Student Teacher – Part One

"An experienced teacher mentors his female college student"

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I had been teaching algebra at my second high school for a decade when I received an email from the principal notifying me that I would be having a new student teacher for periods four through seven starting the following Monday.

Old Mrs. Skinner continued, “She is a math major and wants to become a teacher, so I thought you’d be the perfect mentor for her.” She filled me in with a few other details that the college student was a working on her teaching credential at nearby University of California at Davis, lived in Lodi, and her name was Crystal Calderon.

I was in my sixteenth-year teaching, divorced for three years, and was experiencing a midlife crisis at age forty. I was getting irritated with the poor behavior of high school kids (read as: punks), Skinner’s lack of discipling problem students, and I was looking into open teaching spots at the high schools in our district.

Monday’s fourth period started, and I was expecting the new student teacher, but she did not arrive. About twenty minutes into the class there was a knock at the door and the student in back opened it up.

“Is this Mr. Haley’s class?” I heard. The student said yes, and a beautiful young woman entered my classroom. “Hi, I’m Miss Calderon, your new student teacher. Sorry I’m late, I had to get my picture taken for my ID badge.”

As she walked through the rows of desks, I told her I had been expecting her. I also noticed some of the eleventh-grade boys checking her out and signaling to their friends to look at her.

“Welcome, Miss Calderon. Give me a few minutes to finish this problem and the students will start working on their assignment and we can talk.”

Ten minutes later the kids were given the problem numbers to work on in class and their nightly homework. I grabbed an extra chair and moved it next to my desk. “Please, have a seat.”

Crystal was model gorgeous. Tall at 5’-10” in heels, a size six-eight, average breasts, long black hair tied into a loose ponytail, and the prettiest eyes. She was a bit overdressed in a black pencil skirt, a royal blue blouse which looked great on her Latina skin, and short 2-inch heels. She wore nice makeup and had long fake lashes, nice fingernails, and perfect brows. She was stunning.

“First,” I said, “you look very professional, but you’re a bit over dressed for the job.”

She cut me off, “I know. I’m twenty-three and I need to have the students respect me. If I were dressed casually, I don’t think I’d earn their respect.”

“You’re probably right,” I said. “I wish more young teachers thought like you do. There is probably a dozen under-thirty teachers on campus who must wear jeans and a hoodie three days a week. However, I might suggest one more button on your blouse. These boys don’t need another distraction.” She blushed slightly, but I wasn’t sure if it was from the eleventh-graders checking her out, or me.

“You’re dressed nice, Mr. Haley. Not many men teachers wear ties these days,” Crystal said.

“Thank you,” I told her. “My mentor, Mr. Shinn, wore a tie every single day of his career. I wear a tie about three days a week.”

Soon the bell signaling the end of the period rang and the students exited quickly since it was now lunch for the eleventh graders. I asked her if she had brought lunch and Crystal told me she did not, but that she was not hungry. “I’ll grab something after school.”

“I usually go to the staff room for lunch but let’s stay her and get to know each other,” I told her.

Over the next thirty minutes we shared basic information like where we grew up, our college experiences, and family stuff. Crystal was the first person in her family to earn a college degree as her parents immigrated to California in the early 1990s. And she emphasized that her folks immigrated legally, and both are now USA citizens.


During her first month Crystal and I became good friends, sharing more personal stories, and she was soaking up how to present new lessons, classroom management, and identifying students who might be struggling with new algebra concepts.

I’d be lying if I did not admit that I had fantasized about having sex with this beautiful young Latina. And masturbating. I enjoyed hearing her Monday stories of her weekend activities out dancing at area clubs with her girlfriends, tales of guys trying to hit on her, and her families Sunday night dinners with her two younger siblings at her parents.

Curiously, I had to ask about guys hitting on her. “They all have some bullshit line and are just trying to get laid,” she said. “Oh, I shouldn’t have said that I’m sorry. But you know what I mean.”

I laughed and confirmed that I understood. “I was their age once.”


After one crazy Friday we both commented after school that we couldn’t wait to get home to have a to relax with a drink. I saw an opening and took my shot. “Would you like to meet up at local winery for a bottle of wine? Four o’clock?”

The smile of her face gave me hope. “That sounds great,” she said. “I’ve been wanting to go to Sunset Farms. Is that, okay?”

“I haven’t been there either so that works great,” I told her. “I’ll go home and change into a more casual shirt and meet you there at 4pm.”

As I made the short drive home my mind was racing with all kinds of scenarios. All which ended with Crystal in my bed. I laughed at myself thinking there was no way this young beauty would be interested in hooking up with an older man, let alone me. Even at age forty I was still in good shape at 6’-2” and 200 pounds. I went to the gym several days a week, did a lot of mountain biking during the summers, and still enjoyed swimming laps thanks to my high school water polo glory days.

When I pulled into the parking lot at the winery, I saw Crystal standing by the tasting room door. As I approached, we said hello and much to my surprise Crystal stepped up to me, opened her arms, and we embraced in a nice short hug. “I hope that was okay,” she said.

“Off campus, yes. We’re here as friends, not co-workers. And let’s limit our ‘Teacher Talk’ to a minimum,” I said. “To be honest, that was the first hug I’ve had from a woman in months. It was nice.”

“We need to find you a woman,” Crystal said in a half serious tone.

“Blah, blah, blah… you sound like my sister,” I joked. “She wants me to try online dating.”

We entered the tasting room and looked around. It was a big room with several sitting areas, a gift section, and a large river rock fireplace. The long wine bar had a few visitors. As we walked up, we were greeted by an attractive woman about my age. “First time at Sunset Farms?” she asked.

I said yes and explained that we’re co-workers and that we both live in town. I didn’t want the woman to think we were a dating couple. Crystal told her, “We had a rough day and want to unwind.”

We learned her name was Connie and she asked if we’d like to do a tasting flight or simply buy a bottle. Since it was our first time, we opted for the flight of five wines. After we finished the flight, we agreed to get a bottle of their estate grown Zinfandel. Connie suggested we sit on the patio since it was a beautiful April day, “I’ll bring out your bottle. Go find a nice spot.”

Crystal and I found a small table in the shade and soon Connie brought out our bottle and two glasses. It was then I noticed Connie did not wear a wedding ring. I filed that fact in the back of my head and turned my attention to my young student teacher.

We begin talking about traveling and locations we’ve been and what is on our so-called bucket list. Like most young women she’s been to many places in California, and family vacations in Cancun and Hawaii. When she said she loved San Diego I reminded her that is where I went to college and how I visit twice a year to see my old fraternity brothers and friends. “I’d love for you to show me around. I was sixteen and with my family, and all we did was the tourist stuff. The zoo, Sea World, Balboa Park, Mission Beach, La Jolla, and quick visits at the three big colleges.”

I laughed and teased her, “Oh, I’m sure your father would approve of you going to San Diego with me.”

“He wouldn’t need to know,” Crystal said with a devilish grin as she placed her hand on my knee.

I looked her in the eyes quickly, then down to her hand, and back to her eyes. I was tongue-tied. “What are you saying?”

“I see the way you look at me. I have those same thoughts about you, Jay,” she said.

I tried to play it cool, “Crystal, you’re a beautiful young woman. And I apologize if I look at you too often or too long. But I’m your mentor, and I’m also seventeen-years older than you.”

She looked around the patio and whispered, “I’m not talking about dating you seriously. But, you know, a ‘friends with benefits’ relationship.”

My head was spinning with what I was hearing. Plus most of my blood rushed to my cock as I was now hard as a rock. “Oh,” was all I said at first. After about a three second pause I continued, “I had never thought that you’d be interested in me in that way. You know, sexually.”

Crystal smiled, “You’re handsome and a very nice man.”

I interjected, “It might ruin our friendship and cause issues at school.”

“Don’t over analyze it. It’s because of our two months together in the classroom that I want to have some fun with you. I’m learning so much from watching you teach and all of your advice. Besides, you’re a great guy. What do you think?” she said.

I took a deep breath, held it for a moment, and exhaled deeply. “I’m flattered, but I don’t know. What if we got caught?”

“Jay, we’re both consenting adults. Why would we get in trouble at work if someone found out?” she said.

She was right. I had no rebuttal. Slowly the thoughts of being naked with her were racing through my scrambled brain. Then it clicked with me, as the old Nike slogan said, “Just Do It!” The reality was that I had not been laid in nine months. Nine long months.

“I’ll get another bottle of wine. Let’s go back to my house,” I told Crystal.

She smiled and said, “Lead the way.”

Published 3 years ago

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