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New galaxies were born tonight
The angels sang on high
All lovers took to bended knee
New colors filled the sky

The forest creatures stared in awe
The birds were mute as stone
The waves were frozen at their crest
A weeping willow moaned

Hand in hand we flew above
The quiet earth below
The buck who saw our shadows pass
Bowed to honor his loved doe

Verdant carpets spread ‘neath our feet
Our love so fresh and light
Each blade of grass remained untrod
While we floated through the night

For through cool mists you came to me
Your fingers traced my face
With kisses like a fairy’s breath
You set my heart to race

You filled my head with pixie dust
Your laughter filled my ears
I bubbled, frothed and burst apart
You calmed my every fear

We’ve memories that we never lived
We’ve dreamt them while awake
They flicker through my every thought
I glimpse “us” in each new place

So twirl me through the atmosphere
While I giggle as we spin
Let people stare and wonder how
Hearts crescendo without end.

They say…

Some souls connect without a touch
Some stardust sparks then flames
Illuminated within from love
Twin halves turn whole again.

Published 8 years ago

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