The key is to read the guy and feel when he is about to come. If you do, then it is easy, simply take him as far back in your throat as possible and let him shoot his load there. Why? Because there are no taste-buds there, it’s just a warm mess running down your throat.
The cock in my mouth was just about to reach that moment in time. My hand was gently cupping the balls letting my fingers feel for that first contraction while my ears were listening for those telling moans.
The owner of the cock was Mr. Gardner who happened to be a very nice man in his late thirties. Married to Mrs. Gardner, a rich bitch, and they had a little son, Greg who at that specific time was sleeping in his crib.
“Oh Ellie, how do you do it? How can someone so young suck cock so well,” moaned Mr. Gardner.
I didn’t answer. Instead, I used my hand on his wet shaft while rolling my tongue around his cock head. The result was a long moan, a few gasps, and his balls contracted. I quickly went down as far as I could and then he erupted in a fountain of hot cum and gasps.
Just as I had calculated the creamy liquid ran down my throat and I only had to swallow one time before I got up and brushed off my knees.
He was half lying in the chair and looked up at me with dreamy eyes.
“There should be a law against women like you,” he sighed.
I made sure there was no grass or dirt on my knees and then picked up my mini skirt that lay next to the chair. Mr. Gardner liked it when I wore it without panties.
“If there was, you wouldn’t get to have so much fun, would you now Mr. Gardner?”
He laughed and took my hands in his. “You are heaven sent, my dear.”
“Thanks, but I better go, your wife will be home any minute.”
“Yes, yes, of course. Will I see you tomorrow?”
I patted his cheek and fondled his limp cock before saying, “yes, you will.”
I was unlocking my bike when I saw Mrs. Gardner’s BMW drive up the street. After she had parked in the driveway she got out and walked around the car to where I stood.
She was dressed in her usual workout clothes, bright orange spandex shorts, and a matching top. She had a lean strong body with small tits and a flat ass.
“How’s little Greg?” she asked looking down her nose at me.
“Fine, he is sleeping.”
“Did Mr. Gardner pay you?”
I dug into my little purse and showed her the fifty dollar bill.
“Good, now run along and I will see you tomorrow.”
I watched her walk up the flagstone path to the mansion and when she had closed the door behind her I gave her the finger. If she only knew I had been blowing her husband for the last month she would shit kittens.
Oh life in suburbia, such heaven and such hell. It had been six weeks since my encounter with Carla. During that time I had turned seventeen got a job, well, several actually and my sister Pam had slowly come out of the shock after her husband, Drake, had left her.
Pam was the one who suggested I should babysit during the day while she was at work. I had no experience but that didn’t seem to matter once the parents knew I was Pam’s little sister.
I was surprised at how many of the parents were still in the house while I was working. I thought they would enjoy being with their children now that it was July and they were on vacation, but no. The mothers went to the gym, shopping, tea with friends or a hundred other social gatherings. The men would play golf, go fishing or simply hang around the pool and drink beer.
Did I care? No, I didn’t because that meant two things. I got paid and sometimes I got laid, which was a bonus.
You will be surprised at how many sexually starved men live in suburbia with their pretty wives and big houses. I, not being from the neighborhood but from the city gave the men something new to lay their eyes on. And did they? Each time I showed up in the morning at one of the mansions the husband would be in close vicinity ogling my tight ass or big tits. It would only take me a few minutes to read him and then make the appropriate signals with my body and he would come sniffing around me as soon as we were alone.
There was only one thing that was bugging me and that was Carla. I would see her strutting down the street or driving her red Viper and each time I did two things happened. One, my knees went weak from remembering our sex in my sister’s living room and two, the need for payback.
I liked her brother Rick and I wanted to spend more time with him, but Carla had him locked up like a virgin in a castle. I did see him of course, either driving by or at the strip mall but Carla was never far behind so there was no way of getting to him and it was driving me nuts.
As a way to deal with her anger from being dumped Pam began going to the local gym and of course she dragged me along with her.
I didn’t enjoy working out at all and felt stupid doing crunches or lifting weights. I did enjoy the stationary bikes though and I would spend most of the hour on one while Pam huffed and puffed with her personal trainer.
Pam was extremely popular around the gym and to be honest, anywhere she went. She is tall, has honey blond hair and her face is just perfect. She is the all-American beauty that all men jerk off to. Add to that her bubbly personality and a way to blend in with everyone you had the perfect socialite. The only problem was she was not the money maker. Her ex, Drake, sent her money every month and the neighborhood knew it. This meant that she was almost never invited to the parties or other social gatherings. She spent most of her time either at work or at home with me. I had suggested she should get out and meet someone new but she wasn’t ready according to her.
I look nothing like my older sister. Where she is blond and pretty I am dark with a raw sexuality. Big boobs, round ass, shorter than my sister, with pouty lips and seductive brown eyes and long dark curly hair that I use as a prop to get men’s attention. I was a walking talking sexual predator, only seventeen, but with by now many cocks under my belt.
I suspected that the neighborhood men talked about me and maybe even compared notes. Not that I cared, by August I would be out of there and back in the city with my friends and parents. I figured I should have as much fun as possible during my short stay in suburbia and maybe even get a chance to get back at Carla.
There was one person that I did like and enjoyed spending time with and that was Josie. She worked in the fancy cafe at the strip mall and hated the rich bitches as much as I did.
Josie was the same age as I and we had other things in common too. We both liked sex and since Josie had been working in the cafe for a year she knew exactly which husbands to go after and which to stay away from. We would hang out at the mall after she finished work talking and laughing. She was the one who had told me about Mr. Gardner and his love for blowjobs. The man was intriguing because he had never asked either Josie or me to fuck us, all he wanted was a good BJ and he was a happy camper. This was great since it was a fast way to get him off with little risk of being caught by the wife.
Josie had been busted a couple of times and preferred to keep a low profile during the summer. The last time got ugly and she was chased out of the house by the wife wielding a kitchen knife. The police was never called because the family didn’t want it on the records that Josie had fucked the investment banker husband in the matrimonial bedchamber.
“What’s the latest gossip?” I asked Josie.
We were sitting in the park watching a group of kids playing touch football. It was late in the evening but the sun was still warm on our skin. I wore a short skirt and a sleeveless flannel shirt knotted under my boobs. The first two buttons were open and swell of my boob was clearly visible. Men loved the trailer trash look and would stare at me.
Josie wore hot pants, high tops, and a white tank top. Her boobs weren’t as big as mine but she had a nice firm ass that attracted a lot of attention. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail high on her head while mine flowed down my back.
“Mrs. Holden want’s to divorce her husband,” she said while licking the ice cream she was holding, a pink long tongue moving up and down.
“Why, what did he do?”
“The usual, he fucked his secretary during a business trip. Apparently, she is a hot thing of twenty-two, and you know what Mrs. Holden looks like.”
I laughed. “Yeah, and it doesn’t matter how many hours she spends at the gym, she will still look like a sack of potatoes.”
We both laughed at my joke and then I said. “Have you seen Rick?”
Josie went down on her ice cream and swallowed it whole. When she was done she wiped her full mouth with the back of her hand and then turned to me.
“You need to stop going after him, there is no way Carla will let you get close to him.”
“What’s up her ass anyway, why does she protect him so much?”
“She doesn’t want him to meet a girl, that’s all. I have seen him with guys several times but never with a girl, ever.”
“That is so strange.”
“Forget about it. Who’s the latest man who has tasted your sweet ass?”
I gave her an innocent look and put my index finger to my lips. “What do you mean?”
She laughed and elbowed me gently. “C’mon, tell me.”
“Okay, last week I was sitting for the Hamptons, you know, Mr.Hampton who drives the red Ferrari.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Well, Mrs. Hampton was away and their kid was taking his nap when I walked in on him jerking off to some internet porn.”
Josie laughed. “Classic!”
“Anyway, I didn’t say anything at first just stood in the doorway to his home office watching him.”
“What porn does he like?”
“I am not sure but he was watching a woman being fucked in the ass by a big Afro-American guy.”
“So, what happened?”
“I waited until he was close to squirting and then I walked in. When he saw me he dropped his cock and tried to turn off the laptop. He failed and instead he turned up the volume. While the woman was screaming and the guy was fucking her I walked up to Mr. Hampton and simply stood between him and the laptop.”
“What did he do?”
“It’s what I did. I went down on my knees and before he could protest I took his cock in my mouth and began to suck him.”
“You are such a slut! I love it.”
“Anyway, while I was blowing him he managed to turn off the computer. I knew he wanted me because he has been giving me the looks since I began working for them. It was just a question time before he would make his move. I simply made it for him.”
“Was he any good?”
I flicked my hair out of my face and gave her a sideway look. “Nice fat cock but he can’t go for very long; he blew his load just a few minutes after he stuck it in me from behind.”
“So sad, I wish more men could hold it longer. I mean, by the time I start feeling good they are on the verge of coming and if they do, that’s it, time to go home and then I have to rub my clit and I hate to masturbate.”
I giggled and put my arm around her shoulder. “Didn’t you know that your fingers are your best friend?”
“Sure, but they don’t fill me up.”
I remembered my sister’s vibrator which I used without her knowing it. I told Josie about it and her jaw dropped.
“Are you serious? God, I wish I had one, I swear I would use it every day.”
“Hey, why don’t you come by tomorrow, you can borrow Pam’s.”
She made a face. “That’s nasty! I don’t want to use the same toy that has been in hers and your pussy.”
“I wash it afterward, stupid. Come by before your shift starts and I’ll lend it to you. Just make sure you get it back to me before seven when Pam comes home.”
She thought for a moment and then nodded, “okay.”
The sun had set and we decided it was time to go back. She lived twenty minutes away on her bicycle and I had a ten-minute walk in front of me. We hugged and then went our separate ways.
I had promised Pam to pick up some groceries so I headed over to the shop in the mall before it closed.
While I made my way along the aisles I listen to the other women talk. No one paid me much attention even though they knew me as the babysitter. I had sat for most of them and had fucked some of their husbands. It always made me smile when I thought about how proud they were over the money their husbands made and the things they bought. If only they knew my seventeen-year-old pussy was what their husbands wanted.
“Did you hear about what happened to the Hawthorn’s?” said a voice in the next aisle.
I stopped in my tracks and pricked my ears. The woman was talking about Carla and Rick’s family.
“No, what happened?” said another voice, older than the first.
I peeked through the shelves and saw two women I had only seen at the cafe while waiting for Josie. I had never sat for either of them.
“Well, my sister told me that when she was at the courthouse the other day the Hawthorne’s were there with a gang of lawyers raising hell.”
“About what?”
“You will never believe it. It turns out that their son, Rick is adopted and now his biological mother wants to get custody.”
“Oh my God, that’s just awful.”
“Yes, it is. The poor boy has lived with them since he was only two months old, and now he finds out he is adopted.”
“Wait a minute, they never told him?”
“Not as far as I know.”
The women walked down the aisle and I tried to follow on my side so I could hear the rest of the story but they…