Sub-boy Academy

"Mistress measures the dicks of the new sub-boy recruits."

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“Send in the next boy on your way out, please,” I instructed, closing the chastity cage securely.

The sullen boy didn’t say a word; he didn’t even raise his embarrassed eyes from the ground. He simply shuffled his scrawny naked body out of the room while I logged his particulars in my notebook under the heading “Number 5”.

‘So far so good,’ I thought, paging through the book of sub-boys I have already logged today. ‘Perhaps this month’s recruits will do better…’

There was a knock on the door. I closed the book again.


The door slowly swung open to reveal a tall boy with dark hair and wide eyes.

“Welcome to the Sub Academy, Number 6,” I smiled. “Consider yourself very lucky that your Mistress loved you enough to send you for proper training.”

“I do; I’m very lucky…” you said, barely audible. You seemed shy but tried to keep a brave face.

“Come here, darling, let me have a closer look at you,” I ordered, and you obeyed, closing the door behind you.

Up close, your face was even prettier, very feminine. “Such a cutie-pie…” I got up and pinched your cheek, getting a better look at your features.

You blushed.

“Let’s see what we’re working with, Number 6,” I tapped my long, wooden ruler on the table. “Strip!” I demanded firmly.

“I… um… everything?” you asked in a shaky voice.

I pointed my ruler at the five neat piles of clothes against the wall. “Everything, please. Folded properly. I’m not in the mood for another brat; Number 5 was a handful. I don’t know if you’ve noticed those painful lashes on his ass when he left… but you don’t want to disobey me, understood?”


“Yes, Madame,” I corrected you. “I may not be your Mistress, but while you are under my roof, you will show respect and do as I say.”

“Yes, Madame,” you lowered your eyes and started unbuttoning your shirt.

One by one the layers came off until you were only in your boxer shorts.

You folded your clothes and put them in the pile.

“Those too…” I said, pointing my ruler at your crotch area.

You slowly slid the boxers down, hunching down to fold them without having to show yourself. Carefully, you stood up, now completely exposed and vulnerable in the bright light of my office.

“There you go, now we can begin your induction,” I got up and walked around you to get a better look at your whole body.

I gently tapped your bum with my ruler.

You jumped in surprise.

I laughed out loud.

“You really need to be less jumpy, Number 6. It will make your training much more effective if you don’t try and fight it.”

You nodded; your cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

“Okay, enough time-wasting. Let’s get started… Do you see the numbers there on the corner of the table?” I asked, pointing my ruler to the measurements on the glass.

You nodded.

“Do you know what it’s for?”

You shook your head uncertainly.

“We’re going to see how small you are,” I said. “Come closer, stand right up against the glass… there you go… now lift that sad cock of yours onto the table… It’s going to be a little cold, but you’ll get used to it.”

You hesitated only momentarily before doing as you were told, putting your soft flesh on the cold surface.

I pulled your dick into position to make sure the measurement read correctly.

“Hmm… tow-point-nine inches… poor boy, it’s very small,” I made a note in my book, shaking my head at your pathetic manhood.

You looked away, blushing blood red.

“Next one,” I announced, wrapping my hand around your flaccid skin and lifting it off the table.

You whimpered softly.

“Ah, I see someone hasn’t been allowed to cum in a while. You’re so sensitive. How long has it been?” I gently massaged your cock.

“Three weeks…” you were already growing hard, submitting to my touch instantly, desperately almost.

“Does it feel good, Number 6?” I grinned, circling your circumcised tip with my index finger.

“Yes…” you said softly.

“Yes, who?” I grabbed your balls hard, and you gasped.

“Yes, Madame… I’m sorry!”

I let go and stroked your shaft one more time until you were fully hard.

“Good boy, now let’s see how you measure when fully erect… Put it back on the table, please.”

This time you didn’t hesitate.

“Barely four inches… tsk tsk…” I left you standing there, wallowing in the embarrassing information while I logged it in my notebook.

Next, I took your weight, your height, and measured your waist, carefully logging it on the page. Afterward, I interrogated you about your habits, self-care routine, and experience as a sub — amongst other things.

Slowly your erection subsided as you answered my questions, just awkwardly standing there exposed.

“Okay, that should be it, Number 6… You are almost ready to go join the others. You will be shown to your room once you leave my office. Please shower and be ready for dinner at seven. You’ll find your appropriate outfit laid out on your bed. I’ll come put in the tail myself, don’t worry.”

You nodded.

“Now come here, let’s get you ready for your training,” I waved you over and you walked to my chair.

I opened one of my desk drawers to reveal an assortment of chastity cages in various sizes, colors, and materials, all lined up neatly in rows.

“Hmm… let’s see… Ah yes, perfect,” I took out a small metal cage that fit your dimensions. You stood perfectly still as I went through the ritual steps of putting it on, not even flinching when I handled your sensitive balls. “Not the first time you’re being put in one of these, hey?” I asked and you shook your head — no, it wasn’t.

“Let’s see if we can make you the best sub you can be,” I clicked the lock into place. “You want to make your Mistress happy, right?”

“More than anything!”

“Good boy. Now send in Number 7 on your way out…”

Published 2 years ago

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