In a low voice, she murmured, “How’s this, Uncle Addie? Is this okay?”
He shook his head to clear it, shaking off his mesmerized gazed, and croaked in a dry, hoarse voice “Oh, Honey (click) I can’t describe it. (click)”
She chuckled, then, knowing that he was already having difficulty because of the simple beauty of his niece. Even her low laugh carried a charged sexuality that was evident clear across the room. Her highlighted blonde hair cascaded over one shoulder, and the straight sheen of it seemed to glow in the studio lights. He had to touch the alabaster smoothness of her skin, to convince himself that she was real and not some fantasy produced out of his fevered mind. He re-positioned her hand a little more in front, and as he touched the warm skin of her arm, an almost physical shock ran through him; instead of just letting go of her hand, he took the opportunity to slide it across her nubile pubic mound, tracing along the top of her waistband with his thumb, exploring her privates with his fingers. He watched her carefully as he did so, but her sly smile didn’t disappear, and he was emboldened to run his palm across her tummy, tickling her navel and running along the little ridges formed as a result of her stance.
As he bent nearer, she whispered up into his ear, “Let me change positions (click), for you, Uncle (click), okay? And you can get a few different shots.(clickclickclick)”
He nodded weakly, unable to speak in the presence of her beauty, and stepped back to the camera.
She leaned forward, placing her hands on the floor and walked them out away from the wall until her torso was on the floor. She looked up from under her hair, pulling it back over her ear, but leaving those two strands across her face.
She noticed the bulge in his pants again and felt an interesting sense of power, as if to say to herself, “Look what I can do!”
She lifted her legs and crossed her ankles, smiling that Mona Lisa half-smile of hers and noticed that he had again had to touch himself, adjusting the apparent hard on within. He came over to her, knelt beside her and made a few adjustments in her posture, tilting her head slightly and dropping her bra straps so that her beautiful cleavage was evident.
He leaned forward more and smelled the clean, fresh scent of her hair, and kissed the top of her head, saying, “There is not a lovelier girl on the planet (click) not one.”
He dropped to his belly, pointing the camera almost eye-level with her and began shooting again. Emma noticed that as he took the pictures, he rocked his pelvis back and forth, grinding against the floor, almost as if he had an itch. “His willy must be all itchy.” And chuckled again to realize that SHE was the cause of his discomfort.
She rolled over on her back, slipping the bra straps back up and said laughingly, “Come on, let me change into another outfit, and let’s change scenes.” Whilst he re-set the camera and lights at the bed, she turned her back to him and reached back, unfastening her bra, and slipping it quickly off. She reached down and picked up a jeweled front-clasped bra and began to thread her arms into the straps. He simply stared at her lovely bare back and longed to mold his naked body against hers.
Her hair fell across her shoulders and she laughed merrily again, “Maybe you need to take a break!” she said.
He laughed with her, but mopped the sweat from his forehead and stammered, “I think I should!” and bolted quickly from the room.
“Hmmm,” she thought to herself, “I wonder why he did that?”
A few minutes later, he returned, his face a crimson blush, and slightly out of breath. She held his eyes for a little bit to be sure he noticed her gaze, and then dropped them to stare straight at his crotch. He glanced down himself and flushed a brighter red as he realized that there was a growing wet spot on his fly, obviously leftovers from his short sabbatical into the next room.
“Oh, Geez…” he said embarrassed, as he turned away from her.
She chuckled softly and quickly undid the string holding her top together, letting it hang open, barely covering her nubile breasts. She leaned back again and said in a husky, sultry voice, much older than her years, “Uncle Addie… look at me!”
He shivered slightly at the lustful sound in her voice and slowly turned to face her. His face felt hot with blushing, but her eyes twinkled as she her top off over her head, let it fall to the floor, and bent slightly as she reached for her thong. She never lost eye contact as she slowly loosed the knots at her hips. The fabric fell away from her body, but was still trapped between her legs. She smiled coyly at him, and kept a steady gaze toward him.
She opened her legs, let the bottom fall to the floor, and asked huskily… “How’s this Uncle?”
He stared open-mouthed and could almost feel himself drooling. She laughed a tinkling laugh that reminded him of little crystal bells and beckoned him forward with her finger. He walked toward her in a daze, almost stumbling forward until he could reach out and touch her shoulders. “So smooth and soft” he thought to himself. He leaned forward to embrace her, but she slipped thru his arms and slid down his body until she was on her knees in front of him. She undid the clasp of his shorts, reached into his boxers and came up with his rapidly stiffening penis. Her warm, moist mouth engulfed him and he moaned as she slid her mouth down his shaft and clasped him with her lips. She sucked on his cock like a newborn calf hungrily suckling for the first time. Her tongue swirled against the underside of his head and her hand pumped his shaft.
He threw his head back and thought “She’s … sucking… my… dick!” and that thought was all it took. Somehow, the word ‘dick’ seemed nastier and more exciting to him. He grunted and grabbed her head and pulled her to his crotch and let out a loud groan as his orgasm let loose in her mouth. Even though he had masturbated to cum only minutes before… this was more intense that he had ever experienced. She milked his shaft with her hand, always working her tongue until she had drained every drop from him. And still she didn’t stop. She licked along his shaft, and sucked on his cockhead, her tongue explored his little hole until she had completely cleaned him. He let go of her head and she sat back on her heels, breathing heavily, and smiled up at him.
“Did I do ok, Uncle?” she panted.
And he knew that his relationship with her had changed forever… for the better!