The outside light clicked on, and suddenly I almost panicked. Oh well, there was no backing out now! The door swung open, and Donovan was standing in the doorway, apparently thinking he was going to hand out some candy. I threw open my cloak, dropping it off my shoulders but keeping my hands in it so that it caught on my arms, feeling the cold rush of fall air as I exposed my nakedness full-frontal to him.

Watching his jaw drop as he froze, I greeted him with a “Happy Halloween” in a fake accent, like I was trying to sound like someone from Eastern Europe, like Hungary or wherever vampiresses are supposed to be from. He almost dropped the candy basket he was holding, fumbling to catch it. “Treek?” I swayed my breasts at him. “Or Treet?”

Standing there for quite a few seconds, exposed, I felt very vulnerable at first, and then more confident, as I realized he was shocked and didn’t know what to do, giving me time to look him over. He was wearing a Scottish kilt, high black socks and black shoes, a ruffled shirt that had the top two or three buttons undone, and a blazer over it. The shirt was definitely partially untucked, and his kilt was skewed sideways, giving me the impression that he might have been getting it on with Sonja and had to try to put himself together when the doorbell rang. I didn’t see Sonja.

“Um, what the—” he stuttered, nervously. “You need to… cover up, I mean… you can’t….”

Letting my open cloak drag behind me, I took a bold step forward, then another, right up to him.

“Who are you?” he asked, and turned inside, looking into the room. “Hey, I … I don’t know what’s….”

I said something like “Molovikta doma tchyed” in a hopefully-sexy deep fake accent, baring my fangs at him. Surprised at how my made-up nonsensical string of syllables actually might have sounded like another language. I pushed my way inside past Donovan. Sonja was sitting at the dining room table, and I saw her gasp and cover her mouth out of the corner of my eye, but I didn’t look directly at her. She was obviously shocked, probably expecting me to be in a boring cheerleader or sexy nurse outfit. I think I made the right choice.

I walked a circle around Donovan, and when I was behind him, my eyes met Sonja’s. “Oh. My. Gosh,” her mouth said, silently, smiling, astonished either at my elaborate costume or my brazen nudity. She was dressed in dark stockings and an old-timey looking (but short) dress with poofy wide sleeves, the cinched-up bodice pushing her titties up and together to form a large area of bare cleavage. I imagine Donovan was in there until my arrival interrupted him.

“Whoa, shiii— ” Donovan started to protest, or at least was acting like it. “I don’t know who this is,” he said to whomever might need to know.

Setting my bucket down, I dropped my cloak to the floor, standing there naked except for my boots and mask. “Eet ees a beauty-ful night, yes?” I said, shifting my weight from one leg to the other to tempt him with my curves, licking my lips at him and flicking my fangs with my tongue. He didn’t think to throw me out, or didn’t want to. All he could seem to think of was to hurriedly push the door shut so that if a neighbor happened to come by they wouldn’t see a naked temptress in his house.

I walked another complete circle around Donovan, then stood in front of him, my back toward him, and rubbed my bare body against him while we both looked at Sonja, who hadn’t moved. I grabbed Donovan’s hands and tried to fold them in front of me, but he didn’t seem to want to give Sonja the impression that he was in on this. I swayed, wiggling my ass on his front, and I swore I could feel the beginnings of an erection down there.

I turned toward him and looked up at him, pressing my bare boobs into his chest. “You haf candy for me? Treek or treet?” I flicked my tongue at him. He grabbed his candy basket, offering it to me, and I selected a soft candy — red, what else? — unwrapped it, and held it up to his lips. “Hold, plees?” He took it, one end protruding out of his mouth, and I reached up, encircling his neck with my arms while I licked the candy, which he continued to hold firmly in his teeth. After a few more licks, we kissed a few times wetly with the candy between our lips before he eventually released it so I could suck on it.

Sonja finally moved. Without saying a word, she stood and approached us, picked up my bucket, and slowly walked past the two of us, starting down the hallway, while I planted wet tongue kisses on her husband’s neck. She stopped and turned around to face us again, and I stepped in front of Donovan, facing her, arms out wide to cover him with my naked body. Something like “Hye croma mujeklaved ter sagnyck tolesh” came out of my mouth, which I imagined translating roughly to “I’m going to fuck your man and all you can do is watch.”

Sonja beckoned a few times with her finger, and when Donovan nudged me toward her, she turned to lead us down the hallway toward the back of the house.

Published 2 years ago

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