Subway Encounter

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It had been a late evening, and feeling a little down, I decided to leave my friends at the bar and make my way home. I found myself pondering between taking the late train or the taxi, but decided on cheapness over convenience.

I descended the damp, slippery and stained steps to the subway and purchased my ticket. The warm air rose to meet me as I continued downwards to the underground station. A single elevator brought three people up from the station below and I felt the air being sucked back down as the train left the platform. As usual, the down side was broken yet again. I was in no hurry.

It was empty, absolutely empty. I sat on the nearest metal bench and waited patiently for the first train that would take me home. I stared at the posters on the opposite wall and then down to the floor. For a subway station it was spookily silent. I lifted my head to the ceiling, clocked the CCTV camera and closed my eyes.

Watching… they were always watching.

My eyes sprang open to the clip-clop of someone walking along the platform. My head turned to my left and I saw her. My mouth must have dropped open because I felt my throat dry out almost instantly from the warm air.

I watched her walk slowly towards me. Her long blonde hair blended into her one piece white-woollen dress. The dress barely covered her thighs and I could see white stockings snake their way upwards; the tops just out of sight. She walked effortlessly towards me. If it were not for her black heels, I swear I would never have known she was there.

I was staring at her thighs as she passed me. My cock throbbed inside my trousers as I clocked the cheeks of her bum cling to the woollen dress. I saw her fumble in her bag and then something hit the floor and started to roll away from her.

She immediately bent down to pick it up. My cock stiffened significantly at the sight before me. Her dress rode up over her backside and her shaved pussy lips peeped from between the gap in her thighs; partly silhouetted by the bright lights from the opposite wall. To my surprise, she seemed to take her time picking up the object that she had dropped.

I swallowed hard and I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

As she straightened upright, she turned towards me. She smiled as she looked me straight in the eye.

Fuck, Now what? I thought. I had been well and truly caught ogling her.

I desperately wished the train would pull into the station so that I could escape. I tried to look away but I couldn’t. My eyes were locked in position by the action of some science fiction traction beam.

My head started to lift upwards, tracking her eyes as she walked towards me. She looked down on me; a pitiful pout emerged on her lips.

For the second time that night she bent forward, placing her bag on the seat next to me, her hands did something that caused me to gasp out loud.

It wasn’t long before my cock sprang free and her fist was firmly around it. I watched her hand move up and down my shaft as it engorged itself; eventually standing to attention, as if on parade.

I looked up at her as she moved to straddle me. In one easy move she engulfed me and sat down on my cock. My hands came up to her waist to steady her as my cock penetrated deep inside this beautiful vision. Her head tilted backwards and her eyes closed before she started to ride me.

She moved her body like a ballet dancer, her sex seemed to suck me in every time she moved forward. On the backward strokes she lifted her bum until her pussy was almost clear of my cock before pushing forwards again. It wasn’t long before my balls were emptying their contents in time to the loud guttural groans emanating from my mouth.

Splash after splash of spunk emptied inside her. I cursed myself. I don’t believe I gave her an orgasm, yet I saw a knowing smile develop on her face before she looked me in the eye once more. With my member spent she lifted herself off me, grabbed her bag and stood in front of me. She looked down once more, kissed her finger with her lips and planted it on mine.

Her smile developed into a broad grin as she walked away; swaying her hips as she rounded the corner and left.

Air rushed into the platform and I could hear the noise of an approaching train. I quickly pushed my cock back into my trousers and buckled them up. I ran to the entrance that she had just walked through but saw no-one. I looked up towards the escalator, still no-one.

The whine and screech of the train wrenched me back to the Eastbound platform. The taste of brake powder filled my lungs along with the damp, warm air. My cock was leaking into my trousers and I could see a developing wet patch near my right leg.

The platform fell silent once more, the doors whirred open and I reluctantly entered the train. I kept watching the concourse area as the doors closed but she never reappeared. My heart sank. I pondered my next move, should I come back tomorrow? Should I just look for her? Should I just put it down to ‘right time – right place’ and leave it there?

I sat in the nearest seat, my lips quivered as I noticed the poster of her, opposite me. In big letters, the words ‘Missing’ stood out boldly. Underneath was the police request for any information regarding the whereabouts of…

I stopped reading and just stared at the poster. I then remembered the camera.

Published 8 years ago

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